Podroben opis oreha Ideal

Walnut - Southern Culture. This tall deciduous tree is very demanding on the heat, moisture and light of the .Traditionally, it grows and bears fruit in places where the average annual temperature does not fall below + 10ºС( Asia Minor, the Caucasus, the Balkan Peninsula).Therefore, the cultivation of walnut in most Russian regions is fraught with difficulties. Cultivation of specially bred varieties can be a way out. In the first place among them - walnut Ideal.

. Contentsentry into fruiting. Usually a sapling begins to produce only in the eighth, and sometimes in the fifteenth year of life, .Therefore, as early as the middle of the 20th century, breeders received the task: to produce a variety of ripened walnut.

Walnut Ideal

The problem was solved in 1947 by nut growers from Fergana( Uzbekistan).The honor of the opening of the variety Ideal belongs to the breeder S.S.Kalmykov.

Walnut Ideal is characterized by the following qualities of :

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General description Low-growing variety, does not grow above 4-5 m. The bark is gray, on 2-3-year-old shoots - brown, on annual ones - gray-green, with slight pubescence. Leaves are pinnate. On the vegetative shoots are arranged spirally; on the fruitful ones, they are underdeveloped in the lower part of the shoot, in the form of scales.
The Frenzy of The first fruits show already in the 2nd year of life. Good yields can be obtained from the 5th year.
Flowers Small flowers of white color with a greenish tint, collected in a brush of 9-15 pieces. Wind pollinated, dioecious.
Fruits are Large( 10 g on average), oval-shaped, with a thin shell. The core is bright, easy to remove. Ripen from September to October.
Peculiarities of fruiting Manages to generate 2 crops per year.
Productivity High, up to 120 kg from each tree.
Frost resistance High, down to -35ºС.
Disease Resistance Resistant to Chlorosis.
Soil Requirement Able to grow on acidic or saline soils. Does not tolerate close occurrence of groundwater.

Thus, among the advantages of the nut Ideal can be listed :

  • skoroplodnost;
  • yield;
  • compact tree;
  • frost resistance;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • resistance to chlorosis;
  • ability to form two harvests per season.

Unfortunately, the Ideal variety is not very durable compared to traditional forms. If ordinary walnut is able to live more for 100 years , then skoroplodny is only about 40-50 .

Another drawback - the flowers, getting under the spring return frosts, often damaged. Fortunately, the ability to secondary flowering compensates for this minus.

Secondary flowering usually begins 1-2 weeks after the first wave and lasts all summer. Therefore, on one tree during the season all phases can be observed simultaneously: flowering, formation and ripening of fruits.

Reproduction Features

Walnut Ideal propagated by seeds or grafts. The process of its growing from seeds is fascinating and has an interesting feature of : the nuts should be placed in the hole close to each other, 4 pieces each. Then the seedlings will grow together and form a powerful and sustainable plant.

Germinated walnut Ideal

Sow the fruit of the walnut either before winter or in spring after the snow melts. In the second case, , it is necessary to stratify the nuts in wet sand for for 1.5 months at + 7ºС and plant the germinated material. Fruits are buried in depths of 10 cm.

In the first year, seedlings develop quite slowly. By the fall, they grow to just 15–20 cm. But next spring, the nut shows a “growth spurt.”When the height of the seedling is over a meter, you can wait for the first flowers.

Grafting a walnut is best with cuttings. The bud method is also used, but the vaccinated kidneys are likely to freeze out in winter. Walnut vaccinations are not always successful, so you can often find own-rooted seedlings on sale than on the rootstock.

Choosing an

sapling Nevertheless, choosing between a root-rooted and grafted seedling of a nut, it is better to stay on the latter. The fact is that in many seedlings obtained from seeds, the signs do not correspond to the parental forms. A walnut is an cross-pollinated plant, and the seeds may not preserve the merits of the variety.

When buying a sapling you need to pay attention to its condition. Any damage to the bark, weak root system, rot on the roots should be alerted. A walnut already does not tolerate an transplant, and additional “sore spots” can make this procedure detrimental to the plant.

It is best to choose seedlings with a closed root system. Transplanting from a container together with an earthy ball will keep the root growth and suction zones intact.

The ability of walnut to over-pollination gave impetus to the emergence on the basis of the nut. The ideal of many amateur hybrids. Successful experiments in this direction were carried out in Saratov, Krasnodar Territory and the city of Slavyansk, Donetsk region.

