9 Nasveti za izbiro talne barve


  1. №1.The main selection criteria
  2. №2.What colors are suitable for wood flooring?
  3. №3.What paints are suitable for a concrete floor?
  4. №4.Acrylic paint
  5. №5.Alkyd paint
  6. №6.Epoxy paint
  7. №7.Polyurethane enamel
  8. № 8. Rubber paint
  9. №9.The best manufacturers
  • TOP 5 global manufacturers of floor paints
  • TOP 5 domestic manufacturers of floor paints

No matter how wide the choice of floor coverings, sometimes the best option is to finish the floor with paint. This option is only suitable for wooden and concrete floors. Painting allows you to protect the floor from negative impacts and improve its decorative qualities. What paint for concrete and wooden floors is better to choose from a huge number of options presented?

№1.The main selection criteria for

You can simplify your choice if you clearly define your original data in advance. So, can be called the main criteria for choosing floor paint: :

  • floor material .For wood and concrete surfaces, the list of suitable materials will differ;
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  • for wooden floors; ; wood texture is important;
  • for concrete floors it is important where the work will be carried out. If this is a dwelling, then attention should be paid to the indicators of paint toxicity;
  • conditions of work for painting and further operation. The choice of composition is affected by the presence or absence of ventilation in the room, the level of humidity. Some paints, for example, epoxy compounds, can be applied only in a well-ventilated area. If staining is carried out on the street, then it is important that the material withstands the effects of precipitation;
  • load on the floor.

# 2.What colors are suitable for wood flooring?

Wooden floors are covered with paint, mainly in order to increase the durability of the material, protect it from moisture, mold and mechanical stress. If the coating is not applied, then even the highest quality wood is unlikely to last more than 2-3 years. To protect the wooden floor using varnishes and paints. The latter interest us. Paints are inexpensive, simply applied and are able to revive and transform the interior of both a country house and a residential city apartment.

Such paints are best suited for the treatment of wooden surfaces:

  • acrylic;
  • oil;
  • enamel.

№3.What paints are suitable for a concrete floor?

Concrete floors also need additional paintwork, although they demonstrate record strength and durability. Without it, dust will always be present on the coating. In addition, the unpainted concrete floor looks, to put it mildly, not very attractive. For painting concrete floors used such paints:

  • epoxy;
  • special compositions for concrete floors;
  • acrylic;
  • polyurethane enamel;
  • less commonly used alkyd-urethane, acrylic-silicone and latex.

Painted concrete floors are today used not only in industrial premises, but also in residential ones, includingin the hallways and bathrooms.

№4.Acrylic paint

Acrylic paints are suitable for painting both wooden and concrete floors. Prepare a material based on acrylic resin, coloring pigment and water. Can be matte or glossy, mass colors options. Paint will be a reliable protection against mechanical and chemical influences. It is convenient to apply it as a spray and a brush. It will take more material to paint a wooden floor than to process concrete of similar area, because wood is more porous and will partially absorb paint.

Key benefits:

  • resistance to moisture, high and low temperatures, UV rays;
  • fire resistance;
  • vapor permeability;
  • non-toxicity, the absence of sharp odors and high drying rate;
  • ease of application and care;
  • durability( up to 20 years);
  • large selection of colors.

According to the combination of properties, acrylic paint is an excellent option both for painting floors in an apartment and outside the room. The only disadvantage is a higher price than other types of paints, but numerous advantages and durability more than cover this drawback.

№5.Alkyd paint

Another good option for a wooden floor - alkyd paint. They have excellent moisture resistance and exposure to ultraviolet rays. The basis of these paints - alkyd resins and vegetable oils, special additives are sometimes used. The group of alkyd paints include oil and enamel paints.

oil paints have recently been used all over the place, but now they are rarely used, and the low price of material is captivating buyers to a greater extent. .It is also worth noting that the oil paint can be matte or glossy, it creates an excellent barrier to the penetration of liquids and is easy to apply. The disadvantages of the coating are more: a strong odor, a long drying process, fire hazard, instability to chemicals and not the highest durability.

Enamel paints are far superior in performance to oil. They will become a reliable protection for a wooden floor from all sorts of influences: moisture, sunlight, etc. After applying the material dries very quickly, the surface is wear-resistant and easy to clean. Among the minuses it is necessary to note the risk of fire and toxicity during operation.

№6.Epoxy paint

Epoxy paint is often used to paint a concrete floor, which is mixed from two components right before application. Among the advantages of the material:

  • phenomenal abrasion resistance;
  • durable and incredibly durable coating;
  • resistance to any weathering;
  • chemical resistance;
  • excellent adhesion with concrete;
  • color long remains unchanged;
  • environmental friendliness.

