Transplantation and rejuvenation of dieffenbachia at home

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Due to its large foliage, decorated with a contrasting colorful pattern, Dieffenbachia has become one of the most common indoor plants. If suitable conditions are created for a culture, it grows rapidly, so transplanting dieffenbachia is an important step in care. The procedure will help not only to give the plant new strength, but also rejuvenate an instance that has lost its decorative effect.

Perennial herbaceous dieffenbachia - comes from the Americas. Crops growing in warm climates are often easily distinguished by large leaf plates, powerful stems and high growth rates. Dieffenbachia is no exception.

Flower growers, enticed by the opportunity to decorate their home with a spectacular plant, you need to know that their green pet is not very willing to bush, and growing up the stem inevitably becomes bare.

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You can maintain the foliage and compactness of the crown with proper care, during which the crop is pruned and transplanted.

When and how to transplant dieffenbachia? Does this procedure have limitations and how to facilitate plant acclimatization in a new pot?

Home-transplant dieffenbachia

Signals about its need for a transplant of dieffenbachia:

  • growth slowdown;
  • reducing the size of the formed sheet plates;
  • quick drying earthen coma after regular watering.

If you take out such a plant from a pot, you will find that the roots completely occupied the entire volume, and the substrate is almost invisible due to their interlacing. In this case, you need:

  • to pick up a pot with a diameter of 1-3 cm larger than the previous one;
  • prepare fresh soil and material to replace the drainage layer.
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Before transferring the plant to a new container it is useful to inspect the root system.

With crowding or watering disturbances it often happens that a part of the roots dies off or rots. When they are removed in time, it is possible not to be afraid that, after transplantation, dieffenbachia will suffer not only from acclimatization, but also from infections developing in the depth of the ground.

Darkened from rot, moist or, on the contrary, dry roots are carefully removed, and the cut sections are treated with fungicide and powdered charcoal. Now the green pet can be transferred to a fresh nutrient substrate. This should be done in such a way as to preserve the integrity of the coma from the roots and the earth that was formed during growth. In this case, the period of habituation to the new conditions will be as short as possible, and the florist will not face foliage or other alarming symptoms of plant unhealthiness.

The home-transplanted dieffenbachia is carried out at the end of winter or in early spring, when the plant has not yet entered the period of active vegetation. The deadline when the culture can be fully and painlessly transplanted is the beginning of May. If circumstances force the plant to move to a new container in the hot season, this should be done without disturbing the roots. Drainage with each transplant dieffenbachi better to use a new one. And the soil before filling into the pot must be sterilized.

Read also: Features care for spotty Dieffenbachia

Young copies are transplanted annually. Such plants grow quickly, but they are compact, do not need pruning, and are easily transferred to a larger container.

But how to transplant dieffenbachia with a long trunk, when the foliage remained only at the top, and a tall, unbranched shoot spoils the look of the plant?

Cutting Dieffenbachia with a long barrel

In this situation, transplantation is carried out with pruning. Sometimes the only growth point of dieffenbachia is at the very top of the stem. As they grow older, the leaves wither and fall, and the trunk lengthens imperceptibly. Such plants:

  • lose their attractiveness;
  • need additional support;
  • require more time consuming care and attention.

But at the same time dormant buds remain in the nodes in the nodes. If the plant loses its point of growth, they will have no choice but to wake up and give birth to new powerful shoots that feed on the already existing root system. Therefore, by trimming the tip in adult plants, you can quickly update the existing Dieffenbachia specimen, making it more bushy and lush.

The apical stalk and the bare part of the trunk is an excellent breeding material for indoor plants. You can receive cuttings already three or four year dieffenbachy.

How to upgrade and transplant dieffenbachia?

Cut the stem to 1.5–2 cm above the node so that several viable buds remain to the ground level. Place the cut dried with a napkin and treated with powder of activated or charcoal.

Read also: Popular varieties of dieffenbachia

In this form, the plant can be transferred to a fresh substrate. Before transplanting dieffenbachia, mix:

  • two parts of garden soil;
  • part of crushed sphagnum moss;
  • part of peat;
  • part of the washed sand.

Chopped charcoal can be added to the soil, and if desired, peat can be replaced with peat from under pine trees.

The resulting substrate should be loose and not too moisture-intensive. If the roots of dieffenbachia after transplantation or in the process of further growth turn out to be in a constantly moist dense environment, this threatens them with rotting and inevitable diseases.

A bare stem and foliage remaining after pruning can be successfully rooted in a light sand mixture. Over time, the resulting cuttings will turn into the same beautiful Dieffenbachia as their mother plant.

Video about transplanting dieffenbachia will help to understand the intricacies of this stage of caring for a tropical plant, firmly settled on the window sills. After the plant got into the new ground, it needs time to acclimatize. Therefore. Until the full growth of new leaves begins, dieffenbachia is carefully watered and protects direct sunlight. The culture does not need to be fed in the first time after transfer to the nutrient substrate.

Video about transplanting shanks of dieffenbachia

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