Baycox and other chickens

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Chickens born on an incubator and growing without a hen are much less protected from diseases than their peers who are under the care of a chicken. One of the drugs that should be on hand to each poultry farmer, Baykoks, instructions for use for chickens will tell you the doses and methods of use.

There are several dozen infectious, viral and parasitic diseases in the list of diseases that are dangerous for chickens during the first days of life and the young stock. Often they are difficult to recognize, and the bird dies in a few hours or days. Therefore, literally from the first day it is important to take care of the immunity of birds.

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How to chick in the first days of life? Incubator chickens appear sterile. And both the beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms gradually become habitable in the digestive system. Any failure in the diet or conditions in this case threatens to disturb the unstable balance, the development of intestinal infections, helminthic invasions and other unpleasant problems.

In order to activate the formation of bird microflora, strengthen immunity and protect chicks from the negative impact of the external environment, experienced poultry farmers advise not to delay, and from the first days to actively use probiotics and vitamins for chickens.

What is contained in these preparations, and what is their effect on the chicken organism?

Probiotics for chickens

Probiotics are understood to mean treatment-and-prophylactic drugs containing substances that can beneficially affect the intestinal microflora, maintain its balance, and, if necessary, restore it. Mostly in the composition of probiotic products are products of microbial origin.

Probiotics are good for chicks from the first days of life. An example of an effective remedy is bazell feed supplement. The drug contains:

  • enzyme complex;
  • substances that contribute to the accelerated formation of microflora in the intestines of birds;
  • components that prevent the development of pathogenic microflora;
  • live strains of beneficial microorganisms.

The advantage of Bacelle is its natural origin and effective action against birds of almost all ages and breeds.

Once in the chickens, probiotics increase the digestibility of feed given, which affects the rate of development of the livestock and its quality indicators.

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For older birds, use the drug Vetom. The active biological additive is designed to normalize the intestinal microflora and increase the natural resistance of the body of the bird. This probiotic for chickens and young animals is effective in cases of intestinal disorders, diarrhea, it can be given during rehabilitation after taking antibiotics and stressful situations, for example, after vaccination of poultry.

Vitamins for chickens

As well as probiotics, vitamins are important for chickens. No matter how balanced and nutritious the feed for young calves, it cannot fully meet the needs of fast-growing chicks in amino acids, vitamins and microelements.

In order to eliminate avitaminosis and prevent the threat of painful conditions associated with it, Trivitamin for chickens is used, among other preparations. The composition of this tool includes groups of essential vitamins A, D3, E in the form of a solution in oil. For prophylactic purposes, the drug is given together with feeds or mixtures that go to the common feeding bowl. When Tweetin for chickens is used for treatment or rehabilitation, it is given to each bird individually.

Aminovital multivitamin remedy is used to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and amino acids. It is a water-soluble compound that provides rapid absorption of the active ingredients, useful in the prevention and treatment of a wide variety of diseases in poultry.

Chickens are given the drug with food or water from the first days of life, which allows for the fastest growth of the bird, its resistance to stress, infection with parasites and infections. Like other vitamins for chickens, Aminovital helps to successfully combat existing diseases, as well as apply after recovery for a speedy recovery.

What medicines will help the poultry farmer cope with poultry diseases?

Baikoks and other coccidiosis drugs for chickens

The main hazards for young domestic chickens are coccidiosis, salmonellosis, pasteurellosis and other infections. To combat them, poultry farmers are offered a mass of drugs that have an effect on one or more varieties of pathogens.

According to the instructions for use Baikoks for chickens is effective against the simplest microorganisms that cause coccidiosis. The drug acts almost instantly, has no serious side effects for the young and does not harm the bird, even if the recommended dose is exceeded.

The only restriction is the ban on the use of Baycox for diseased or at risk laying hens.

