Det bästa gödningsmedlet och gödningsmedel för gurkor

Vegetable is really very popular, combining the freshness of flavor, crunch, juiciness and low calorie content. Its nutritional value is low, but it just allows you to eat as much as your soul desires, without the risk of gaining extra weight. Probably, there is not a single gardener who would not grow cucumbers and tomatoes on his plot. For this reason, the question of feeding for this plant always remains important and relevant.

For proper growth of cucumbers, they must be fed at the stage of growing seedlings at home. In the article we will tell you what an integrated approach to choose and how to water cucumber when grown in a polycarbonate greenhouse or before planting in open ground.

You can use various folk remedies to fertilize - nitrogenous, yeast fertilizer, droppings, and so on.


  • Manure
  • Organic
  • Use of nitrogen fertilizer for cucumber
  • Sulfate
  • Top dressing for cucumbers in greenhouse and open ground

    B withIf, for the cultivation of cucumbers, fertile soil with a sufficient amount of mineral components is chosen, you can expect a good harvest, without making additional efforts.

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    It is fair to note that the culture of is not always actively growing .It often happens that the summer cottages cannot provide an abundance in fruiting and it cannot climb in time.

    Most often this happens when the same crop is planted in the same place.

    The fertilizer process has a lot of positive things, allowing you to achieve excellent results:

    • “fed” vegetable grows faster in the spring, brings fruits earlier;
    • ; fertilizer formulations prolong fruiting;
    • with the help of additives improves the yield and taste of the vegetables themselves ;
    • correctly selected necessary fertilizer components can protect plants from diseases, strengthening their “immune” system. This is important for growing in open ground, where plants are less protected from harmful parasites and climatic conditions.
    With the right fertilizing you can increase the yield and taste of cucumber

    For all summer, it is enough to run from three to four supplements in the garden of using mineral or organic compounds. You can make them in two ways - root and foliar. Any gardener chooses for himself the types and forms of dressings, their alternation. But there are a number of common points that everyone must consider before feeding.

    root dressing should be done in warm summer. The roots of the plants are well developed, they assimilate the compositions you add in full. It is best if you feed the plants after rain or generous watering. This should be done in the evening or in cloudy weather.

    A foliar dressing is useful when the summer is cool and cloudy days stand. Roots in this season will not cope with the assimilation of nutrients. Therefore it is necessary to carry out spraying of foliage, pouring out not very large doses on them.

    The nutrient composition should be sprayed with small droplets, falling on the leaves evenly. It will depend on how long the plant needs to absorb the necessary substances for how long it will stay on the surface of the leaf.
    When foliar feeding, it is necessary to spray

    uniformly. There are four fertilizing regimes that should be followed without fail:

    • fifteen days after planting;
    • with the onset of flowering period;
    • for mass fruiting;
    • in the same period to extend the time and increase yields.

    If cucumbers grow well and bear fruit in your land, you should not overdo with top dressing compositions, the vegetable does not like it. In such cases, it is enough to perform one or two such events.

    Fertilizing and folk remedies for greenhouse cucumbers and greenhouse

    The plant at various stages of development requires certain mineral components and vitamins. In the initial period, the culture actively consumes nitrogen .During the formation of lashes he needs the addition of potassium .

    With the addition of shoots and the beginning of fruiting, it is again necessary to introduce nitrogen-containing compounds.

    Potash fertilizers - urea, superphosphate


    One small spoon of potassium sulfate, urea and superphosphate is added to a bucket of water. The second option is a glass of mullein per ten liters of water. One large spoon of sodium humate can be diluted with the same amount of liquid.


    In order for the vegetables to be well poured, you should apply the foliar nutrition option using the special preparations "Zircon" or "Epin" .

    In addition, in specialized stores you can always find "Ideal", "Giant", "Wage-earner", "Fertility".These compounds are designed directly for cucumbers.

    In ten liters of water, one spoon of any of the preparations is diluted, the consumption of the compound is five liters for each square section of the garden bed.

    Giant - top dressing specifically for cucumbers

    For open ground

    Fertilizer formulations can be prepared independently, selecting components at your own sight. Such dressings have several advantages. Here are the best recipes.

    Proper use of the yeast

    An effective way that would require the usual yeast for baking bread. One pack should be dissolved in a ten-liter bucket of water, put in a warm place and insist for three days. Once a day, the composition must be thoroughly mixed.

