10 nasvetov o tem, kako se streha vrtnica na koči + fotografija


  1. №1.What should be considered when designing the roof gazebos?
  2. №2.The shape of the roof arbor
  3. № 3.Metal roof arbor
  4. №4.Professional sheet for the roof arbor
  5. №5.
  6. №6 flexible roof tileSlate roof arbor
  7. №7.Ondulin roof arbor
  8. №8.Polycarbonate roof arbor
  9. №9.Natural tile for arbor
  10. №10.Original materials for the roof gazebos

The roof gazebos, if it is made of reliable material, will be protected from rain and scorching sun, thereby ensuring the comfort of rest in any weather. Probably, it would be superfluous to say that the roof should be of high quality, durable, strong and outwardly attractive, combined with the material of the walls of the arbor and in harmony with the landscape of the site - this is well understood by all. The only question that remains is how to roof the gazebo to ensure compliance with all these requirements. Consider all possible options to find the perfect for gazebos of different sizes, shapes and style.

№1.What should be considered when designing the roof gazebos?

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When choosing material for arbor roofing, consider the following nuances:

  • preference is better to give as much as possible to lighter materials , which do not require reinforcement of the frame structure and walls, erection of a complex foundation;
  • at the location of an arbor near of the reservoir , choose the material that is most resistant to moisture. Additional processing by antiseptics and water-repellent impregnations will not prevent;
  • arbors with barbecue require the use of fireproof roofing material. It is slate, shingles, but by no means straw or wood;
  • roof material should be combined with pergola walls, surrounding buildings and the landscape as a whole;
  • It is important to take into account the climate of the region , especially when choosing the angle of the roof. If there is a lot of snow in the winter, the slope must be significant so that the snow can freely descend from the roof. For windy regions, more gentle roofs are chosen or, if this is not possible, they protect the roof from windage.

№2.The shape of the roof arbor

The choice of material for the arrangement of the roof depends largely on its shape and design. What shape can be the roof, and what roofing material is suitable in each case?

  • single-sided roofs - the easiest option, with the arrangement of which it is quite possible to handle their own hands. Such roofs are used for quadrangular gazebos, the construction rests on opposite walls of different levels. The side and angle of inclination is chosen taking into account the wind rose, so that the roof can protect from oblique rain;
  • gable roofs - another simple and fairly common option, suitable for rectangular gazebos, easy to arrange, but has some drawbacks. With a slight inclination, the normal gathering of snow is not ensured, and with sufficient, the viewing area from the gazebo decreases, therefore such constructions are not suitable for all regions;The
  • four-sloped( hip) roof of the is more complicated in the arrangement, therefore, it occurs infrequently. This roof consists of two trapezoidal parts and two triangular, used in the construction of rectangular or polygonal arbors;The
  • hip( dome-shaped) roof of the consists of four or more triangular shaped ramps that converge at one point. Such structures have excellent aerodynamic properties and, with sufficient overhang, reliably protect against winds and precipitation;
  • The round roof of the is one of the most difficult to arrange, depending on the angle of inclination it has the shape of a cone or a helmet, it has an original appearance.

Deciding how to roof the gazebo is possible only when the shape of the roof is determined. For pitched structures, it is better to choose sheet material: slate, profiled sheet, metal tile, although other roofing materials will do. For hip, multifaceted and hipped roofs sheet material is impractical to use: the work becomes more complicated, and there will be a lot of waste, so suitable materials from the class of soft roof, for example, shingles.

№3.Metal roofing arbors

Metal roofing - the leader in the world of roofing materials, and for the arrangement of arbors, it is also used. Especially by the way this material will be when the roof of the house is also made of metal tiles. This sheet material is usually made of galvanized steel, several layers of protective coatings are applied on top, and due to the characteristic relief, it is very similar to tiles.

Advantages of the :

  • light weight, easy installation;
  • wide range of colors and profiles;
  • durability, up to 20 years;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to negative environmental factors due to the layers of the protective coating - precipitation, temperature changes and direct sunlight of the metal tile are not terrible;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • low cost.

Cons :

  • noise during the rain;
  • large amount of waste in the construction of roofs of complex shapes, which can negate the benefits of low prices;
  • risk of corrosion if the protective coating is broken;
  • angle of the roof of the gazebo should not be below 15 degrees, so that the snow could normally go, otherwise the beautiful relief of the material will only harm.

# 4.Professional sheet for a roof of an arbor

Professional sheet or professional flooring will cost even less than metal, and in many ways these materials are similar. Professional sheets are made of cold rolled steel, which is coated with several layers of protective coatings. The relief, as a rule, is represented by waves or trapezes, and the function of increasing the strength of the material is assigned to it. By decorative qualities the professional sheet is inferior to metal tile, and among its main advantages :

  • reasonable price;
  • durability;
  • large selection of colors;
  • low weight and ease of installation;
  • resistance to corrosion, temperature extremes, precipitation.

The has the disadvantage of , which is also typical for metal tiles, which is noisy when it rains. You can try to use vibration isolation pads, but they are not able to completely solve the problem. It is better to choose sheets that are thicker, since thin material is subject to mechanical damage and cannot be repaired. The metal roof heats up quickly, which means that it will be impossible to be in the gazebo on a hot sunny day, therefore this option is suitable for structures located in the shade.


pavement roof tile The flexible tile, also called soft tile, is also bitumen tile, a material made on the basis of fiberglass, which is processed by bitumen and stone dressing. The material belongs to the type soft roof and is a small module of rectangular, hexagonal or other shapes. They are overlapping and suitable for arranging the roofs of the most complex forms, so if you do not know how to cover the roof of the dome-shaped gazebo, then this is the best option.

