When planning garden beds in the garden, it is important to consider the compatibility of vegetable crops. Gardeners more than once had to deal with the problem of low yields in the absence of any preconditions for this. And the reason may be banal - an uncomfortable neighborhood, so you need to know what can be planted and what is not.
Compatibility and locationstrawberries in open ground
Compatibility and proximity of plants and vegetables in the garden
DunnI article reveals all the secrets of the garden arrangement, because of what the plant is planted in close proximity to the growth and development depends on both cultures, and most importantly their fruiting.
When disembarking, taking into account compatibility, it is quite possible for to increase yield by 15-20% .Particular attention should be paid to the selection of a neighbor when placing on the same bed or in the greenhouse of several types of vegetables.
Approximately the same growing conditions facilitate the care of shoots:
- light intensity;
- watering mode;
- soil preparation for planting;
- feed dressing.
If you plant bad neighbors, is fraught with the following consequences:
- attracting insects that create a lot of problems for young shoots;
- lesion of fungal infection as a result of waterlogging;
- negative impact of waste products, as a result of which the neighbor develops poorly or stops growing.

Experienced gardeners use invaluable knowledge in practice, observing a number of planted plants every year.
What you can plant next to potatoes
One of the most popular vegetables, which is included in the list of main products for winter preparations .Before its landing, predecessors are taken into account.
The best are:
- carrots;
- siderites;
- cucumber;
- legumes;
- onion;
- pepper;
- cabbage;
- beets.

beans Do not use the same section annually , get a good harvest with such a plan does not work. Also, there are low rates of fruit bearing potatoes, if placed on a former tomato garden.
Regarding neighbors, the plant exhibits more tolerance than mutually beneficial consolidation. The best compatibility is only with beans.
He doesn’t like to be friends with cucumbers, onions, tomatoes and cabbage. And certainly you should not place potatoes nearby: peas, beets and celery. With the rest of the plants root vegetable gets on normally.
Tomatoes neighbors
The areas where the following crops were previously grown are considered to be a favorable place for growing tomatoes:
- cauliflower;
- turnip;
- cucumber;
- greens;
- onion;
- carrots;
- beets.
Among the of the worst predecessors: potatoes, peas and zucchini. According to the rules of crop rotation, planting vegetables at the same place is performed by after 3-4 years of , therefore, it is not necessary to use a former tomato garden bed for tomato seedlings.

is well suited for neighbors When choosing a neighbor for tomatoes, the plant's tendency to late blight is taken into account as .This fact excludes the proximity of tall crops, in particular potatoes, which is also able to “share” the Colorado potato beetle and other pests.
It is recommended to choose companions:
- beans;
- radish;
- maize;
- radish;
- cabbage;
- pepper;
- onion and other green vegetables.
There is no negative effect on tomatoes from adjacent beds with parsnips, strawberries, kohlrabi, lettuce, and spinach.
Planting peppers with other vegetables
When planting peppers, one should take into account the belonging of its varietal feature. Sweet, Bulgarian and bitter varieties are placed separately against each other to avoid cross-pollination. From predecessors are more suitable:
- legumes;
- cabbage( early varieties);
- onion;
- greens;
- cucumbers;
- wheat( winter);
- perennial herbs.
Do not choose areas after potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes and Physalis. When grown on the planned bed of other plants, there are no strict restrictions under the pepper.
It is possible to locate an pepper bed with in the vicinity of such crops:
- carrots;
- Basil
- Onions;
- coriander.

Cucumbers For growing greens, the soil environment after cabbage and tomatoes is more suitable. And the predecessors from the pumpkin crop family are the most undesirable.
The yield of cucumbers has a positive effect dill , so it is taken not only as a companion, but also sown interspersed.
: Onions, beans, peas, garlic, spinach have a beneficial effect on the development of crisps. Calendula, placed in the aisle, will create a reliable protection against insects that feed on young cucumber foliage.

is recommended to refuse from the neighborhood with potatoes, radishes and tomatoes, plants have a negative effect on each other.
The planting of cabbage is planned by after peas, beans, cucumbers .Do not spoil the soil environment: pepper, carrot and green .And fodder beet and other representatives of cruciferous cultures are considered to be bad predecessors.
It is easy to pick up the neighborhood with cabbage, many plants are suitable for the close surroundings of :
- beet;
- beans;
- sage;
- onion;
- celery;
- dill;
- salad.

lettuce. Planting of flowers and herbs is allowed: oregano, chamomile, nasturtium, mint, etc. will not be suitable as companions strawberries and tomatoes.
Good neighbors for carrots in the garden
When choosing a place for sowing carrots, the following predecessors are preferred:
- cucumbers;
- tomatoes;
- potatoes;
- cabbage;
- leek;
- greens;
- bean.
Experienced gardeners notice that after zucchini, celery, parsnip and parsley, yields a bad crop, carrots, and the root crop develops poorly, as if it lacks nutrients( although supplements are introduced according to schedule).
should be planned for carrot beds in the immediate vicinity of from such crops: onion
- ;
- garlic;
- tomato;
- radish;
- peas.

