Photos of popular species and varieties of spirea for landscape design

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video, among the Spyrean, which is why you will get to work and get a work for you to get to get in and get a workout of age-old women with us using a quest for yourselfand varieties, surprising their appearance and floweringfrom early spring to frost. Deciduous, up to two meters tall shrubs, depending on the variety, can have different crown shapes, colors and types of inflorescences, as well as the duration and timing of flowering.

It is easy for experienced gardeners to choose plants in such a way that white, pink and raspberry flowers of spirea serve as a living decoration of the site. Focusing on the time of mass flowering, species and varieties of spirea are divided into two groups:

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  • plants, covered with lush inflorescences in spring;
  • shrubs, flowering throughout almost the entire summer.

And in the first case, flower buds are laid on the branches of the same age, then in the summer flowering spiraea, the buds are revealed on new shoots. With all the differences, these numerous types of ornamental shrubs are unpretentious and after three years appear on the site in all its glory.

Spiraea Japanese( Spiraea japonica)

The ancestral homeland of the Japanese Spirea is the country of the Far East, where in 1870 the plant was first cultivated. And since then, dozens of species of this spirea varieties with pubescent young shoots, elongated and pointed leaves at the end. This type of spirea blooms profusely in summer, giving dense paniculate-inflorescences.

Shrubs from 1.2 to 2 meters in height, with a neat spherical crown and green or golden foliage are used in the design of borders, in single and group plantings. Thanks to winter hardiness, the ability to quickly replenish shoots, even in the case of freezing and unpretentiousness of the spirea, the Japanese can land to create compact hedges.

In the crown of varieties with golden foliage, gardeners often notice powerful shoots with ordinary green foliage. To maintain the appearance of plantings, such a growth, like the old branches of 5–6 years, is removed.

But even with annual spring pruning and care, spirea shrubs of all types and varieties in the photo below require replacement after 16 or 20 years.

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  • Goldflame with a meter-high crown with decorative yellow foliage and medium-sized pink or red flowers;
  • Golden Princess is a meter tall plant with yellow, like Goldflame, foliage and thyroid pink inflorescences;
  • Macrophylla is a variety of Japanese spirea, characterized by large wrinkled leaves, becoming bright yellow by autumn, including pink flowers gathered in small inflorescences are not too noticeable;
  • Candlelight is a compact dwarf plant with pale yellow foliage, the color of which becomes brighter by the middle of summer, when the pink buds bloom.
  • Spiraea Vangutta( Spiraea x vanhouttei)

    This species was obtained by crossing plants of Cantonese and Three-blade spireas. Vagutta spirea bushes, growing to a height of two meters and attracting attention due to the beautiful sprawling crown, are considered the largest in the family.

    The leaves of this species of spirea are dark green, with jagged edges leaves that change color to red or bright orange in autumn.

    The massive appearance of white flowers, gathered in thyroid semicircular inflorescences, occurs in the second decade of June. And in August, under favorable conditions, the plant is ready to bloom again. The shade-tolerant and fast-growing spirea Vangutta in the photo begins to actively bloom at the age of three and is perfect for both group and single plantings.

    Spiraea Bumalda( Spiraea x bumalda)

    Hybrid, artificially derived species obtained from the crossing of white-colored and Japanese spirea, which looks like externally, but does not exceed 80 cm in height. In the Bumalda spirae bush, erect branchy sprouts with bright and petroshies and 80% of seekers and up to 80% of the brushwork of the spiraea and Spiraea shrub from the spiraea shrub from the Bumalda spiraea shrub from the white and white spiraea. Already in the middle of August the leaves become yellow, crimson and scarlet. The brightest autumn foliage of the bushes that are on a sunny plot. In the summer from the end of June and for one and a half months dense shrub pink inflorescences adorn the shrub.

