The choice of chemicals that destroy the Colorado potato beetle, but safe for humans

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Photo with the description of the best varieties of actinidia kolomikta for cottages near Moscow

Photo with the description of the best varieties of actinidia kolomikta for cottages near MoscowGardening

Content of the article: Characteristic features of actinidia colomicta Reflective foundations for the region of the region of Kolomikt for Moscow region Features of acti...

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Cherries Valery Chkalov: description of the variety and characteristics of agricultural engineering

Cherries Valery Chkalov: description of the variety and characteristics of agricultural engineeringGardening

Contents of the article: History of creating a variety Valery Chkalov Cultivation of a hatche craws caravans caravicas cherries cherries cherries Valery Chkalov Features ...

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Reliable protection of plants from insect pests Inta-vira tablet

Reliable protection of plants from insect pests Inta-vira tabletGardening

Content of the article: Main characteristics of the tool Instruction: how to use the tool Negative impact on humansOne pack contains 8 tablets that must be dissolved in w...

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