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PlotsOne of these shrubs is Juniper Repanda, short, winter-hardy and unpretentious.
The variety was obtained in Ireland, first became available to gardeners in 1934, and still enjoys well-deserved love in all corners of the world.
Description of Juniper Repanda
Perennial evergreen shrub belongs to the dwarf varieties. By the age of 10, the juniper Repanda( J. communis Repanda) has a diameter of about one and a half meters and a height not exceeding 30 cm. The bush reaches a maximum diameter of about 2.5 meters only by 15–20 years.
Crohn formed by thin, densely branching shoots, densely covered with needle, up to 5–8 mm long, soft needles. A characteristic feature of the variety is silver-white stripes on the outside of the needles. In the summer, the needles are green, and in winter the shrubs turn brownish-green. On mature plants of juniper Repanda, rounded cones appear up to a centimeter in size. The ripening fruits of green become bluish-blue, covered with a thick whitish bloom.
Juniperus groundcover compact form with a gain up to 12 cm in width and about 3 cm in height will be useful:
- for alpine hill, on the curb as solitaire in the design suburban area;
- despite the polluted air, in the city square;
- as a potted plant on the terrace, balcony or patio.
The variety of the juniper Repanda, in the photo, is well tested by time, has excellent winter hardiness, lends itself well to reproduction by vegetative means, without losing its decorative qualities.
Planting and care for juniper Repanda
Different varieties of common juniper have common features. These include undemanding to the composition of the soil.
Plants equally well acclimatize on the soil with low acidity and weak alkaline reaction. However, according to the description of Juniper Repanda, the shrub grows best on loose, moderately moist and nutritious soils.
A mixture for planting is prepared on the basis of sod land, sand and peat with the addition of complex fertilizers for coniferous crops. To avoid juniper roots being at risk of rotting, drainage from expanded clay, broken bricks is poured at the bottom of the landing pit. If the plants are to become part of a wide free-form border, they leave a gap between the bushes, sufficient for the growth and closure of the crowns.
If you choose the right landing site, taking care of the Repanda juniper will be much easier.
Ephedra light-requiring, well growing in partial shade. The best place for juniper is a site protected from the south with light drained soil and deep groundwater. The shrub can withstand:
- cold to –29 ° C, so it does not need a special shelter;
- lack of lag in the soil, if sufficient air humidity is maintained;
- neighborhood with any floral and decorative leafy plants, which makes the variety truly universal.
In hot, dry weather, the juniper Repanda is watered. The plant is well perceived sprinkling, which is carried out in the evening, so that the needles are not at risk of burns.
Creeping juniper varieties do not need special pruning. If the rules of agrotechnology are observed, the culture independently forms a squat crown of rounded shape.
However, in the spring be sure to remove dead or damaged shoots. At this time, cuttings are harvested to propagate the plants and make cuttings, which after rooting by the autumn will become full-fledged seedlings.
Juniper Repanda in landscape design
Compact ground cover juniper is an excellent choice if you have to decorate a rock garden, a rocky site, garden paths or extensive lawns.
In areas with difficult terrain, sprawling plantings will help strengthen and green the slopes, prevent the spreading of ravines and crumbling the ground near the stairs.
In landscape design, the juniper Repanda is also used as a pot culture. Containers with shrubs that are not afraid of heat, cold and gassed air, form a green island on the balcony, flat roof, on the terrace and near the entrance to the house.
For planting it is better to choose plants with a closed root system. They are better acclimatized, which is especially important if you have to grow a flat green carpet or curb. Such seedlings can be transferred to the ground not only in spring, but also during the entire warm season, they are less sick and immediately begin to grow in a new place.