Care at home and the proper cultivation of a unique Kalanchoe Mini Mix

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The plant Kalanchoe, which came to us from Madagascar, attracts the attention of many of our compatriots, because it has not only healing properties, but also a beautiful appearance. Among the many species of this plant should be distinguished variety Mini Mix, which is small in size, as well as abundant dense flowering. Today, Kalanchoe can be bought in specialized flower shops, and choose a plant for yourself with those flowers that are best suited for the owner.

Botanical features of the flower

The Latin name Kalanchoe Mini Mix is ​​written as Kalanhoe Mini Mix, and the plant takes root well at home, regardless of the climatic zone. Quite often this plant attracts people by the fact that its flowers can be red, yellow, white, pink and even orange, allowing you to create indescribable beauty on the windowsill. In order for the plant to grow well, it is necessary to observe not only the temperature regime, but also the desired level of moisture. The composition of the soil should include the following components:

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  • Leafy ground.
  • Sand.
  • Sod.
  • Humus.

The ratio of these ingredients should be 1: 1: 1: 1, and in the lower part of the pot a drainage should be made, the thickness of which should not be less than 2 cm.

Proper planting and watering of the plant

Most often, the decorative mini mix Kalanchoe is propagated by cuttings thathave a pretty good rooting. Due to this, after separation from the main bush cutting and proper care of the plant, after a year, Kalanchoe can begin to bloom. As for transplantation, for young plants this should be done annually, feeding the soil with useful fertilizers. When Kalanchoe is already 4 years old, the plant can be transplanted 1 time in 3 years, using a suitable pot for this purpose. There are no difficulties with how to transplant Kalanchoe after purchase, because it is simply buried by the level of the horse's neck in the ground not very deep.

Considering the tropical origin of this flower, watering should not be very frequent, because otherwise there is a risk of disease and plant rot. Usually watering is done 1 time in 12-14 days, when the soil becomes really very dry, but in the summer you can water it once every 7-8 days. Leaves are a good indicator here, and when they are very wilted, this is the first sign of over-watering.

Where to place a pot with a flower?

Proper care of the Kalanchoe Mini Mix at home allows you to effectively manage the abundance of its flowering, because the buds and flowers are very active in responding to intense sunlight. In the summer, the pot with a flower is best kept away from the midday sun, and in the winter - closer to daylight or provide artificial lighting. The window sill in the room facing the south is best suited here, but you should not forget that the Kalanchoe Mini Mix grows best when the light day for it is about 10 hours. For this reason, in the summer time it sometimes has to be artificially shaded for several hours. It is not necessary to do this in winter, as a short daylight day contributes excellently to the intensive flowering of the plant, especially from December to February.

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Usually a plant grows 15-18 cm in a season, and therefore, after a few months after planting, the hosts will be able to see its intensive development. The flowering period is about 4 weeks, during which Kalanchoe pleases its owners with beautiful terry flowers of small size. The leaves of the plant are fleshy, fixed on thick stems, and the flowers are umbrella-like inflorescences of tubular type, 1 cm in diameter.

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Humidity and temperature conditions for growing

In summer, the maximum permissible temperature for Kalanchoe of this species is 27-28 ° C, and in winter - from 10 to 15 ° C,moreover, the flower pot should be located at a distance from open sources of fire, as well as intense heat( radiators, batteries).Very positively the plant reacts to liquid fertilizers and top dressings, which are best applied during the period of growth and rapid flowering of Kalanchoe.

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It is interesting to note that this tropical plant is better adapted to dry air than others, and therefore it is not necessary to spray plants from the top with a spray gun in the winter. The only thing, if you wish, you can wipe the leaves with a damp cloth every 15 days, which will keep the Kalanchoe clean. Some owners say that the plant also grows very well and blooms if you put the pot in another larger pot filled with wet peat.

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