Výsadba a starostlivosť o vodný hyacint - tipy od profesionála!

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On the rivers and lakes of the South American continent, countries of Asia ascenders - video

On the rivers and lakes of the South American continent, countries of Asia ascenders - video

, all local flora and fauna. Growing immensely in a warm environment, the culture completely covers the water surface of whole reservoirs, for which the water hyacinth deservedly earned the nickname “water plague”.

In areas with a temperate climate, one cannot meet a native of the tributaries of the Amazon in the wild. But the water hyacinth, as in the photo with elegant blue, purple and white flowers against the background of lush greenery, is desired on artificial ponds, in winter gardens and large aquariums.

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Eichornia water hyacinth - the features of the

Eichornia species only resembles hyacinths that bloom in gardens. In fact, it is an exclusively aquatic plant that feels good in warm, calm waters rich in organic matter. At home, water hyacinth is almost continuously flowering herbaceous perennial. On the surface of the water, sockets of succulent dense leaves are held due to rounded bulges on the petioles. When such an education is cut, a tissue with a honeycomb structure is found in the lower part of the stem.

Peculiar floats perfectly hold a green lush outlet with emanating from the center. The leaves of the water hyacinth Eichornia rounded, leathery with arched veins. The period of flowering of spectacular inflorescences does not exceed one day, and after withering the flower is hidden in the water column. A powerful fibrous roots can grow to half a meter in length.

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Features of growing water hyacinth in the pond

No matter how exotic a guest is water hyacinth, planting and caring for this crop is not as complicated as it seems. The main thing is the creation of close to the natural conditions for eichornia. Water for habitat water hyacinth in the pond should be rich in organic components. As additives you can use:

  • humus;
  • compost or mullein infusion;
  • purified bottom sludge;
  • complex fertilizers for aquarium species of plants.

Growth sockets directly depends on the content of nutrients.

Water hyacinth Eichornia feels good in water with a weak alkaline reaction and is not afraid of even impurities that are harmful to another water flora. Powerful, strongly branched roots of a plant under water straighten and cover a huge volume, like a pump, sucking not only organic matter, but also phosphates, traces of oils and phenols, insecticides and metal oxides. Therefore, this culture today is used for the purification of wastewater and septic tanks.

In addition to the biochemical composition, it is extremely important for the culture to provide air and water temperatures close to those of subtropics.

When does water hyacinth bloom in nature?

In Asia and South America, hyacinths grow when the air temperature is not around +26 ° C.In the middle zone so warm periods are not frequent. Flowering begins at +28 ° C and stops already at +22 ° C.Therefore, north of the Black Earth is difficult to achieve annual flowering aquatic culture. But the closer to the south, the more active the water hyacinth blooms in ponds and other bodies of water.

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If summer is cold, the cap of rich green foliage grows magnificently above the water. For growing in a pond, water hyacinths are planted in May or June, when the water is already warm enough and there is no risk of cold snaps.

Reproduction of Eichornia water hyacinth

Usually, water hyacinth in a pond can be propagated vegetatively, separating young rosettes from the mother plants. The increase in mass in eichornia occurs with a decrease in the length of daylight, which can be used to collect planting material.

If there is other vegetation, fish, amphibians, or molluscs in the pond, except for water hyacinth, as in the photo, excessive reproduction of Eichornia can lead to a change in the level of light and oxygen in the water, as well as the death of flora and fauna. Hyacinth multiplies and seeds. But their maturation requires an air temperature not lower than +35 ° C, which is practically unattainable in most regions of Russia.

Wintering of water hyacinth

With the arrival of autumn and a decrease in temperature, the water hyacinth of Eichornia requires transfer to an illuminated warm room. The tank for the winter stay of the plant can serve as an aquarium, basin or other suitable container. To fill the vessel take the same water in which the hyacinth grew in the summer. You can add silt in which Eyhorniya able to take root.

  • During wintering, eichornia no longer needs such a high temperature as in summer. It is enough that in the room where the plant contains, it was about + 20 ° C.
  • Water should be the same temperature.
  • The water hyacinth rosettes in the photo are extremely sensitive to the lack of light, therefore, the illumination above the capacity with plants is organized up to 14 hours a day.
  • The plant should not suffer from a lack of oxygen, but drafts for water hyacinth are very dangerous.
  • The constant evaporation of moisture does not have a very good effect on the state of the sockets;
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To keep the plant from starving during the cold season, some fertilizer is added to the water for aquarium species.

Water hyacinth - photo of use in landscape design

With all the simplicity and reproduction ability water hyacinth Eichornia does not like drafts. A good protection of landings will be cattails, marsh irises and other vertically growing species along the water line. But water lilies can suffer from a growing neighbor.

Sockets, as they grow, not only cover the surface of the reservoir from the sun's rays, but also reduce the oxygen content in the water. Therefore, for other inhabitants of the pond, it is important to provide additional aeration of water so that fish, shells and other aquatic animals do not feel discomfort. The population of water hyacinth in the pond requires constant monitoring, and at the first signs of abundant growth of plants they will have to thin out.

How a water hyacinth winters -

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