Subtleties of planting and care in the open field for a gentle lavender

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Reproduction dracaena at home is not particularly difficult

Reproduction dracaena at home is not particularly difficultFlowers And Plants

Article content: How to multiply dracaena at home? Propagation of dracaena by upper cuttings Propagation of dracaena with a display of a glass of a nordityIn the wild, bo...

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Learning to care for gloxinia at home

Learning to care for gloxinia at homeFlowers And Plants

Contents of the article: Lighting conditions for growing gloxinia and caring for it Microclimate for care and cultivation of gloxinia Planting and caring for gloxinia tu...

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What are the healing properties of the small fruits of juniper

What are the healing properties of the small fruits of juniperFlowers And Plants

Content of the article: Features of the structure and collection of juniper berries It is not surprising that juniper berries, medicinal properties and contraindications to th...

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