När ska man samla rött och svart chokeberry?

Chokeberry is a useful berry, which is used to prepare both preparations for the winter, and for medicines.

Compotes, juices, jams, wine, as well as various tinctures, tea and various decoctions can be made from this vegetable component. But nevertheless it is worth being able to collect it correctly.

In order to cook delicious blanks from this berry, you need to know the time of its collection and be able to determine them .It depends on this and the storage period, and the beneficial properties of the berries, and its taste.

Table of Contents

  • Ripening time and harvest time for red and black chokeberry berries
  • How you can and should be collected: important rules
  • Picking berries for jams and compressesDecoction of flowers

Ripening time and harvest time of red and black chokeberry

Red and black rowan ripens around the end of August at the beginning of September. Ripe berries can withstand elevated frosts, and the crop will remain almost until the spring.

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In the southern regions of Russia , the coloration of red and black mountain ash begins already at the beginning of July, but during this period it was not yet ripe. Many gardeners believe that this berry reaches full maturity closer to September. However, even in this period, it is not considered fully mature.

Rowan red and black fully ripen in different regions of Russia in different ways. In the southern regions the berries ripen closer to the end of September, in the middle belt and the Moscow region closer to October, in the northern regions, in Siberia and in the Urals - in November.

It is worth remembering that the taste of the berry depends on the ripeness and ripening period .If you want the fruits to be not very sweet with a bitter taste, then the harvest should be done at the very beginning of ripening. If you want the berry to be sweeter, then it is better to wait until the frost with the harvest.

It is possible to proceed to the first gathering of berries already when the structure of the fruit becomes completely black or red, and to the touch it becomes not very hard and dense. This usually occurs in mid-August and early September.

At this time, the berry becomes bitter and acquires a slightly tart flavor. The second harvest period begins already from the end of September and up to the winter, at which time the fruits ripen completely and become sweet.

Red and Black Rowan fully ripen in different regions of Russia in different ways

How you can and should be collected: important rules

Rowing collection has a number of features .Unlike other types of berries, this type of fruit crops has a number of features, on which proper harvesting depends.

It is worth remembering a few collection rules , on which the storage, taste, structure of fruits and preparations of them depend:

  • you must begin to shoot ripe fruits in sunny weather;
  • will be optimal day after rain. Rain will wash away all the dust and dirt from the berries, and also discourage damaged, rotten fruits;
  • berries for the assembly must be dried, because the raw berries with water will be poorly stored;
  • it is desirable to break in the morning, because it is during this period that the berries have the greatest value, contain a high level of useful components;
  • if the berry matures and retracts for drying, then it is necessary to cut off the whole brushes with berries. Cut them should be shears. After that, the brushes are strung on a rope and hung in a dry place to dry;
  • if the berries are going to make compotes, jams, decoctions, tea and other healing drinks, then it should also be cut with brushes. Then the berries are separated and used for cooking. If it is removed for each berry, this process takes a lot of time, moreover, the probability of damage to the fruit increases.
Important advice: to collect red and black rowan, it is recommended to use containers made of enamelled, glass and plastic base. Galvanized or aluminum steel has a negative effect on the taste of ripe fruits of mountain ash.

When picking black chokeberry, tell a video:

Picking berries for jam and compote

You can make various blanks of from rowan red and black: it is suitable for making jam, jams, jellies.

It is included in the composition of one-component compotes, juices, it is also added to fruit and berry assorted compotes. Rowan goes well with apples, pears, cherries, plums.

It is important that the berry has not only a beautiful bright color, but also a suitable taste. For dessert preparations for the winter, the fruit's taste should be sweet, if it is bitter, then, respectively, the taste of jam or compote will be bitter.

To prepare the jam and compotes, the berries should be harvested from the end of September, closer to mid-October.

It is advisable to collect the berries for preparing jam and compotes a little later - from the end of September closer to the middle of October. During this period, the fruits become juicy, poured bright color and get a sweeter taste.

If you plan to add a fruit platter to the compotes, for example, in addition to apples or pears, you can pick up mountain ash from the beginning of September, without waiting for full ripening.