The main disadvantage of is the small range of existing shades. In addition, it is necessary to mix the components before applying. If after some time you decide to change the color of the floor, problems may arise. Epoxy paint due to its properties is used for painting parking floors, workshops, workshops, and in living rooms it can be used to paint the floor on an open balcony.

№7.Polyurethane enamel

The coating is used for painting concrete floors and, as a rule, also involves the preliminary mixing of the components. Due to its properties it can be used for painting inside and outside the room.

Main advantages:

  • resistance to negative environmental impacts, incl.high humidity and sunlight;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • mechanical and physical density;
  • perfectly smooth surface;
  • profitability.

With all its advantages, polyurethane enamel is used infrequently, as it requires a long period for drying - up to 14 days.

No. 8.

Rubber Paint Rubber paint has recently appeared on the modern construction market and immediately struck with its amazing properties. The coating can be applied to almost any surface, incl.concrete and wood. The material is made on the basis of polymers, due to which receives such distinctive operational qualities:

  • is resistant to moisture and sunlight;
  • elasticity;
  • impact resistance and abrasion resistance;
  • durability, paint is not prone to cracking and peeling;
  • economy.

It is difficult to call the coating cheap, but in operation it shows itself really well. If the first rubber paints had a characteristic odor, now manufacturers have worked on this shortcoming and were able to eliminate the unpleasant odor.

№9.Top Manufacturers

When choosing paint, the name of the manufacturer also means a lot. Decent materials are produced by both foreign and domestic companies. On the best of them dwell.

TOP 5 global manufacturers of floor paints


This Finnish company, which has existed for more than 150 years, is a recognized world leader in the production of paint and varnish coatings. The product range is constantly growing, new technologies are being introduced to produce better and more wear-resistant coatings. For painting the floor, the manufacturer has a whole series of Betolux inks that are suitable for wooden and concrete surfaces. Color options are more than enough.


Another leader in the production of paints. This British company today boasts 26 production facilities located on 4 continents. Dulux paint is used to paint surfaces in homes and industries around the world, it is used to paint the most important structures: the Sydney Bridge or the Olympic Stadium in Beijing. The fact that the range of colors is huge is not even worth mentioning. In the manufacturer's lineup there are plenty of options for painting wood and concrete surfaces.


This famous German manufacturer has been on the market since 1955.His paints are environmentally friendly, durable and presented in a wide range. The manufacturer is constantly improving production technology, improving the quality of the product. Production is carried out in several European countries, and is sold almost worldwide. For painting the floor, the company offers polymer enamel, alkyd and acrylic paints.


The Swedish company BECKERS is positioning itself as a manufacturer of the most environmentally friendly paints. Products are widely known throughout Europe, as well as in the domestic market. An integral part of the production is a research center, where we are constantly working on improving the characteristics of paint coatings. The range includes paint for painting concrete surfaces inside the Golvfarg V series, paint for wood, and paint for painting concrete and wooden surfaces outside the Akrylatfarg series.


A large Turkish company, whose products are widely represented in the domestic market. In terms of price and quality is one of the best options. In the company's assortment there are a lot of options for various types of coatings, includingand for painting wooden and concrete floors. The choice of coatings manufacturer is constantly expanding, and the quality is improving. The company is proud to produce only materials that are safe for human health.

TOP 5 domestic manufacturers of floor paints


The history of this company dates back to 1897, when tin and iron were produced here. Later, production repeatedly changed its profile until in 1991 it became involved in the manufacture of paint and varnish coatings. Today it is one of the largest domestic manufacturers in its field. Products are manufactured under several brands, for all types of surfaces and with different properties. For flooring paints are presented in a series for wooden and mineral surfaces.


Another good domestic manufacturer of paint and varnish coatings, known on the market for over 20 years. The quality of products does not differ from imported ones, but its price is much more profitable, which was the reason for the increased demand for paints of the company. The range is the widest, so you can find any necessary flooring.


Reliable manufacturer of a range of colors. All coatings are durable, manufactured on modern European equipment using foreign raw materials. Among the company's clients are the largest enterprises and government institutions of the country. The range includes paints for concrete floors and wooden surfaces.

Paint factory "Oliva"

The company has been operating since 2004, it is equipped with modern equipment, has a research laboratory in its structure. The company closely cooperates with foreign colleagues, which allows us to use the best world achievements in the field of paint production. At the same time, the cost of production is noticeably lower than for similar imported goods. Among the wide range of manufactured products paint occupy a leading place. For the coating of concrete and wood developed a whole series of coatings.

Paint factory "KVIL"

A large domestic manufacturer, which has a history since 1993.Produces a huge amount of a variety of coatings, satisfying virtually all areas of use. For painting concrete and wood surfaces both indoors and outside, a huge selection of materials is offered.

Tags: Paintings, Enamels and paints
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