Benefits :

  • a large variety of colors and shapes. Soft tiles are available in almost all shades, and the shape can be either simple rectangular or diamond-shaped or complex( beaver tail, dragon tooth, hexagon);
  • light weight;
  • complete noiselessness - even heavy rain will not drown out conversations in the gazebo;
  • durability, up to 30 years;
  • simple and virtually waste-free installation.

Disadvantages :

  • the need to create a solid base of moisture-resistant plywood;
  • high price. Shingles more expensive than metal, but the entire installation, taking into account the arrangement of a solid foundation will be cheaper than using ceramic tiles;
  • strong wind can tear off soft tile modules.

№6.Arbor roof slate

This is an asbestos-cement slate, familiar to all of us. This sheet material is made of cement, water and asbestos, can be painted in the necessary shade so that the gazebo does not seem boring. The layer of paint, by the way, makes it possible to give slate additional strength characteristics.

Pros :

  • low price;
  • durability, up to 40 years;
  • good strength;
  • resistance to precipitation, frost and fire. If there is a barbecue or a barbecue in the gazebo, you can choose slate as the roof;
  • low thermal conductivity, which contributes to the preservation of optimal microclimate.

Cons :

  • is not suitable for small gazebos and for arranging complex roofs;
  • fragility;
  • a lot of weight will require reliable crates;
  • low aesthetic qualities.

№7.Ondulin for the roof of the arbor

Ondulin - the most popular representative of the evroshifer , was created by the French company Onduline, after whom it was named. Often the material is also called bituminous slate or soft slate. It is made on the basis of cellulose fibers, which are mixed with mineral components, after which the formed sheets are impregnated with bitumen and painted in the desired color. The use of bitumen allows you to create absolutely moisture-proof material, which is lightweight, lightweight and soft. Among the other benefits of ondulin:

  • low cost;
  • good noise isolation and the absence of unpleasant noise during the rain;
  • ease of processing and installation;
  • flexibility, so with the help of length it is possible to arrange arbors with a complex shape of the roof;
  • resistance to precipitation and corrosion.

Cons :

  • combustibility, therefore it is not suitable for a gazebo with barbecue facilities;
  • ability to fade when exposed to sunlight;
  • need to fit the batten in increments of at least 0.6 m.

№8.Polycarbonate for the roof arbor

Polycarbonate in recent times is increasingly used for the arrangement of arbors, and is suitable for the organization and walls, and the roof. It is a flexible sheet of translucent material of any shade.

Pros :

  • a variety of colors;
  • durability;
  • precipitation stability. A fragile-looking polycarbonate can withstand a decent layer of snow and gusts of wind;
  • light weight;
  • flexibility to equip the roof of a fancy shape.

Disadvantages :

  • low resistance to mechanical damage;
  • the ability to deteriorate under the influence of sunlight, so make sure that you have a protective film when you buy it;
  • if the gazebo is installed in a place protected from the wind, it will be stuffy in a hot day. Remember, not for nothing that polycarbonate is used in the construction of greenhouses;
  • grill in the gazebo with a roof can not be put.

Transparency can play into the hands of the evening, because the sunlight can be used to the maximum. On the other hand, such a canopy will not protect from the scorching sun. Sometimes polycarbonate is combined with art forging.

№9.Natural tile for arbor

For those who have sufficient funds, and want to get a functional and beautiful gazebo, natural tile is perfect - is the almost perfect roofing material .It can be ceramic or cement-sand, and among , the main advantages of include:

  • excellent appearance and environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to moisture, heat, temperature, fire;
  • durability, up to 100 years;
  • high strength;
  • good heat and sound insulation properties. The air in the gazebo will not get very hot in the heat, and raindrops will not cause a booming noise;
  • possibility of arranging roofs of complex shapes;
  • maintainability, because in which case one or more damaged elements are easy to replace.

Unfortunately, here too was not without cons :

  • high price;
  • high weight, complexity of installation and increased requirements for the foundation and walls of the gazebo.

# 10.Original materials for the roof of the arbor

The choice of traditional materials is great, but if among them you could not find one that could cover the roof of the arbor, then perhaps find a suitable solution from the less common materials :

  • temporary portable gazebos that are set up in the country only in summer. Apply for this usually dense acrylic fabric, treated with water-repellent substances. It does not get wet, does not fade and does not fade, can be of any shades and will be an excellent decoration for an arbor. Less commonly used is a raincoat fabric, which also perfectly repels water, but is distinguished by more modest aesthetic qualities;
  • wooden shingle is a small plank, shingles, up to 2 cm thick, mounted on the crate, allows you to create original roofs for gazebos in ethnic style. This eco-friendly material is on the top of popularity today;
  • straw, reed and reed will allow you to create a nice cozy country-style gazebo. The crate is mounted with a step of 35 cm. If it is good to tamp the straw or reed, it will be difficult to ignite, but it does not interfere, just in case, to process the material with fire retardants;
  • “live” roof settles down while creating “live” arbors. It is difficult to form, it skips raindrops, but in such an arbor it will be especially cozy and cool on a hot day. Climbing plants can also be used to twist the frame and create a dense green canopy.

When choosing a suitable roofing material for a gazebo, consider the style of the site and the material of the walls. For example, eco-style involves the use of only natural materials( straw, shingles, tiles), and high-tech allows you to safely use polycarbonate, for walls made of wicker thatch light straw roof, and for brick - a roof made of slate or tile. Arbor can be decorated with a flugel, flowers and thin air curtains.

Tags: roofing
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