Signs of disease turkeys and ways to treat them

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Young poultry always require more attention than adult adults, and turkeys are no exception. It is important for poultry farmers to know the diseases of turkey, their signs and treatment, which will quickly and effectively raise the livestock on their feet.

Preventive measures are even more significant. They will prevent the occurrence of dangerous diseases and, as a consequence, the weakening and reduction of the growing flock.

Diarrhea in turkeys: treatment and prevention

For fragile chicks, any malaise carries a serious danger, so the young are closely watched and strictly monitored. During the first month of life, turkeys not only gain weight quickly, but also adapt to new conditions, wet mash-ups and dry food, which can become a serious stress.

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About the malaise of the chick the body signals: lethargy, refusal of food, a digestive disorder, which is doubly dangerous because of the washing away with the feces of nutrients and mineral salts. In this case, the causes of diarrhea can be many.

How do you find out why the chick was sick on external signs? Than to treat diarrhea in turkeys, and how not to admit it henceforth?

In diarrhea in young turkeys, it is most often the fault of poor-quality or age-matched food, violation conditions, as well as bacterial and viral infections, sometimes arising as a consequence of the first two reasons.

If signs of a digestive disorder are found, experienced poultry farmers are advised to pay attention to the color of the bowel movements.

If turkeys have brown diarrhea with a slurry of poorly digested food, this signals an imbalance in the feed. Often such a reaction is detected by the introduction of a large number of new nutriments. However, it is possible, the food is given in excess, and the chicks eat already spoiled bunches. In any case, you need to adjust the rate of distribution and balance the composition of food. As a preventive measure, potassium permanganate is added to the water for turkeys, and biovit is fed into the feed. In especially severe cases, resort to diarrhea in turkeys with antibiotics.

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Yellow or greenish stools have a similar nature, while green is a sign launched disease, get rid of which with the exception of a suspicious product is unlikely it will turn out.


Litter of dark, almost black in combination with the indolence of the turkey, drowsiness and untidy dishevelment is a dangerous sign of poisoning. But the most alarming sign for a poultry breeder is the white droppings - a symptom of a pullorosis and other serious ailments of a bird.

Pulloroz or white diarrhea in turkeys: treatment and symptoms

This acute, threatening rapid death disease most often affects the livestock before the 20-day age. In addition to the sharply smelling stools of white color, pullorosis is characterized by a change in the behavior of a previously living mobile turkey. The bird refuses food, suffers from thirst, while almost does not move and, huddled in a corner, sits, covering his eyes.

At close examination it is possible to see that the feathers and down near the cloaca in the case of the puallorose look untidy and glued together.

If you do not immediately start treating diarrhea in turkeys, pullorosis leads to seizures, deterioration and death. Even after the cure, the chicks remain carriers of the disease for a long time.

Coccidiosis in turkeys: symptoms and treatment

If in an adult livestock this disease can be practically asymptomatic invisible, then for young turkey coccidiosis is a serious threat to life. Infection of chicks occurs with the use of birds, feeders and even litter alone with a sick bird. In the summer and when watering the turkey with warm water, the risk of infection increases dramatically.

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What are the signs of the disease in turkeys and the treatment of poultry in a home farmhouse?

The causative agent of the disease is coccidia, protozoan microorganisms, causing devastating damage to the digestive system of small chicks. Symptoms of coccidiosis in turkeys and treatment of the disease are determined by the characteristics of the life of this microorganism. Since the pathogen actively propagates in a beneficial environment, the disease is extremely dangerous acute. Without proper measures for treatment in a short time, up to half of the turkeys die.

About the coccidiosis in turkeys says:

  • decrease or loss of appetite;
  • lethargy of the bird, lack of mobility, drowsiness;
  • unreasonable squeak of chicks;
  • greedy irrepressible drink;
  • untidy look;
  • diarrhea with traces of blood.

Among the causes of the spread of the disease can be called congestion in the poultry house, high temperature humidity, which provoke rapid reproduction of coccidia and other pathogenic microflora.

What if the turkeys fall to their feet, reproach, refuse to eat, and weaken each day? First of all, it is necessary to establish conditions of detention, to plant chicks with obvious signs of illness and to start complex treatment, appointed by the doctor.

A similar pattern occurs when the disease is paratyphoid. Among the symptoms of this disease - a shaky walk, diarrhea, lethargy. That is, the poultry farmer can observe similar signs for many diseases, but the treatment of turkeys is appointed individually according to the results of the veterinarian's examination.

Dangerous for turkey diseases such as aspergillosis, candidamycosis, infectious sinusitis.

Metabolic and vitamin deficiency disorders

At a young age, a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, a violation of metabolic processes due to unbalanced nutrition or the specifics of the content in a confined space threatens the turkeys with not only a lag in growth, but also death.

When healthy chicks suddenly change their behavior, the poultry breeder has a lot of important and urgent questions:

  1. What to do if the turkey's legs part and the bird loses mobility in a few days, stops eating?
  2. Why do turkeys peck each other to blood?
Read also:Disease diseases: causes, varieties, ways of treatment

Although the questions describe different situations, the reasons for the unusual behavior of pets are usually alone. In addition to infectious diseases that lead to a disruption in the coordination of movements, a lack of calcium and a vitamin D deficiency lead to falls and a failure to move.

Rickets affect the condition of the joints. That's why the turkey's legs turn out. And wanting to make up for the need for micronutrients, pizza spit a feather and behave very aggressively at times.

You can change the situation by actively introducing into the diet mineral feed and greens, while the livestock try to keep in the sun, and also add vitamin complexes for poultry to feed.

Prevention of diseases of turkeys

To never face the terrible signs of diseases of turkeys and their treatment, it is important from the first day of life of the chicks to proceed with prevention.

A set of preventive measures includes protection of chicks by vaccination against the most dangerous, often fatal diseases. To maintain immunity, rapid growth and weight gain in the diet, vitamin supplements, specialized complexes and mineral supplements in the form of chalk and shells are introduced.

We must not forget that all food must be fresh, the turkeys are provided with sufficient water in clean water, and the feeders and shelves are regularly washed and disinfected. Clean up and the premises where the bird is contained. In addition to replacing bedding, poultry houses are treated from rodents, helminth eggs and harmful insects. The key to the health of the young will become a place away from the adult population where growing turkeys will be spacious, dry and warm.

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