Humična gnojila: ali je človeku škodljiva?

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I have long wanted to try humic fertilizers on potatoes, but their possible negative effect is a bit confusing. Tell me, is there any harm to humans when using humic fertilizers?

Every gardener knows that in order to get a good harvest from year to year, plants need nutritious soil. Quickly restore the balance of trace elements in humus and get a good harvest help humic fertilizers - natural, biologically active products. As a result of their use, the activity of microelements is enhanced and they acquire a form that is easily digestible for plants.

Read also: Fertilizers for balsam

One of the important questions of interest to gardeners is the result of the action of such drugs, or rather, whether humic fertilizers cause harm to a person? To answer it, you should be familiar with the characteristics and properties of humates.

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What is humic fertilizer?

Humic fertilizers are organic products for the production of which natural substances are taken as a basis, for example, peat, brown coal, silt deposits, sapropel. Such fertilizers have an application scheme similar to organic - they are used as the main fertilizer or in combination with mineral preparations. To replenish the composition with useful substances and enhance the effect of drugs, they can also add nutrients( phosphorus, potassium, etc.).In this case, it will already be organic fertilizers.

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Humates are produced in the form:

  • thick solution;
  • in granules;
  • in the form of a soft paste.

Properties of humates

It can be said that the main function of humic fertilizers is to facilitate the rapid transition of humic( nutrients) substances to the form most accessible to plants.

As a result of the application of humic fertilizers to the soil:

  • , the soil structure improves, as well as its water and air permeability;
  • there is an increase in the activity of organisms in the soil;
  • increases seed germination;
  • rooting cuttings faster;
  • seedlings form a strong root system;
  • in cultures improves metabolic processes, and they grow more actively;
  • improves the quality and quantity of the crop.

Plant humates are especially good for plants after stress: they help them survive adverse weather and other conditions and recover faster.

Humic fertilizers are most active on poor, soddy-golden soils.

Read also: How to make a sandy soil suitable for growing garden and garden crops?

Since humic fertilizers are ecologically clean, they do not cause any harm to humans. On the contrary, they contribute to reducing the amount of nitrates in the crop, which indicates a great benefit of the application. The main thing - during robots with humates to comply with the instructions, to prevent an overdose.

Humic fertilizers: why they are used - video

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