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Ferns, a special kind of plant, which are spread almost all over the globe, where they live moss in damp placesand on the rocks. They can settle in a wet crevice, in dark depressions; they prefer alkaline soils with a high content of salts based on carbonic acid and carbonates. Adiantum venerin hair is one of the many varieties of fern.
Biological features of the structure of the vegetative organs of the adiantum.
The perennial herb Adiantum venerin( Adiantum capillus-venera) belongs to the genus Adiantum, the Pteris family. These are different types of plants known as ferns. In nature, there are 300 varieties of ferns. In a culture grown a few, including Venus hair.
Adiantum Venus hair has a rhizome that spreads over the top layer of soil, conquering space and settling crevices between rocks. The root outside is protected by black diapers, located scaly. Above the ground fern leaves rise 60 cm, forming a picturesque carpet in nature.

Interesting is the adiantum property to remain dry in the heaviest rain. Droplets of rain do not moisten the plant, but drip from it. This sign is used in the Latin name. It translates as a dry stem, another name for a flower.
The leaves of the adiant Venus hair have a peculiar shape. They are located on the petioles almost black. Petioles are thin and resemble hair. On these long, up to 25 cm petioles are leaves. Sometimes the stalks are dissected and form a complex plate, but all these black hairs end in curls, which are small leaves, called waii. Leaf plates reach 40 cm, are cut twice into two or three segments. Each piece, called the last order segment, has a delicate plate of various shapes, but always with teeth.
At the edges of the leaves, covered sori, cradles for the development of spores, which are the seeds of adiant , , are used in breeding. When the spores are ripening, the sori open, and the wind can bring the seed to a favorable place. Sporulation in ferns occurs during the entire growing season.
Spores from a home plant can be collected on your own or in the store you can buy a bag of spores, which will be called seeds. Adiantum flower Venus hair love, often used in home breeding due to the delicate green and the rapid growth of green mass, but the plant is demanding to care.
Conditions of maintenance of asiantums
In order for a plant to enjoy its bright greenery, it will be necessary to take into account its preferences. The main conditions of detention will be the creation of conditions that are close to natural:
- lighting;
- watering and fertilizer;
- temperature;
- soil and transplant.
An important role in the decorativeness of the plant has the choice of location. It is the fern that perfectly fits the north window. Flower Adiantum does not like bright sunlight. He fade and dry fronds. Where it is light and warm to place the adiantum flower can be on the racks.
The temperature in summer should not exceed 24, and above 20 you need to provide the plant with high humidity. In winter, adiantum is kept in a cool room with a temperature of 10-15 degrees, but at the lower limit, the increase in green mass stops.
Watering plentiful, daily, without stagnant water. Bottom moistening will be the best way until moisture comes on top. Then the plant is given the opportunity to dump through the drainage of excess moisture, avoiding stagnation.
It is possible to create moisture in the environment by placing a tank, humidifier or tray with pebbles, moss, expanded clay with a large evaporation surface next to it. To create the desired microclimate the plant must be sprayed. The plates will remain dry, but the mist collected in droplets will evaporate for a long time. The plant could not be better suited for inclusion in the composition of the winter garden on a heated loggia or a warmed balcony.
Reproduction and Transplantation of Adiantum
It is important for the nutrition of any indoor flower to choose the right nutrient. For Adiantum transplantation, a composition different from that used for young plants or seeding is used. Transplantations do not tolerate the flower; therefore, it is better not to touch the roots without special need, to transfer the plant into a large container, to consolidate the ground with a strait and then pour a new portion.
The best transplant period with a root revision is spring, a time when young fronds begin to appear. When transplanting, dividing or reproducing adiantum spores in the room should be warm, 16-20 degrees.
To transplant the old plant take the soil:
- sod land - 2 parts;
- peat - 3 parts;
- leaf ground - 3 parts;
- humus or biohumus - 1 part;
- sand - 1 part.
Prepared soil must undergo a decontamination to kill spores, bacteria and mycelium, which in favorable conditions can destroy an adult plant and novosadki.
For young plants, turf composition is excluded, and for breeding an adiantum from seeds, a composition of sand, peat, and leaf earth is prepared in a proportion of 2: 1: 1.
In practice, reproduction is conducted not by dividing a bush, but by spores that can be obtained from a plant or purchased. They are called seeds. There are no other seeds in ferns, as flowering plants are described only in legends. Delenki take root for a long time, and the bush loses its decorative effect, if it is disturbed.
In order to grow a new adiantum from a dispute, you will need a little patience, but the plant will turn out stronger and healthier.
- Collect spores from drop-down dowels on the bottom of the frond on a piece of paper with a sharp tool.
- Place the prepared container on a warm surface, creating a temperature of 20-22, closing the container with glass. Air from time to time to prevent mold.
- Shoots may appear after 5 weeks, and may develop 3 months, but the surface will be covered with a green mat. Until this time, the box can stand in a dark warm place.
- Seedlings put into the light, remove the cover and wait until they can be rasshit and seated. First, leave 2.5 cm between the plants, and later plant the seeds in separate cups, several pieces at a distance.
When choosing a pot for further cultivation, you need to dwell on a wide and deep bowl, since the root of the plant is creeping. At the same time, the dishes should be commensurate with the development of the root system. The first cup for kids choose 7 cm in diameter. Requirements for the annual replacement of soil and transshipment in a large container for the plant are required.
During the growing season in spring and summer, the plant should be fed with fertilizer for ferns. Their peculiarity is that they are based on organic matter. Mineral salt fern does not like. Therefore, when watering water should be soft, without unnecessary additives, warm. Under all conditions, a fast-growing perennial flower will delight with its appearance year-round.