Walnut planting: a step-by-step instruction

The site for planting the seedling should be well lit and covered from the cold north winds. The walnut does not tolerate crowding, and its crown is quite sprawling, therefore at least 5 meters away from other trees or structures.

Walnut Ideal is the dominant tree and everything that will be planted next to it is doomed to ruin

Despite the resistance of the Ideal variety to acidified soils, it will feel better on sod-carbonate loams. Swampy wet lowlands categorically do not fit him.

The planting of a walnut seedling involves several operations and is carried out according to the following scheme: :

  1. Soil preparation:
  • A planting pit is dug up on the day of planting. It is not necessary to prepare it in advance so that the soil does not dry out. The size of the pit - 60 * 60 cm .If the soil is not fertile, the size increases to 100 * 100 cm.
  • A fertile layer, removed when digging a hole, is mixed with peat and mature compost in a ratio of 1: 1: 1.
  • Soil mixture is enriched with fertilizers: dolomite flour - 500 g, superphosphate - 600 g.
  1. Preparing a seedling with an open root system:
  • An clay ratchet is made: 3 parts of the shaggy manure are taken into 3 parts of the shit, 3, and so, 3 parts of the shit is enough, you can get the same patterns to create the sapling for 3 parts of the dough, 3 parts of the clay is applied, 3 parts of the shit is applied, 3 part of the glyphs, you can use the changes to use.root formation( "heteroauxin" or "Kornevin").
  • The seedlings roots are dipped in the talker and left for half an hour to dry.
  1. Planting of seedlings:
  • A support is installed in the bottom of the pit. Soil mixture poured mound.
  • A sapling is placed on top of the planting knoll .Lower roots are distributed on the slopes and gently poured fertile soil. The upper ones are horizontal - so that their depth is around 7-8 cm.
  • The position of the root collar is checked. It should be 3-5 cm above the ground surface.
Root seedling sheikh Ideal, should be 3-5 cm above the surface.
  • The seedling is fixed to the support.
  • Pristyvolny circle is watered and is mulched by .

If you purchased a container sapling, then you just need to remove it from the container along with the soil clod and transfer it to the landing pit. After that, pour the prepared soil mixture and pour.

Spring is the best time to plant a walnut. If the seedling is planted in the autumn, it should be done no later than a month before the onset of frost.

Care after planting

After 2 weeks after planting, the nut seedlings should be watered well. Water consumption rate - 15-20 liters .If the region does not belong to the zones of sufficient moisture, further careful monitoring of the state of the tree trunk will be required. Watering should be regular, but not excessive.

Walnut seedling Ideal in need of crown formation. If the landing was made in the spring, you can do the first pruning immediately. If the fall - you can postpone until spring. In an ordinary garden, a nut is formed into an “bowl”.To do this, choose 3-4 good skeletal branches and cut off the center conductor above the top.

. Formation of the bowl-shaped crown of the nut. Ideal

In the future, pruning will need to be done annually. The main principle is to provide maximum illumination of all parts of the crown. To do this, remove all the old and thickening branches. Walnut fruits on annual growths, and it is they who should be given the most sun .

To prevent fungal infections, periodic spraying of wood with 1% Bordeaux mixture is carried out.

For normal winter preparations, the nut will stop watering from mid-August. In late September, remove all the fruits and prune the green tops of the shoots of .This procedure will force the plant to switch forces from growth processes to the aging of wood.

Reviews of amateur gardeners

In our Primorsky Territory walnut Ideal experienced winters with thirty degrees of frost and normally bear fruit every year. Collected from two trees on 4-5 buckets. I don’t know the age of the trees, they have already bought a plot with them. Farm portal

Excellent variety - wrist, skoroplodny. It is a pity, it is difficult to find it in a "pure" form. There are many hybrids based on Ideal. Also wrist, but nuts are not like that.

Forum-Grape In February-March, there was a “burn” weather in the Moscow Region. The bark was heated to 15º during the day, clinging to frost at night. Walnut Ideal was sensitive, died out above the level of snow cover. It is necessary to whiten high stambik. Forum Anastasia


To grow a walnut in the Middle zone or other far from southern regions of Russia is a real task. Grade Ideal solves it successfully. Of course, as there are spots on the sun, so the Ideal can find flaws. But many problems can be avoided by following the rules of agrotechnology of this wonderful culture.

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