Baycox is offered in the form of a solution, which is given to the bird along with drinking water. If the birds show clinical signs of coccidiosis, they immediately receive a two-day course of treatment, which, if necessary, can be performed again after five days. The doses and recommended time intervals for taking Chicken Baycox are in the instructions for use. It also indicates that the drug is well combined with most nutritional supplements, vitamins and probiotics for chickens.

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Not only Baycox, but also other preparations for treating chickens are used to fight coccidiosis.

Amprolium has a high activity against pathogens. This remedy is given by livestock with food or water and, penetrating into the digestive system, acts on the mucous membrane affected by coccidia. The drug is practically not absorbed and, having dealt a blow to the harmful protozoa, comes out with a litter.

Based on the same active ingredient as Amprolium, another drug was created - Koktsidiovit. This is not a solution, but a soluble powder with similar methods of administration and a similar effect, but incorporating vitamins A and K important for chickens. Thanks to this additive, even seriously ill birds recover more easily, suffer less from the destructive effect of coccidia on intestinal epithelium and blood loss.

Baytril for chickens: instructions and methods of use

In addition to highly targeted drugs, which, according to the instructions for use include Baykoks, chickens are given antibiotics and broad-spectrum antibacterial agents. To this class of drugs include Baytril 10%.

The drug is available as a solution for watering birds and can be successfully used for colibacillosis, necrotic enteritis, mycoplasmosis, infectious diseases caused by several pathogenic microorganisms or secondary infections.

Some viruses, as well as salmonella, streptococcus, and pathogens of pasteurellosis, are affected by Baitril.

If you follow the instructions for Baytril for chickens, this drug is suggested to be added to drinking water. The bird for three days, except for food, should use only the medicinal solution. For salmonellosis, the duration of the course is five days. The treatment is repeated or the drug is changed, if after 2–3 days after the course, the poultry farmer does not see any improvement.

Eriprim: instructions for use for chickens

Many poultry diseases are accompanied by indigestion, lethargy, fever and loss of appetite. Some of these illnesses occur due to the fault of pathogenic bacteria and protozoa. It is not possible to quickly diagnose a specific pathogen, and therefore, broad-spectrum drugs come to the poultry farmer’s help.

See also: broad-chested white turkeys on your farmstead

proposed in the form of water-soluble powder Eriprim - is a highly effective combination drug, successfully neutralizing pathogens pasteurellosis, chlamydiosis, salmonellosis, coccidiosis, and mycoplasmosis, as well as some other bird diseases.

The instructions for using Eriprim for chickens indicate that the medicine must be given in a mixture with feed or water individually or as a group for 5–7 days. Moreover, in the composition of dry mixtures, the drug retains its activity for almost two months, but the water with the dissolved powder should be used in just two days.

Enroxil for chickens

An antibacterial drug that has a wide range of effects and high efficacy against many diseases, Enroxil is available in two forms: in the form of a powder and a solution.

For chickens Enroxil is useful for colibacillosis, mycoplasmosis, salmonellosis, streptococcal lesions and other types of bacterial flora. The agent is well suited for the prevention and treatment of broiler chickens, and the specificity of the agent must be taken into account:

  1. The solution is given with drinking water for three days.
  2. Powder is added to the feed.

The therapeutic effect is noticeable already 2 hours after the first use and lasts for 6 hours.

Enroxil effective for chickens should not be given to hens because of the risk of the antibiotic getting into the eggs.

Chiktonik: instructions for use for chickens

In order to maintain a weakened during the illness of the bird, chickens and during treatment, and after it is useful to give a balanced feed supplements containing both vitamins and amino acids.

This is the composition of Chectonics added to drinking water. This tool is intended to fill the deficiency of bioactive substances, normalize metabolic processes, accelerate rehabilitation after illness and stress. The use of Chiktonika for chickens, according to the instructions appropriate and for preventive purposes, as well as during the period of intensive growth and after vaccination.

Youngsters respond well to getting this useful supplement. If its use begins from the first days of life, the poultry farmer manages to better preserve the population of chickens, while the young growth is easier to acclimatize, more resistant to diseases and changing feed.

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