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    Among the popular varieties of Spureea Boumald:

    • Anthony Waterer, decorated with bright red flowers throughout the summer and looking favorably in single plantings, as well as organizing large beds;
    • Dart’s Red is a half-meter-high shrub with upright shoots, which bloom with a pink tinge in spring, turning green in the summer and acquiring a rich red color in the fall.

    Spiraea gray( Spiraea x cinerea)

    Spectacular gray spiraea is a hybrid plant that is not found in the wild. The shrub has a height of one and a half to two meters high and has graceful drooping shoots, covered with white flowers on the corymboid inflorescences during the flowering period. The name of the plant was due to the lanceolate leaves, which have an unusual silver-green color. Flowering begins in mid-May and lasts up to one and a half months.

    Fruits on the branches appear in July, but the plants cannot be used for propagation. The hybrid species propagates only by grafting. And in the third or fourth year after planting, the young spirea gray bushes begin to bloom.

    Spiraea nipponica( Spiraea nipponica)

    This type of spirea is derived from plants from the Japanese islands. In Nippon spirea spherical form of the crown, reaching a diameter of two meters. A bush dense with horizontally directed branches and small oval leaves of green color. The beginning of flowering occurs at the end of May or in June and lasts about a month. The thyroid, densely covering the shoots of the inflorescence consist of white or yellowish flowers, and the unopened buds can be painted in pink or purple.

    Spiraea Nippon is ideal for single landings. The plant is not demanding on the soil, but loves well-lit areas.

    Halward’s Silver is about a meter tall and has large white inflorescences as well as tall, up to two meters high Snowmound with long leaves and white flowers.

    Spiraea Douglas( Spiraea douglasii)

    Unpretentious North American species of spirea forms a five-foot bush with pubescent, straight shoots with red-brown bark. Flowering begins at the age of three, falls on July and lasts until the autumn.

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    The leaves of Douglas Spirea are oblong, lanceolate, evenly covering erect shoots, on the tops of which are fluffy pink pyramidal inflorescences.

    Spirea willow( Spiraea salicifolia l.)

    Two-meter willow spiraeus lives in several regions of Siberia, on the European territory of Russia and in the countries of the Far East. In the wild, shrubs with straight shoots covered with red-brown bark are found on swampy areas of river floodplains, near the shores of lakes and forest channels.

    The plant has spiky, excised leaves, reaching 10 centimeters in length, and pink or white flowers gathered in paniculate or pyramidal inflorescences. The willow spirea shrubs tolerate winters well, like moist, moist soils and adequate light. Propagated by plant can be cuttings or using seeds. A massive flowering occurs in the fourth year of the decorative culture.

    Spiraea Billard( Spiraea x billardii)

    The strong-growing Billired's Spiraea is a hybrid form, the result of the artificial crossing of the Douglas and Spiraea. Crown, with a diameter of up to 2 meters, covered with dentate oblong ten centimeter leaves, covered with silver hairs on the back side.

    The flowers of this spectacular species are bright pink, open in the second half of July and form inflorescences-panicles that adorn the bush before the cold, which the spirea easily tolerates. It is easy to propagate the spiraea of ​​this species, which does not produce fruits, using cuttings, while sunny areas with moderately nutritious soil are suitable for planting.

    Spring pruning is desirable for Billard's spirea, stimulating the emergence of young shoots and the development of new flower buds.

    Spiraea Argut( Spiraea x. Arguta)

    A high spreading bush of 2 meters height with drooping branches, covered with white inflorescences in the form of semicircular caps in May, is one of the early-flowering hybrid species of spirea. The buds bloom at the end of May, and until mid-June Argut's spirea is a spectacular sight. From under the mass of flowers, dark-green leaves of a lanceolate form with jagged edges are practically invisible.

    Flowering takes place on the branches of the last year, which are pruned after the flowers wither. The best place for Argut spirea is the center of the flower garden or a hedge, but here it is important to take into account the small growth rate of these plants.

    Ornamental shrub spirea - video

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