You can plant sage, marigolds and scorter in the aisle to prevent pests.
The unfavorable neighborhood of is marked with beets, beans and dill. With other plants, carrots get along without any problems.
Zucchini All beloved zucchini fruits fruitfully on the soil after legumes and cabbage of early varieties. Do not spoil the structure of the soil and the environment: greens, onions, garlic.
And predecessors such as carrots, tomatoes, and cabbage of late maturity are considered to be the most unfortunate .
Zucchini( squash) can be planted next to such plants:
- beans;
- corn;
- pea;
- beans.

The rules for planting pumpkins are in many ways similar to zucchini, they have the same recommended predecessors. However, the neighborhood is slightly extended, you can add tomatoes, radishes and sunflowers.
Does not tolerate pumpkin culture only potatoes. With other plants get along well.
beetroot beetroot can be sown can be sown on former garden beds:
- carrots;
- potatoes;
- cucumbers;
- onions;
- greens.
A well-developed root crop after sideratov. In addition, after such a change in layout, a decrease in the growth of weed is noted.

You can safely settle for beets: cabbage, kohlrabi, lettuce, onions. To scare insects between the rows, you can land a catnip, mint, oregano.
is not recommended to choose such plants as companions:
- potatoes;
- maize;
- spinach;
- bulb onion;
- carrots.
Growing in the garden with other neighbors does not cause any special alarms.
Next to plant strawberries in open ground
Strawberry culture does not show capriciousness to the soil environment, therefore there will be no difficulty in choosing a place for planting young shoots. Useful precursors for strawberries are: onion
- ;
- parsley;
- radish;
- garlic;
- legumes;
- corn;
- carrots;
- dill and others.
Refuse to use the plot for strawberries is if previously cultivated :
- potatoes;
- tomatoes, peppers;
- eggplants;
- cabbage;
- raspberry
When setting up vegetable beds, is recommended to choose for strawberries:
- spinach;
- salad;
- radish;
- cabbage;
- onion;
- carrots.

Which crops are suitable for the neighborhood with eggplants
Choosing a place for planting eggplants, preference should be given to such predecessors: onions, cucumbers, cabbage of early aging, perennial herbs.
Former beds with potatoes, tomatoes, Physalis and peppers are best left to .It is also necessary to follow the rules of crop rotation, annually place and grow a culture in the same place cannot be ( the interval is not less than 3 years).
When planning a bed with eggplants , you can to associate with:
- peas;
- beans;
- Basil;
- salad;
- tarragon;
- thyme.

With the rest of the neighbors, a member of the nightshade family gets along quite well. There are no special restrictions on combining the blue ones.
Peas and Beans
Root vegetables, cabbage, and the pumpkin family are considered to be the best predecessors of for peas and beans. Themselves legumes create the most favorable environment in the soil during growth, so after them you can grow almost everything.
It is not worth to organize a bed after sunflower, the quality and yield are significantly reduced due to the defeat of fungal infections and weediness of the hand.
When selecting companions, first of all, the proximity between each other( peas and beans) is excluded. This is caused by several factors at once:
- pest involvement;
- interweaving stalks among themselves;
- the possibility of cross-pollination.
The most suitable for close proximity are: Kohlrabi
- ;
- carrots;
- salad;
- radish;
- celery;
- corn;
- cabbage;
- potatoes.

When selecting precursors for greens( onions for feathers, dill, parsley, garlic, cilantro), bean and vegetable root crops should be preferred.
It is not recommended to plant greens after umbrella crops, the affinity of plants indicates their equal nutrient requirements. Because of this, the yield will decrease significantly every year.
You can locate beds with cabbage, kohlrabi, cucumbers, strawberries, peppers and other green vegetables in the vicinity of the .They are definitely not suitable for joint cultivation: carrots, parsnips, tomatoes. Allowed the neighborhood of greenery with early potato varieties and representatives of legumes.
Crop table
Gardener's diary is useful to supplement the table of compatibility of crops grown in their area.

Red color indicates the incompatibility of crops, green - the most favorable for the development and fruiting neighborhood. The colorless window indicates the neutrality of the interaction between plants, which does not exclude their neighborhood in the garden.
There is absolutely no difficulty in planning beds if everything is thought out in advance. Autumn tillage should be carried out taking into account the agrotechnics of those vegetables and berries that will be grown on it in the next season.