The benefits of parsley are indisputable for humans. In terms of frequency of use in cooking, it ranks first among the greens. It contains folic and ascorbic acid, potassium and calcium, selenium and iron. Do you have a piece of land or has the garden season ended? This is no reason to remain without parsley. Of course, it can be purchased in the store or on the market. However, it is much more interesting to grow seeds from seeds independently at home on a windowsill or on a balcony.
It is possible to make at any time of the year .If you create normal conditions for the growth of seedlings, then you will harvest greenery both in winter and in early spring.
- What sort of choose to grow on a balcony or windowsill
- early varieties curly
- parsley With early period
- ripening Soil preparation for planting
- Choice
- tank Sowing seeds at home
- Rules care
- Watering
- Weeding and hoeing
- Feeding
- Thinning
- Harvesting
Which variety to choose for growing on the balcony or windowsill
By the appearance of the green parsley is divided into large-leaf and curly .What to choose for growing at home, decide for yourself. It's a matter of taste.

In terms of ripening parsley is divided into early, middle and late varieties .To grow on the windowsill of an apartment, choose early varieties.
Early ripe varieties of curly parsley
"Emerald lace" - height 15 cm, fragrant variety with curly leaves, quickly increases the green mass after cutting.
"Astra" - height up to 15 cm, leaves are corrugated, rich green in color, grows quickly after pruning. Rosette bush dense, fluffy.

With early ripening
"Morning freshness" - bush rosette strong, height up to 20 - 30 cm, new shoots grow quickly. After cutting the foliage stays fresh for a long time.
"Madam" - the bush is quite high, up to 35 cm. The greens are juicy, dark green, up to 20 leaves form in the socket.

You can get greens at home by sprouting parsley roots from the garden. This method will allow to harvest already after three to four weeks .
Preparation of soil for planting
The soil for planting parsley should be loose, without lumps .It is better to buy ready-mixed soil. You will be sure that it does not contain pest larvae and fungal spores, which will harm not only the parsley crops, but also all the indoor plants.
It is recommended to add biohumus( for fertility), perlite or vermiculite( to retain moisture in the soil) and coconut fiber( for loosening the soil).
Selection of containers
This can be a pot, a box or a container. The height of the pot should be not less than 25 cm .Clay pots have a porous structure that allows air to penetrate to the roots of the plant. In addition, excess moisture will quickly evaporate in such a vessel.

Plastic containers are more practical to use. Their disadvantage is that they do not allow air. Therefore, overflow will cause rotting of the roots of the plant.
Sowing Seeds at Home
Consider the steps of sowing parsley seeds:
- soak the seeds for a day in the stimulator for better germination. Zircon, Appin or Pennant may be used;The
- box or planting pot should have a drain hole for draining excess water. If there is no pallet in the container, it is possible to pour a layer of claydite from baked clay on its bottom. Thus, you protect parsley roots from rotting;
- Before planting seeds, lightly pour the soil and tamp it down. Place the parsley seeds in the soil to a depth of 1 cm .Plant seeds in grooves or loose;
- seed container covered with foil. So the seeds will grow faster. It must be removed for a few hours a day for airing;
- , before seed germination, should be placed in a darkened place, , and after germination, transferred to an illuminated window sill;
- turn the pot with shoots once every two or three days, so that the seeds do not reach for the sun.
Treatment rules

Watering is moderate as the soil dries out .It is better to water a little, but every other day, than to pour the plant once a week.
After the seedlings appear, water the carefully under the root .For irrigation use separated water at room temperature. Good will feel the shoots of parsley in the kitchen in conditions of high humidity. Lighting. Ideally, place the seed pot on the southeast window sill.
You can also use the fitolamp to illuminate and extend daylight. It is recommended to include it for 3-4 hours a day.
Phytolamp - a lamp for plants that prolongs daylight hours, accelerates the growth of seedlings and the development of fruits. Lamps with cold, blue light are used when growing seedlings when the plant needs to increase the root mass. Lamps with a warm, red light are used to end the growing season and to improve flowering.
Weeding and Loosening
This procedure is performed by every other day by .That is, one day - water, the second - weed the soil.
Loosening the soil helps the air flow to the roots. It contains carbon dioxide, which enters the roots and participates in photosynthesis. Also, when loosening, the soil crust is removed, which contributes to the development of root rot.
Top dressing

For greens, use complex fertilizers with a high nitrogen content. These can be drugs Kemira Lux, Fertika, Master .Mineral fertilizers are preferably alternated with organic( Gumat7, Gumat potassium).
should be used with caution to make mineral fertilizers when growing greens. Parsley plant quickly accumulates nitrates with irregular feed application.
Necessary procedure in the care of seedlings. Thin out the seedlings need to make room for the sun for each sprout. Oxygen will better penetrate the soil to the roots.
The first harvest of parsley grown on the windowsill will be to collect in 1.5 months .

In the future, cut the greens at a height of 10-15 cm, once every two to three weeks .It is clear that large yields should not be expected. A couple of pots of parsley will provide you with fresh herbs for first courses and salads.
Parsley in room conditions, with proper care, can grow throughout the year. A year later, will have to plant new seeds.
As you can see, growing parsley on the windowsill is not difficult. To do this, just prepare the seeds, soil and capacity. Devote this business for some time to get home greens. You will know that parsley is grown without nitrates and has not been treated with chemicals. In addition, the process of growing very fascinating.