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I have long dreamed of creating a bed of low-growing flowers, so that the plants would bloom all season. Prepared a suitable plot in the country, but I can not decide on the types of crops. Help with the selection of flower seeds for carpet beds.

Carpet flower bed is a beautiful flower garden with an individual character. A feature of such a flower bed is filling it with low-growing plants, which cover the area of ​​the site like a carpet. The average height of flowers does not exceed 30 cm, which allows you to create a unique image of a flower bed. In addition, undersized flowers are mostly unpretentious in nature and do not require a special approach to care.

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Novice growers are often asked to help with the selection of flower seeds for a carpet bed. There is nothing difficult in this, because a beautiful, and at the same time blooming, carpet pillow can be created using:

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  • annual flowers;
  • perennial plants.

Annuals for carpet bed

The advantage of using annual flowers is the ability to give a new image to the flowerbed every year. When creating a flower bed, you should take into account the flowering period, depending on which plant divides into: spring

  • ;
  • summer;
  • autumn.

For continuous flowering, it is better to use both groups of plants.

From spring annual flowers that bloom in late spring, you can plant:

  1. Begonia. The plant is able to grow in the shade of higher flowers. Provided early and warm spring can be planted in the ground in May.
  2. Petunia. Choose ampelous varieties that cover the soil. So, one bush can cover up to 1.5 square meters.m.
  3. Iberis. Seeds can be sown directly into the soil. It serves to decorate the edge of the flower bed, grows no more than 35 cm and blooms for 2 months, starting in May.
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Summer plants begin to bloom in June. From this group will look good on a bed:

  1. Cornflower .It blooms all summer.
  2. Zinnia. Dwarf varieties grow to 25 cm, bloom from the end of July.
  3. Marigold. For a round flower bed it is better to use French marigolds that do not grow more than 30 cm. They bloom from June to October.

Representatives of the third group are blooming closer to the fall and bloom before the onset of frost:

  1. Snapdragon. Blooms from late summer to frost.
  2. Dwarf asters. Late varieties bloom in late August and can withstand frost down to -7 degrees.
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Perennials for carpet beds

From representatives of perennial plants I will look great in the flower garden the following types:

  1. Primula. Blooms in spring, suitable for the foreground or as a border.(primrose perennial planting in open ground and care with photos)
  2. Daisies. Blossoms 2 times: in spring and in August( if you cut off the flowering buds).
  3. Phlox awl. It grows about 8 cm and blooms since May.
  4. Aubrieta. Evergreen, multiplies rapidly, blooms in mid-spring.

Carpet Beds: Design Examples -

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