How to use photoepilator

  • Preparation for photoepilation
  • Preparation of skin for the first session of
  • How to carry out the procedure
  • How often you can use the photoepilator at home
  • Skin care after photoepilation

How to use a photoepilator needs to be known before buying. With proper operation, you can achieve effective results. As in every process, success depends on proper preparation, accurate execution of instructions and periodicity of epilation.

Preparation for photo-epilation

Before photo-epilation it is necessary to prepare. Specific recommendations are contained in the instructions for each individual model( type) of the epilator. Therefore, before preparing for photo-epilation, study the instruction well.

However, in general, the following conditions are used to apply and achieve the effect:

  1. No other types of hair removal are recommended four weeks before the first session. This refers to all types, except for shaving with a razor: waxing, depilatory, shugaring and the like.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. For two weeks before this point you should not take sunbathing, go for tanning procedures( in the solarium).That is, you can not expose the skin to intense solar, ultraviolet radiation.

It is important to follow all the recommendations, as the result depends on an integrated approach to the process. An important role is played by every conditioned part of this process.

Preparation of skin for the first session of

Before a session, the skin should be cleaned. Suitable for this as purchased peels and scrubs, as well as cooked himself.

Before starting the procedure, the manufacturer himself often provides shaving instructions with a razor. But here we must focus on the requirements of each individual model. Sometimes the requirement is the presence of regrown hair by 1–2, 4 mm. Immediately before use, make sure that the skin has no signs of allergy or rash. And also inspect for scratches, wounds. It is not recommended to use when taking medications, such as antibiotics and tranquilizers( sedatives).

Before proceeding to the procedure, try the photoepilator with a single touch to the skin. If you do not feel discomfort or any other negative aspects, you can safely use this device.

How to conduct the procedure

Directly conducting a photoepilation session does not have any difficulties, but still, everyone is concerned about how to use the photoepilator at home. Let's take a look at the step by step procedure.

After the skin is properly prepared, you can proceed directly to perform photoepilation. We have already checked and made sure that the skin responds normally to contact, so feel free to proceed with the application.

  • Turn on the epilator and get down to work. Firmly press it to the skin. The contact must be sufficient, otherwise the device may not work. Usually the device gives a certain signal as a sign that the interaction took place. In various forms it can be different: vibration, sound, light.
  • It is recommended that you first apply a weaker regimen, and after applying it, determine whether it is worth strengthening it, or it is sufficient for your skin. Especially it is necessary to take into account the mode, applying the epilator on sensitive areas of the body. Some models have a special indicator that is able to automatically determine the required mode when in contact with the skin. This, of course, is very convenient.
  • Carefully epilate the desired area. If the area is insignificant, then press the epilator to the skin and press the button. After the device triggers, release the button.

If the area for hair removal is significant, then it is worth choosing a slip mode( if provided).Then evenly process the entire zone, while keeping the button pressed and do not release it.

In order not to skip areas, experts advise making these movements in a horizontal direction. To do this, you can use a cosmetic pencil and label areas. And also they advise to process the necessary site only once. And consumers themselves, on the contrary, advise to “fix” the procedure by repeated exposure.

  • Some companies use special gels for this procedure. In this case, do not neglect this rule, otherwise the whole procedure may be ineffective. Despite everything you have to be careful not to get burned.
  • The duration of each individual procedure is up to twenty minutes for each zone. The exception is the legs, which takes up to thirty minutes.

How often can you use the photoepilator at home

The use of the epilator has its own characteristics in the time frame of its use. Different types of devices have technical features( power, different modes, etc.), which to some extent affects the necessary frequency of use. For all beginners in this matter, the question remains how often the photoepilator can be used.

Be sure to note the recommended interval to achieve the desired effect. That is, if during the first 12 weeks it is recommended to use it for carrying out procedures with a specific interval, then stick to it. After all, photoepilation is the destruction of the hair follicles itself, and hence the delay in its further growth. To achieve this you need a long time.

At first, the result is invisible, with the exception of slightly slower hair growth. Follow the procedure to get the desired effect.

Another point is that you should not use an epilator through a measure. That is, if you need once a week, then twice in seven days it will be too, and can lead to dryness and skin burns. Then you have to postpone the procedure altogether. In the future, after achieving a good result, do not forget to carry out periodic procedures to consolidate it.

Skin care after photoepilation

After each procedure, you should carefully monitor the skin. Immediately after the procedure, you usually need to apply a special cream with a soothing effect. For a certain period of time( up to two weeks) is to refrain from sunburn. Immediately after the procedure, do not take a hot bath and do not enter the sauna.

In any case, there may be some individual features that cause some to deviate from the established norms. But, given that the procedure is long, for complete hair removal you need about 10 sessions, it is better to comply with all the conditions. Otherwise, illiterate epilation will have no effect, and your efforts will be useless for a long time.

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