Ako správne pripojiť umývačku riadu

Instructions for dishwasher for the most part uninformative, incomprehensible, primitive. But created by the official manufacturer, better aware of the features of technology. Rule one before connecting:

  • Go to the forum and look for information on how to connect the dishwasher correctly. These are links to instructions, tips, recommendations where to find useful reading. In any case, the document is attached to the purchase, it is sometimes useful to study in advance in case of an unforeseen situation. Nuances in the form of restrictions for the length of the drainage hose or the height of the suspension will play a decisive role in the purchase.

How to connect a Bosch dishwasher( preparatory stage)

Connecting a desktop dishwasher is easier than built-in, take the example with drilling furniture and pulling communications inside cabinets. First of all, we go to the site Bosch-bt.ru. We are looking for a section with a meaning:

  • Service - Accessories and spare parts.
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On the page you need to carefully look around. Last time the necessary link was located on the bottom right. When you go to the search line opens, where we enter the name of the equipment( dishwasher), as a result there is a chance to get the necessary information. For example, the unit is called Bosch SRV 43M13 EU.We hammer the code into a search line, we receive hundreds of instructions, we look that inside.

The authors were lucky on the thirtieth line, where the Russian version was found. Inside we find the recommended sequence of operations, how to connect the Bosch dishwasher:

  1. Verification upon receipt. This is an important step. Experienced people say, first you need to open the box and see what's inside, then sign and pay the money. This may protect against poor quality of the delivery service. Rarely happens - on the way goods beat.
  2. Unpacking, exemption from various technological and shipping elements.
  3. Connecting to sewer. Choose a siphon with a side outlet in the store. The length of the hose agree on the instructions for installation.
  4. Water connection. They are free to use metal-plastic in the presence of appropriate communications. The pipes even hold the pressure of modern multi-storey high-rises.
  5. Electrical connection. Try to put differential circuit breakers in the switchboard, properly equip the grounding system.

The second item is traditionally the installation, but do not try to connect the built-in dishwasher in the same way, it will not work.

Reason - Bosch SRV 43M13 EU model built in. We believe in the instructions section shows the general part, which was rewritten without thinking. To eliminate such situations and write reviews. Try to install first, then connect the drain of the dishwasher, located behind the rear wall - a curious sight.

The communication setup sequence seems to be thoroughly verified. First, the drain is connected to the siphon or the sewer tee. If internal valves are faulty, further docking with the riser will not lead to fatal consequences. The water will simply rush into the sewage system, turn off the tap and inform the customer service about any problems.

Last connected electricity. It's right. It is impossible to include obviously faulty equipment in the network. We add that in front of the tap and the inlet hose with a leakage protection valve, put a coarse mechanical water filter with a drain to remove contaminants. Stop scale, rust, large particles. For more information, ask about the device in plumbing stores. The input filters for coarse and fine cleaning of the dishwasher will carry a smaller load, therefore, do not have to wash it often. By the way, they are located at the point of entry of the inlet hose into the body. For cleaning, unscrew the pair of plastic nuts( having previously shut off the tap).We read the instructions from the site on how to connect the dishwasher with his own hands.

Installation Instructions( How to use)

Above quoted excerpts from the instruction manual. It describes the general points of how to connect the dishwasher yourself. Actions are carried out according to the installation instructions. In the Bosch notation, this is II( Installation Instruction).The total for the languages ​​presented is marked XX in the column where RU or EK is put. This is the “sheet”, which is superimposed on the decorative panel to drill the necessary holes. Each technological step is marked with a dark circle with a white number. Details are indicated by numbered polygons.

The following lines will come in handy to connect a Siemens dishwasher. As you know, Bosch for this company is the parent concern.

Please note that at the top of the instructions( in the header) for mounting there are a number of limbs in order to correctly maintain the scale during printing( in fact, they help to align the decorative panel).Compare a fresh copy with the original to make sure it is correct. Sometimes the drawing is superimposed on the machine or furniture, deviations are unacceptable.

To be honest, we consider it’s difficult to make installation instructions at home correctly. Break the pattern into A4 sheets, then glue it together to produce a document showing how to properly connect the dishwasher.

The first thing to observe in the figures is the dimensions of the compartment. It is written that the depth is 57 cm, width - 45 cm, height - 81 - 87 cm. Such a large variation in height becomes possible, thanks to the adjustable legs( up to 6 cm).The top edge of the dishwasher should touch the countertop tightly. For convenience, marked the overall dimensions of the equipment, explaining the installation. The manufacturer recommends that under communications cut out in furniture rectangular openings measuring 10x5 cm. This is unusual. When connecting a dishwasher yourself, it is easier to use a Forstner drill to get the holes you need.

From the figure it can be seen that the first step is to recommend a special narrow front panel to be nailed to the tabletop, then a turn of small damping elements follows for the upper rear corners of the case. At the third stage, the punching of furniture walls is carried out, the machine is set in place. Bosch is on a different path from other manufacturers.

From the figure we conclude that the hoses are pulled to the maximum length along the path of the future run-in, then the machine is pushed into place, the hoses and wire are pulled out by hands, reaching the connection points. This is inconvenient, damage the corrugation or braid electrical cable. Please note: before moving the device into a niche, it is necessary to transfer the hoses through the bracket in the upper part of the right side wall in a special way. This blocks the reverse flow of fluid. Do not try to break the rule. Then it is proposed to mount the mounting brackets on the front upper corners. The hardware design is so tricky that it is possible to screw on a pair of screws to the table top and sides to fix the dishwasher in the compartment. Again a non-standard option. Each bracket is traditional for a single referral. At the described stage, we will adjust the legs. At Bosch it is proposed to produce conveniently. There are three screws in the base part:

  • central - for the rear leg;
  • on the side for the two front legs.

The three-point dishwasher stands securely. Note the side screws are designed for fixing and fine adjustment. Rough actions are performed by rotating the legs by hand.

Now, on the limbs of the installation instructions, we measure the position of the decorative panel relative to the table top. We mark with a pencil mark, not reaching 5 mm on each side in height( for more details see the drawing from the site).Drill holes. Unlike other manufacturers, Bosch recommends hanging a decorative panel at the end in order to fit the parts much more accurately. When the decorative panel of the dishwasher is in place, it is fastened on the back side with four screws.

Only now we fasten the case to the table top and sidewalls of the compartment through the metal brackets, grasp the base. It is not clear from the scheme where to get the right bar. But as many as three types of socle. Fastened element on adjustable brackets that come in the kit. Docking with sewage and water intake is carried out through a standard siphon and tee with a shut-off valve.

Please note, the final section of the drain pipe goes horizontally, it looks like a bad decision. It is much more reasonable to place at a slight angle down. That water from a sink did not try to be filled in in the equipment.


Now the reader will be able to connect the Beko dishwasher, given general instructions for action. Be critical of individual comments. For example, Bosch notes that there should be no kinks in the hoses. Therefore, first, the equipment becomes in place, then the hoses are slightly tightened. Most manufacturers do differently, here you have to look at the place.

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