At this time, the berries have a bright color that will make compotes beautiful. A small handful of rowan, black or red, can brighten up zucchini compotes, melons, it will give them a bright, rich color.

If it is planned to prepare one-component compotes, then it is recommended to wait until the first frosts with the collection. In central Russia, this period falls on October. During this period, there is a decrease in temperature at night.

Frost will make ripened fruits softer, more juicy, they will become sweet and all bitterness and tartness will completely go away.

Pre-worth a few tastes to taste to make sure they are suitable for making compotes, jam. If not, then the berry should be left for some time in the cold so that it fully matured.

Preparation of vitamin tea or decoction

Red and black rowan have a high level of beneficial components , which have a beneficial effect on human health.

This berry helps to eliminate various diseases of the digestive system, liver, kidneys, normalizes the activity of the heart, blood vessels.

This berry can be added to various tinctures, decoctions, fortified tea. In this case, can be used to prepare both fresh and dried fruits. The main thing in the preparation to take into account all the recommendations of the recipe.

Fortified tea made from black or red berries

Fortified tea based on red or black rowan is considered an effective remedy for influenza and SARS .This drink is useful to drink in the spring, when there is a lack of vitamins, beneficial components.

For cooking, you will need about 50 grams of mountain ash and 50 grams of hawthorn berries, a liter of hot water .

Vitamin tea made from red or black rowan will be an effective remedy against influenza and ARVI.

Tea preparation scheme:

  1. To begin, prepare 50 grams of rowan and rosehip berries.
  2. If there is a thermos, then it should be filled with ash and wild rose.
  3. Fill with 1 liter of hot water.
  4. Close the thermos and leave to infuse for 6-8 hours.

Drink ready tea should be half a glass 2-3 times a day .To improve the taste, enhance the tonic properties in the finished drink, you can add a bit of natural honey, a spoonful of grated ginger root.

Tea with currants and rowan

Currant-flavored beverage is very tasty, invigorating and tonic. It can be drunk during periods of epidemics of colds.

It enhances the properties of the immune system , enhances the body's resistance to the effects of various infectious and colds lesions.

To make a healthy drink, you need 50 grams of mountain ash red or black, 1 large spoon of currant, dried leaves of currant 1 large spoon of .

Tea with currants and rowan enhances the properties of the immune system, increases the body's resistance

Cooking Rules:

  1. Prepare the berries and leaves.
  2. We spread rowanberries, berries and currant leaves in a thermos.
  3. Everything is poured with a liter of hot water.
  4. Be sure to tightly close the thermos.
  5. All leave to brew all night.
  6. You can drink tea half a glass 3 times every day.

It is worth noting that the fortified rowan tea improves the functioning of the liver, kidneys, heart, vessels .In addition, it normalizes the activity of the digestive system.

Decoction of flowers

Useful properties have flowers of mountain ash .They should be collected in late May, early June. Broths of rowan flowers help to normalize the endocrine system, eliminate liver damage, help with hemorrhoids, cough, various gynecological pathologies.

For preparation, you will need for about 1 big spoonful of rowan flowers, 250 ml of hot water .

Broths of rowan flowers help normalize the activity of the endocrine system, eliminate liver disorders
  • We spread flowers in a jar.
  • Fill all with hot water, one glass is enough.
  • Everything is infused for 30 minutes.
  • After this, the decoction is filtered through gauze material.
  • Drink the decoction should be half a glass three times a day .Insist flock can be in a thermos for 3-4 hours. It is recommended to drink it ¼ cup three times a day.

    Broths based on rowan flowers can be added to therapeutic baths to treat joint pain. Broths are used for various colds - they are often used for gargling with pharyngitis and laryngitis.

    Harvesting mountain ash is not an easy process, because you need to know the time of full ripening of this berry. In addition, it can be collected in several stages.

    The first stage of the is suitable for picking fruits that will be used for drying. The second stage of is suitable for preparing various blanks, jams, compotes, jams.

    In any case, whenever this berry is harvested, it has beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on the activity of the organs of the body, on the general condition and health.

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