    This nutrient, , is introduced after irrigating .On each bush should pour half a liter of feeding composition. It will not only stimulate development, but also create protection against harmful parasites. But remember that this method of feeding is used no more than three times during the entire season .

    In order for the yeast to work perfectly, they should be fed on well-warmed soil.
    Yeast infusion should be made after watering.

    . Bread infusion prepared at home.

    Excellent option, which is a good alternative to yeast. For the preparation of foliar use, it is necessary to soak in a bucket of water soak a loaf of bread and leave for one night. In the morning, the bread mass should be kneaded, add 10 ml of iodine to the water.

    After that, the resulting mass is diluted with water at the rate of 1 liter of fertilizer composition per bucket of liquid. After that it is possible to carry out spraying of culture.

    It is possible to insist on bread for a week by covering the bucket with a lid and putting it in heat. In this case, you get an excellent root feeding. For the preparation is not necessary to use a bread loaf - stale crusts, the number of which can be arbitrary.

    To water cucumbers in this composition, it is diluted with water at the rate of one to three .Consumption - up to five hundred grams per plant.

    This kind of fertilizer can be used once every five days , as soon as the first ovary appears on the bushes. The use of bread sourdough is allowed until the end of the season.

    Bread infusion as a top dressing should be made no more than once every 5 days.

    . Mineral fertilizers

    . We already know that feeds plants in four stages of .And for each period it is allowed to use mineral compounds:


    • one spoon of urea and sixty grams of superphosphate per bucket of water;Ammonium nitrate
    • , superphosphate, potash salt( all ten grams) per ten liters of water;
    • ammophos in the amount of five grams is scattered over the bed, the soil is loosened;


    • potassium nitrate( 20 g), ammonium nitrate( 30 g), superphosphate( 40 g);
    • a glass of wood ash in a bucket of water;
    • superphosphate and dry ashes are introduced into the soil;


    • , to thirty grams of potassium nitrate is diluted in a bucket of water;
    • for the same amount of fluid using fifty grams of urea;
    • twenty-five grams of ash per liter of water;


    • Add thirty grams of baking soda to a bucket of water;
    • a glass of ash in a bucket of water.

    Manure Infusion mullein can be purchased in finished form

    Excellent help in the cultivation of cucumber mullein and .The first is rich in organic components, can be used for greenhouses and open beds. Chicken manure is recommended for outdoor plants, including cucumbers, onions and tomatoes.

    The use of horse manure is strictly prohibited.

    This type of fertilizer contains an excess of ammonia, which during disintegration and contact with the ground is able to release nitrates, which are bad and dangerous not only to plants, but also to human health.


    Such compositions are also used in each of the four feeding periods:


    • bird droppings at the rate of 1 to 15, used in a freshly prepared state;
    • slurry slurry, diluted 1 to 8;
    • cow dung 1 to 6;
    • infusion of freshly cut grass 1 to 5;


    • herbal infusion 1 to 5;


    • green fertilizer composition at the rate of 1 to 5;


    • infusion of fresh hay( two days).

    Use of nitrogen fertilizers for cucumber

    With a lack of nitrogen, cucumbers grow in the form of a hook
    An insufficient amount of nitrogen can cause the fruit to look like a hook.

    The first signs of a lack of such a component are considered to be . The light-colored color of the foliage of the and the same shade are slightly sharpened fruits. Then the leaf begins to actively turn yellow, the root system turns brown and dies, the bush suspends development. shedding of the ovary and inflorescences , small formation of lateral branches is observed.

    To save the situation, you can use infusion of weed , which are cut and poured water at the rate of two kilograms of mass per bucket of water. It is necessary to insist a week. The composition is good for plants in greenhouse conditions.

    For open ground, is ideal for mullein solution 1 to 10. A liter of fluid must be poured under each bush.


    They are used when it is necessary to nourish the plants with calcium. The amount of this component depends on the brightness and size of the inflorescences .


    Sulphate Fertilizer Many people simply scatter phosphate or sulphate fertilizer over the bed before digging. This method allows you to saturate the soil with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. To do this, it is enough per square square to make up to thirty grams of the fertilizer composition.

    During watering once a week, you can add nitrophoska at the rate of forty grams per bucket of water .

    Using all the recommendations, you can annually grow decent yields of cucumbers in your backyard. Just remember that the solutions should be applied in the form of heat, as the cucumber plant does not tolerate cold.

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