Types of decorative cereals and their use in landscape design

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Decorative cereals are an excellent solution for decorating a summer cottage, a park or a recreation area. They can be low or reach large sizes, forming brushes of different shapes and colors. These plants are unpretentious to the conditions of detention, therefore, are actively used to create landscape compositions of varying complexity.

Plant Varieties

Cereal plants differ from each other, but they can be easily combined. The main condition for the choice of neighbors - they should feel good on the same type of soil with identical humidity. To determine the specific type of plant will help review the most popular decorative cereals with the names and photos.

Blue Fescue

Gray-Fawn( Blue) Fescue is a perennial cereal plant that can reach one and a half meters in height. Its peculiarity lies in an unusual silver color that will harmonize well with the sand base, pebbles or large cobblestones in the garden.

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Fescue is considered a heat-loving plant, therefore, it is planted in the ground in June, when the soil warms up completely. There are several rules that should be followed so that the bushes grow bright and neat:

  • the soil should be well drained, moisture stagnation is not allowed( soil with a high sand content is best suited);
  • every 4 years the bushes must be divided;
  • every 2 years, the plant is recommended to replant, otherwise the leaves may become pale.

Fescue is one of the lawn plants. It is grown to decorate flower beds, paths, gazebos. It is especially useful in areas with insufficiently fertile soil, which is not suitable for other plant varieties.

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Chasewinter prospeculous

Among all the ornamental grasses and herbs in landscape design, the protherpater prosimus is most unusual. Its second name is indoor bamboo, since these two plants are related. The stems of an adult plant resemble the real thickets of bamboo in miniature. The leaves are bright, may have different shades of green.

Pogonaterum is a perennial grass plant, but it is recommended to grow it at home in a warm place. The air temperature for this variety of cereal should not fall below 18 degrees. Frosts will lead to his death, but in the summer the plant pot can be taken out onto the street.

Indoor bamboo is not a very easy-to-care plant, the owner will have to fulfill several basic requirements: the

  • area must be well lit, the drive will not even be afraid of direct sunlight;
  • is watered regularly, even in winter, the upper part of the soil should not dry out;
  • green mass is also recommended to spray from the spray.

Unlike many other ornamental grasses and cereals for the garden, indoor bamboo requires constant feeding. This may be the usual mineral fertilizer for indoor plants, which is added twice a month to the water for irrigation. Soil for the cultivation of pogonateruma will also be different. Since the plant does not tolerate drying, the soil must contain a large percentage of clay. It is recommended to add peat, humus or other mineral fertilizers to the seedling mixture.

Barley maned

Barley maned is another herb that is often used in landscape design. Outwardly, it resembles common barley and retains all the positive characteristics of this variety. The plant tolerates frost well, so it can be planted safely in flowerbeds, where heat-loving varieties have not taken root.

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Barley is one of those varieties that quickly grow and seize new areas. Periodically, the bushes must be thinned so that the flowerbed looks neat. In temperate climates, the plant can remain outside for the winter, but if frost occurs, it is better to dig it up and move it to a house or greenhouse.

Regular thinning of bushes or limiting the space for growth is not enough. Barley is well propagated by seeds, so they must be cut to their full maturity.


Cortaderia is a perennial cereal plant that can reach up to 3 m in height. It should not be combined with other, less tall, varieties, because it forms a strong root system and use all the nutrients from the soil. In addition, it is worthwhile to think in advance how much the cortaderia will fit into the overall composition - if you plant it once, it will not be easy to get rid of it.

The leaves of this plant are strong and flexible. At the end of summer and early autumn, panicles up to 50 cm long form on them. Individual inflorescences have smooth long fibers, colored cream, white or beige. Panicles are above human growth and resemble clouds. Cortaderia

is a cereal plant that does not dictate any conditions for care. It grows well in abandoned areas, each year capturing new territories. It is also protected from pests, direct sunlight, drought and the bay. At home, it can be watered every 2 weeks, and adult plants need this procedure even less often.

How to choose and care for cereals?

For decorative cereals to look neat and well-groomed, there are several rules for their planting. The peculiarity of these plants is that they grow rapidly and can hinder the development of neighbors. If you do not restrain their growth, a neat flowerbed will look as if it had not been treated for a long time by weeds.

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When planting decorative cereals, you can use one of the tips:

  • use poor soil with a high sand content( plants will develop in these conditions);
  • limit the growth of bushes with decorative stones, pebbles or mounds of sand;
  • is recommended to place the most aggressive varieties in separate pots, and then lower them into the ground.

Unlike many other plants, cereals do not need top dressing. On the contrary, fertilizers can provoke too intensive growth, because of which the bushes can lose shape.

Decorative cereals multiply by seedlings or seeds, it depends on the particular variety. Cereal seeds will germinate at a comfortable temperature, but in some varieties it is better to germinate separately. If you immediately put them in the main place, growth may be oppressed by larger flowers or bushes. Seedlings do not necessarily grow at home in pots - you can simply form a separate garden bed for them, and transplant as soon as a small bush is formed.

Cereals in landscape design is a fashion trend that is increasingly used not only to decorate flowerbeds and hedges, but also to create a special atmosphere in parks or recreation areas. Depending on the type of plant, it will either complement the composition of other bushes and flowers, or act as the main decoration. They look great without the addition of other varieties in the composition of hedges and around artificial ponds.

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