Gurkor på ett trellisnät på en öppen mark och växthuset

The technology of vertical cultivation of cucumbers in open ground and greenhouses assumes to properly tie and form plants .The ideal option for this purpose is a special trellis grid.

In this review we will talk about how to properly make a cucumber trellis at your villa.

Table of Contentsplastic sheet with square cells, mostly green. Experts recommend for the cultivation of cucumber mesh with a cell size of 15 * 17 , see .

Capping grid for cucumbers
Synthetic material has high strength, with proper installation is able to withstand heavy loads.

The essence of the mesh application is that cucumber lashes are first guided along separate paths, then they are independently entwined with tendrils behind the cells, rushing upwards.

The popularity of using a trellis material is easily explained by its reliability, ease of operation and durability. It is successfully used in the cultivation of cucumbers and many other climbing plants of - legumes, squash, ornamental flowers.

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By the way, home-made nets made from scrap materials can be no worse than purchased ones. Another thing is that the latter do not require significant financial costs, so everyone makes the decision himself.

With vertical placement, the trellis grid is an ideal support for cucumber beds

The use of the grid solves several questions at once:

  • Saves space by 2 times. In spite of this, more comfortable conditions are created for plants, growth and yield indicators are improving. This is a powerful argument for owners of small areas.
  • Increases fruiting. Uniform lighting with sunlight and airing exclude rotting cucumbers, even at high humidity. The fruits do not spoil and ripen faster.
  • Provides easy care. The scourge of cucumber bushes are well viewed, they are easier to handle, weed, water, fertilize, harvest. Zelentsy always remain dry and clean, they do not need to look in the thickets. Harvest time is spent a little time.
  • Ensures an aesthetic appearance of plantings in open areas and in hotbeds. Vertical "screens" with green cucumber vines look attractive.
  • Installation and disassembly of the is easy.
  • Reusable use of , easy storage - easily rolled.

Types and schemes of structures

The supporting structure, on which the grid is tensioned, can have different forms:

  • The simplest design is vertical U-shaped .For the manufacture of the frame using wooden bars, metal pipes and profiles. With a large length of beds needed intermediate stands.
  • Inclined .The frame is made with a slope to the surface of the earth.
  • A-shape .Stable design in the form of the letter “A”, suitable for open areas. Landings have on both sides.

DIY trellis

It’s easy to install and tension trellis net in the greenhouse. As supports on the ends of the greenhouse, install columns of timber with an 2 height of a meter to the size of the grid. The construction height depends on the size of the greenhouse. On a bed 5-6 m long, an additional 3 intermediate supports must be installed. If reusable construction is planned, it is better to install wooden racks in sections of metal pipes dug into the ground. This measure will protect the tree from rotting.

The most reliable fixation should be ensured in the center of the trellis, since the net in this part will experience the maximum load.

On the top of the racks, the channel bars are fastened with self-tapping screws. The net is attached directly to the crossbar. The second method is more convenient when a wooden lath, , is attached to the top of it and is fastened with a wire to a horizontal crossbar. This makes it easier to disassemble the trellis at the end of the season.

When installing a trellis construction on open ground, it is necessary to take into account the movement of the sun, positioning it in the east-west direction. Cucumber bushes will thus receive the maximum amount of solar energy.

An error is the incorrect location of the supports when they obscure each other.

Proper planting and care in the open field and greenhouse

Plant cucumber seedlings in a row at a distance of 35-40 cm under the trellis or according to the scheme of a two-line tape in a checkerboard pattern. It is recommended to choose cucumber varieties that give long lashes. When the shoots reach 15 centimeters in length, you need to attach them to the bottom line of the cells. In the course of all development, plants need supervision and a garter, not all lashes crawl up on their own, they need to be guided, only after that they will weave.

After the cucumber shoots have a height of about 15 cm, you should begin to attach the upper petals to the bottom line of the grid with your own hands.

The cucumber planting care is to follow the agrotechnical rules required for this vegetable crop. The main ones are:

  • regular watering of plants with room temperature water under the root;
  • timely high-quality top dressing with complex fertilizers with microelements, ashes;
  • prevention of diseases;
  • Weed Removal .
When forming a bush, you need to remember the necessity of timely pinching the main stem for the development of lateral shoots, which produce the main crop.

Rules for growing cucumbers on the net: garter and shrub formation

The technology of vertical farming includes the experience and knowledge of the traditional cultivation of vegetable crops. Not superfluous will be guided by them:

  1. Before spring planting of cucumbers, one should take into account that the best predecessors for cucumbers are tomatoes, potatoes, beans, cabbage.
  2. Always need preparation of beds , well-fertilized with humus. It is better to cook them in the fall.
  3. The sowing of seeds is done when the soil warms up to + 14-16 degrees, and the air temperature warms up to + 22.
  4. Cucumber planting can be conducted both with seeds and seedlings. Many gardeners practiced the combined method.
  5. For a vertical trellis, choose a place that is most protected from the wind. Draft - the enemies of cucumbers. On cold nights you need to cover the landing of non-woven material.
  6. To form an plant, produce the main lash at the eighth leaf.
After pinching, the growth of the main shoot of cucumbers will stop, and the bush will begin to branch and form side shoots.
  1. Conduct to prepare seeds by disinfecting and soaking before planting in growth stimulants. The best yield of seeds that are not more than 3 years. Last year's many barren flowers.


Properly installed trellis grid will help solve many problems when growing cucumbers in greenhouses and in the open field. By adopting this idea, you can grow a quality crop even in a small area.

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