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For Russian lovers of indoor plants, most of the varieties of alokaziya is not yet very well known. To better understand the amazing variety of plants, called "elephant ear", "African mask", "gold of New Guinea" and "purple sword", you should carefully study the photos and descriptions of varieties of alokazii.
Alokaziya Red Secret
A variety of alokaziya grown as a houseplant of copper alokaziya cuprea Red Secret appeared not so long ago in the collections of gardeners, but due to the unusual appearance and texture of oval leaves it has become one of the most popular varieties.
The size of adult specimens, not exceeding 50 cm, makes it easy to hold a flower in any apartment, and quilted purple-silver foliage, as if minted on a sheet of copper, will surely attract attention and decorate the interior.
Leafy plate dense, leathery. The lower part has a brighter purple hue than the top. The cuttings are erect, but as the leaves grow, they lean in the ground. The leaves of Alokaziya Red Secret in length reach 30 cm, and even upon closer inspection it is difficult to believe that the plant is alive, and not skillfully made of copper leaf.
Alokaziya Bambino
Alokaziya Bambino - a miniature and very original plant perfectly behaves on window sills and flower racks in apartments. The height of the bush reaches 40 cm, which makes the type of Alokazia shown in the photo an ideal culture for a limited space. Despite its miniature size, the plant will surely attract attention due to its arrow-shaped dark green foliage with a purple tinge. The back side of the leaf plates is thick purple, streaks are bright, white or yellowish green.
Meeting on the flowerpot the inscription " Alocasia Cucul Bambino " florist should not think that he sees a new variety. In this way, ordinary nurseries of the Bambino variety are designated by some nurseries, along with it growing creeping plants of a close species.
Alokaziya Bambino Arrow
Like the Bambino variety, its sister, alokaziya Bambino Arrow, is a plant mini-form of alokaziya Amazon. The varieties have a lot in common. The special charm of this one, depicted in the photo of a variety of Alokazia, is attached to a silvery reflection on glossy, dense leaves that have a complete resemblance to an ancient arrowhead.
The back of the leaves is purple, with white or silver traces of veins. Best of all, the alokaziya Bambino Arrow feels in partial shade, despite the apparent resistance to dryness, the plants, like all other members of the species, are very demanding on the amount of moisture and humidity of the atmosphere.
Alokaziya micholitziana Frydek
Alokaziya micholitziana Frydek is a rather large plant, like many other varieties of alokaziya belonging to a variety of "African masks".On the green, with emerald green, leaf plate, white broad veins clearly stand out, emphasizing the decorative shape of the leaf plate up to 60 cm long.
According to the description, alokaziya in the photo has a good growth rate. Up to the size of an adult plant, young alokaziya grows in 2–3 years.
Alokaziya lowii Grandis
This is the largest variety of the subgroup, the so-called "African small."Variety Grandis alokazii lowii with leaves up to 120 cm in length can grow to a half meter height.
Dark green leaves with a bright border and ribbed concave streaks of white shade are very attractive. If you look under the sheet plate, it turns out that from the back side it is purple, like other varieties of the described alokaziy.
Alokaziya Purple Sword
Alokaziya lauterbachiana Purple Sword really resembles a bunch of waiting for the use of cold weapons. The leaves are in the form of jagged oriental swords and gave the unusual alias to the room depicted in room alokaziya.
Graceful elongated leaves are tinged with a dark green tint and stick to the stem thanks to purple or purple cuttings, sometimes with a quaint colorful pattern. Similarity with swords gives the plant a vertical position of foliage that does not descend to the ground even with overgrown aboveground parts. This sort of alokaziya, according to the description and photos, it is better to keep it separate from others. In this case, the plant looks the most advantageous. The maximum height of the bush reaches 120 cm.
This rather large plant attracts attention with its size and stunning variegated leaves. According to the description and photo, alokazii of this species can grow to a height of one and a half meters, which, at home, requires the allocation of a fairly large area.
In order for Alainee Elaine to look the most advantageous and be as decorative as possible, the plant is placed on a bright place, still protected from direct sunlight. Like other varieties of alokaziya, this variety is important enough watering. Excess moisture as the plant will lead through a special stomata on the leaf plates, which is very similar to the "crying" room culture.
