How do I plant dill to provide my family with fresh herbs all year round?

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Dill is a healthy, vitamin-rich plant that is simply indispensable in cooking and medicine. He belongs to one of the most unpretentious plants and does not need special care. But there are still certain recommendations on how to plant dill in order to get thick, fragrant greens and enjoy fresh seasoning for a long period.

How to plant dill?

To grow an appetizing and healthy dill, you need to know a few very simple principles of proper planting. The following factors are of great importance for the successful cultivation of dill:

  • choosing the right place;
  • soil preparation;
  • soil fertilizer;
  • abundant watering.

Dill light-loving plant that grows poorly in the shade. With a lack of sunlight, plants can grow very thin and pale. Therefore, to obtain a good harvest dill is recommended to sow in well-lit areas. Preparation of the soil includes its obligatory digging, which is performed in the autumn, or in the spring before planting. The ground must be loose to ensure good penetration of moisture and air to the seeds sown.

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Dill is best planted in fertile, rich in organic soil. To do this, it is necessary to add humus to the soil( half a bucket per 1 m²).In the absence of humus, a diluted mullein or bird droppings are used as fertilizer. The plant loves potassium and phosphorus, therefore it is recommended to add ammonium nitrate, potash fertilizers and superphosphate to the soil. Top dressing of the soil can be carried out in the fall, during digging, or in the spring, before planting seeds.

It should be noted that, despite the digging and fertilizer, acidic and heavy soil is not suitable for growing dill.

Dill loves moisture, so you need to carefully monitor that the earth does not dry out. And the sowing of seeds should be carried out exclusively in wet soil. Dill will be planted in April, then repeated every 15 days in order to ensure continuous harvest.

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Shoots well tolerate frosts to -5 ° C.However, sudden changes in temperature( cooling or sudden heat) can contribute to the inhibition of plants. Therefore, if there is a possibility of frost, it is desirable to cover the shoots with plastic wrap. Spray varieties can be planted through seedlings. To do this, you need to plant one seed in small containers filled with peat, and then plant the bushes in the greenhouse.

How to sow dill?

Before planting, seeds are soaked or sown dry. Soaked seeds germinate faster, and seedlings from dry seeds are much better adapted to weather conditions.

In order for plants to develop evenly, without suppressing each other due to crowding, dill is sown at the rate of 1 g of seeds per 1 square meter of land.

How to sow dill:

  • First, you need to prepare a garden bed for planting, fertilizing it with a layer of well-rotted humus, about 15 cm thick.
  • In a wet bed, furrows are made about 5 cm wide and are poured with plenty of water.
  • Dill seeds are sown in a zigzag manner along the furrow, and are embedded in the ground to a depth of 1–2 cm. From above, they are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil or humus. Planted seeds are no longer watered, so as not to wash them very deep into the ground.
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After a couple of weeks, the first shoots germinate, which must be thinned, keeping the gap between the plants 5-10 cm. Care must be taken to avoid thickening of the plantings, because the dill can stop growing. In greenhouses and greenhouses, dill can be sown around the perimeter of the passage, as well as at the northern wall. High humidity contributes to the growth and succulence of the plant.

Can I plant dill in July?

Landing of almost all garden crops takes place in the springtime of the year, including dill. But for most fans of this delicious seasoning the question is: is it possible to plant dill in July, will it have time to grow and ripen? Dill is good because it can be sown throughout the summer season, from spring to autumn. However, summer seeding has some peculiarities.

The beds are usually already filled with other plants. Therefore, it is necessary to find the dill correct neighbors. Best of all it suits the neighborhood with cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes. Essential oils, which are contained in dill, significantly improve the taste of these vegetables and relieve them of some harmful insects. A fertile and well-fertilized soil beneath them is great for the successful germination of dill.

It is not recommended to plant summer dill in greenhouses and greenhouses. Under these conditions, it will not be so fragrant and will fade very quickly after cutting.

Another nuance, if you sow the seeds dry, they can ascend only after 15 days. Therefore, the sowing of dill in summer requires mandatory soaking of seeds.

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How to plant dill to quickly ascend?

First, let's figure out how many days dill sprout. At an air temperature of + 5 ° C, dill usually sprinkles after 14–20 days. During the warmer period, at a temperature of + 20 ° C, seeds germinate in 10–15 days. But in some cases it is necessary to hasten germination of seeds. Therefore, the question arises: how to plant dill to quickly ascended?

To do this, the following measures should be taken:

  • put dill seeds in a gauze knot, hold for 1-2 minutes in hot water( 60 ° C);
  • then for 2-3 days put in water at room temperature. Every 8 hours, the water needs to be changed, and the dill seeds are washed. Or for a day pass air through the water, using an aquarium compressor;
  • then dry the seeds before planting.

Thanks to these procedures, essential oils that prevent germination are washed off the seeds, and after planting, dill germinates already on the 4–6th day. Seeds are sown in moist soil, covered with a thin layer( 5 mm) of peat, humus and sand from above. Additional watering soaked seeds do not need. Dill planted in this way is cut off after 30 days, when it grows to 20 - 25 cm.

How to grow a good dill - video

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