Contentswhen you can enjoy plenty of natural vitamins in the form of a variety of fruits and berries. Apricots are rightfully considered to be one of the most delicious fruits. Much has been written about their benefits and harms. Before using them, it does not interfere with remembering what effect the fruits have on the body and what can be, if we neglect their side effects. The main components of apricot
The composition of apricots includes many useful vitamins, starch, tannins, as well as three types of acid - tartaric, malic and citric. In addition, they contain salts and minerals necessary for strengthening the skeletal system. Each trace element has its own wide spectrum of action:
- salts and minerals play a significant role in the metabolic processes of the body and restore the nervous system;
- iodine activates the activity of the thyroid gland, reducing the incidence of its diseases, and affects the level of cholesterol;
- iron is involved in hematopoietic processes;
- calcium accelerates blood clotting and makes bones strong;
- potassium helps the kidneys excrete excess fluid that has accumulated in the body;
- magnesium and phosphorus regulate the gastrointestinal tract, promote the absorption of beneficial substances and normalize acidity.
Fresh apricots are low in calories, so they can be consumed during diet and fasting days. Only 44 kilocalories per 100 g of fruit - what is not an ideal dietary product?
When including apricots in the diet menu, it is necessary to take into account not only caloric content, but also a rather high nutritional value as a result of a high sugar content( more than 10%).
The positive side of using apricot
The benefits of apricots are their effect on the human body and the ability to alleviate certain diseases, namely:
- They are useful in the presence of anemia and diseases of the cardiovascular system due to the increased iron content.
- Apricots help remove sputum when dry coughing, and also help to alleviate the general condition at high body temperature.
- Organize the work of the digestive system.
- Eliminate constipation.
- Act as a diuretic while restoring water balance.
- They normalize acidity and also have a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.
- Ability to remove the weak pain.
- A large amount of carotene in apricots, when regularly taken, has a protective role against oncological diseases, especially those associated with organs such as the throat, esophagus and urinary system.
- Used in the treatment of atherosclerosis and varicose veins.
- Strengthen teeth and bone mass due to the large amount of calcium.
- Well remove the symptoms of intoxication with heavy metals.
- They have a healing effect on wounds and cuts.
Read also: The unique composition of apricot kernels, their benefits and harm to the human body
The useful properties of apricots find their application in the field of mental activity. Eating orange fruit fills the body with energy, which has a positive effect on stamina and performance. In addition, these fruits activate brain activity.
Contraindications to the use of apricots
First of all, it is worth noting that an excessive amount of apricot used( however, like any other fruit) can lead to poisoning, especially if they were immature. Despite the significant benefits of apricot, they can cause and harm, especially in the presence of such diseases as:
- Diabetes.
- Reduced thyroid function( hypothyroidism).
- Hepatitis.
Orange fruit should be used with caution by people prone to allergic reactions, as they can cause a rash.
Pediatricians do not recommend young mothers to include apricots in the diet when breast feeding. Nutrients obtained with breast milk can play the opposite role and cause babies allergy or animal colic.
Separately, it is worth noting the use of apricots during pregnancy. In general, fruits are very useful for women in an interesting position, because they replenish reserves of iron, potassium, minerals and other substances that are so necessary for the development of the fetus. Fresh apricot juice restores acidity in pregnant women and satisfies the need for carotene.
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When using apricots during pregnancy, consider the following points:
- do not eat fruit on an empty stomach;
- do not drink water;
- is better to completely abandon apricots in case of acute gastritis, ulcers and bradycardia.
Properties of apricot kernels
Not only fruits, but apricot seeds also have a healing effect. A very useful oil is prepared from the nucleoli, which is included in the compositions for the treatment of diseases of the skin and joints. The oil owes its action to a wide range of beneficial trace elements:
- fatty acids( saturated and unsaturated);
- tocopherols;
- phospholipids;
- iron;
- sodium;
- phosphorus;
- Calcium;
- magnesium;
- potassium;
- vitamins of groups A, B, C, PP, F.
This compound effectively acts as a prophylactic agent in oncology, especially thanks to a small amount of cyanide. It is absolutely safe for healthy cells, but completely destroys cancer cells. However, the daily dose of pits should not exceed 20 g.
Before self-medicating with preparations or infusions based on apricot kernels, you should always consult your doctor in order not to aggravate the situation.
Useful properties of dried apricots
To prepare apricots for the future, they are subjected to a drying process or dried. Depending on the processing methods, dried fruits are divided into the following types:
- Dried apricots. Sun-dried apricot halves with pre-treatment with a special preparation for blackening and pests( sulfur dioxide).
- Apricot. Dried apricots with stones.
- Sheptala. Dried apricots of large varieties without stones.
- Kais. Dried fruits, treated with sulfur dioxide and slightly dried.
Dried fruits have the same effect on the body as fresh, and in some cases bring even more benefits:
- Dried apricots contain fructose and sucrose, so it can be used by diabetics.
- Dried apricots help lower blood pressure and are indicated to hypertensive patients.
- Dried fruits are recommended to be included in the menu if you have problems with bowel cleansing.
- They can be added to therapeutic mixtures to support the work of the cardiac system, as well as to increase hemoglobin.
- Dried apricots are useful for people with vision problems.
- Dried apricots in the composition of the masks perfectly cleanse and rejuvenate the skin.
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If you cook a rich broth from dried apricots and let it brew well, you can get rid of the edema and activate the bladder robot.
As in the case of fresh apricots, use dried apricots should be careful. This is especially true for people with allergies or stomach or pressure problems.
Dried fruits of the whisper variety retain up to 80% of sugars, therefore, people suffering from diabetes, it is better to refrain from their use.
Useful properties of apricot tree bark
The benefits and harms of apricots for human health are not limited to only fruits. Adherents of traditional medicine are well aware that the bark itself from the trunk of the tree can help in the treatment of certain diseases. Broths from the cortex help to restore the body after a stroke, positively acting on the brain. In the old days, they were also given to women so that they would get stronger faster after a difficult birth.
Considering the benefits and harms of apricots, they must be included in the menu, especially the younger generation. After all, the young body is in need of good nutrition and vitamins. Yes, and older people it is useful to eat them to maintain a healthy balance in the body. Moderate intake of fruits will replenish vitamin reserves and help in case of certain health problems.
Video about the beneficial properties of dried apricots