Alocasia macrorrhiza New Guinea Gold
Alocasia large root, Indian or macrorrhiza in nature can reach three meters in height. And although the New Guinea Gold variety is somewhat more compact and does not exceed 1.8 meters in height, the plant enjoys the increased attention of both botanist scientists and flower growers.
The fact is that the type of Alokazia shown in the photo was found in Papua New Guinea and still presents a riddle to the scientific world. Scientists cannot explain for what reason and how golden spots appear and disappear on the leaves of the plant. Petra coloration is present on the stems, veins and petioles of alokazii of this rare variety. But even with green large leaves, Indian alokaziya, as in the photo, is always attractive and will become a bright decoration of any spacious room.
Alokaziya odor Variegata
Even more rare is alokaziya odora Variegata, one of the largest alokazy grown at home. And this species is also distinguished by motley ornamental foliage in the form of a huge elephant ear.
It is interesting that white or light green areas on the sheet plates can be similar to a scattering of small strokes or create large discolored spots. The length of the adult leaf of the alokia variety depicted in the photo is about 60 cm, the height of the adult plant can reach 2 meters.
Read also: Cultivation of alokaziya in the homeIt seemed to come from fantastic stories about the flora of distant planets. Thick leaves of a gray-green shade have a rough dense surface, to the touch reminding plastic. The cores are pressed into the sheet plate, and their location is tinted with a purple or dark gray color. And the older the leaf, the brighter on it stand out diverging toward the edges of the vein.
Alokaziya zebrina Reticulata
In the photo of the zebrain alokaziya, the whole unusualness of this plant is beautifully conveyed. Thin dark green stains, resembling a pattern on marble or on the skin of an African animal, are clearly visible on the light background color of leaf plates. The shape of the leaves covered with a thin wax coating is conical, similar to the outlines of a spear or arrowhead. The leaf cuttings are also variegated, thin, upright. Decorative leaves grow to a meter length. According to the description and photo of Alokaziya, the plant in height sometimes reaches 180 cm.
Alokaziya Hilo Beauty
The motley leaves of this stunning alokaziya Hilo Beauty secrete the plant even against the background of more tall species. The shape of the foliage of this variety alokazii, as in the photo, most of all resembles the heart. But the value of the plant is not only in the size and shape of the leaves, but also in their color. Each green is lavishly decorated with light yellow-green spots of irregular shape. Looking at this creation of nature, we can recall the military camouflage or the coloring of the frogs. The edges of the leaf plates are wavy, cuttings upright, strong.
The room alokiya presented in the photo can bloom even in apartment conditions, but the inflorescence is inconspicuous and almost imperceptible compared to the foliage. To maintain the decorative appearance, Hilo Beauty is better to grow in a partially illuminated place where the plant will not suffer from sunburn, but it will not remain in full shade, where the foliage will gradually become almost green.
Video about different varieties of alokaziya

Thick leaves of a gray-green shade have a rough dense surface, to the touch reminding plastic. The cores are pressed into the sheet plate, and their location is tinted with a purple or dark gray color. And the older the leaf, the brighter on it stand out diverging toward the edges of the vein.
Alokaziya zebrina Reticulata
In the photo of the zebrain alokaziya, the whole unusualness of this plant is beautifully conveyed. Thin dark green stains, resembling a pattern on marble or on the skin of an African animal, are clearly visible on the light background color of leaf plates. The shape of the leaves covered with a thin wax coating is conical, similar to the outlines of a spear or arrowhead. The leaf cuttings are also variegated, thin, upright. Decorative leaves grow to a meter length. According to the description and photo of Alokaziya, the plant in height sometimes reaches 180 cm.
Alokaziya Hilo Beauty
The motley leaves of this stunning alokaziya Hilo Beauty secrete the plant even against the background of more tall species. The shape of the foliage of this variety alokazii, as in the photo, most of all resembles the heart. But the value of the plant is not only in the size and shape of the leaves, but also in their color. Each green is lavishly decorated with light yellow-green spots of irregular shape. Looking at this creation of nature, we can recall the military camouflage or the coloring of the frogs. The edges of the leaf plates are wavy, cuttings upright, strong.
The room alokiya presented in the photo can bloom even in apartment conditions, but the inflorescence is inconspicuous and almost imperceptible compared to the foliage. To maintain the decorative appearance, Hilo Beauty is better to grow in a partially illuminated place where the plant will not suffer from sunburn, but it will not remain in full shade, where the foliage will gradually become almost green.