Evergreen centenarians - conifers

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Sometimes, looking at evergreen conifers, people think: why does a person have such a short century on earth? Intelligent creatures that can think, feel and create, live on average 70-80 years, and ordinary trees - more than a thousand. Maybe someday the dream of eternal life will come true, and then people will be able to fully enjoy the environment. Until this time has come, it is worth getting closer acquainted with different types of coniferous trees in order to decorate their summer cottage with them.

It is these evergreens that fit harmoniously into any landscape design. Their strict and refined forms stand out clearly on a green lawn in the summer. And in the cold season, the country house is refreshed with rich greenery and a pleasant resinous aroma. Many gardeners grow evergreen beauties on their plots, because their diversity is truly impressive. They are tall and dwarf. Occur in the form of a pyramid or cone. Therefore, an unforgettable landscape of coniferous trees remains in the heart of grateful people forever. Let us consider in more detail the most popular species.

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Among the huge number of coniferous long-livers, unique specimens are especially impressive: fir “Old Tikko” in Sweden( more than 9 thousand years), pine “Methuselah” in the USA( about 5 thousand).In general, the planet has up to 20 such trees.

Nationwide Favorite - Spruce

Probably there is no person on earth who would not hear about this tree. A lot of poems and songs are written about him, pictures and fairy tales are written. The plant is associated with various holidays, customs, and sometimes with bad omens. Because of this, the plant suffers from immoderate cutting, which brings many disappointments to nature lovers.

Spruce - an evergreen coniferous tree, which belongs to the Pine family, can grow to a height of 35 meters. It has a pyramidal or triangular crown, culminating in a sharp tip. The branches are located along the entire trunk, so it is almost not visible from the side. They grow needles of dark green with a glossy shiny coating, which are much shorter than that of pine.

The tree is found almost everywhere in the Northern hemisphere. It is the main component of the Russian taiga, where it grows next to oak, birch, pine, hazel and linden. In nature, there are about 50 species of spruce. Some of them successfully take root in the lawns of country houses. The following types are especially widely used.

The roots of spruce are close to the soil surface, so a strong hurricane wind can knock it down. Therefore, the tree should not be planted near the premises. Acrocon

Spruce of this type is characterized by a broad conical crown with hanging branches. Considered slow growing. For 30 years it grows to a height of 4 meters. The diameter of the plant is about 3 m. It prefers shaded places. Spruce tolerates cold temperatures. In the summer heat needs watering.

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The tree has a columnar crown and falling weeping branches that, like a train, touch the ground. It grows to a maximum of 8 meters. The diameter of an adult plant is about 2.5 m.

European Maxwell

Dwarf shrub in the form of a wide cone. No problem transfers winter frosts and shaded places. It grows to a meter height. Adult shrub diameter - 2 m.

Glauka Globoza

The famous spruce stands out with blue needles. It grows to a height of 2 meters. Used in many countries to decorate the landscapes of urban and suburban areas. Due to the fact that the tree can be cut, the original blue balls are made from it, which delight their fans all year round.

Fir - tree with purple cones

Evergreen representative of the genus "Pine".It differs from its close relatives with the characteristics of needles:

  • softness;
  • gloss;
  • flat shape.

White stripes are visible on the underside of each needle, which gives the plant a festive look. The fir tree is decorated with purple cones, which is its main highlight. It grows slowly over 10 years, after which growth accelerates. Lives about 400 years. Breeders brought decorative varieties that are used to decorate urban and suburban areas.

Since the needles of the tree have healing properties, it is a great idea to grow fir in the summer cottage. It helps in the fight against colds, radiculitis and wound healing.


The tree has a straight trunk and a narrow crown, resembling a column. It grows up to 10 meters. Thick branches are directed upwards, which gives the tree a majestic character.


Such a fir is famous for its long branches stretching above the ground, which can reach 2.5 meters in length.


The variety is characterized by an original silver needles, the tips of which are painted in a whitish color. Every spring shoots of yellow luminescent coloring come out of her buds. This unusual combination creates a stunning view on the plot of a country house. And it lasts almost a month.

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Dwarf tree growing only up to 50 cm. The diameter of an adult plant is 1 m. Crohn is round, slightly flattened. Miraculously survives in small areas.

Majestic cedar

From time immemorial, these trees have been considered a symbol of greatness. In their natural environment, they grow at an altitude of 3 km above sea level and resemble these giants. Grow up to 50 meters. Live more than two centuries.

Despite its greatness, cedar is a unique tree, as it can decorate any garden landscape. If you plant it at the main entrance, an atmosphere of a certain celebration is created. On the spacious lawns - home comfort. Some dwarf varieties are used to grow bonsai plants. For the creation of original landscapes are widely used species that differ:

  • color needles;
  • needle length;
  • tree size.

Selecting the appropriate type, it is desirable to first get acquainted with the plant. For home cultivation use such varieties:

  1. "Glauca".The tree is distinguished by blue needles. It has a conical shape. It tolerates severe frosts.
  2. "Vreviramulosa".Cedar of this type is characterized by elongated branches of openwork nature, which causes awe.
  3. "Stricta".The tree grows in the form of pillars. It is formed by short branches, slightly raised upwards.
  4. Pendula. The plant strikes falling down lush branches that exude a heady coniferous scent.

Mysterious Larch

Many people think that if a tree is called larch, it means that it does not belong to coniferous species. In fact, it is not. The plant is a member of the Pine family, but unlike its relatives, it loses its needles in the fall.

Larch grows to 50 m in height. At the same time the trunk reaches 1 m in diameter. The branches grow in a chaotic manner, with a barely noticeable slope. The result is a crown in the form of a cone. Needles are noticeably flattened, soft to the touch, bright green. In the wild, there are 14 different varieties. For garden design the following types are used:

  • weeping larch - "Viminalis";
  • cushion - “Corley”;
  • with original creeping branches - “Repens”;
  • twisted branches - “Cervicornis”;
  • is a stunted species with blueish needles - “Blue Dwarf”.

This variety allows you to create magnificent landscapes on the territory of summer cottages.

Majestic pine

Biologists account for more than a hundred different varieties of such an evergreen plant. Moreover, the hallmark is the number of needles on one bundle. A pine tree often grows to a height of 50 meters. Straight trunk covered with reddish-brown cracked bark. Long needles are located on the spreading branches of the tree and have a rich aroma. The pine tree lives for about 600 years and perfectly tolerates cold and summer heat.

Pine should be planted quickly, because its roots can dry out in a quarter of an hour. Such a plant does not take root in the new territory.

For garden decoration, breeders created original miniature species:

  • "Mops" - a mature plant has a spherical shape. It grows up to 1.5 meter height;
  • "Globosa Viridis" is an original pine-shaped egg-shaped shrub. The diameter and height of the plant does not exceed 100 cm;
  • "Gnom" - the height of the tree is about 2 meters. The length of the needles is only 4 cm;
  • "Columnaris" - the variety is distinguished by elongated and dense needles. It grows to a height of 2.5 m. The diameter of an adult tree is about 3 m.
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are the result? No doubt, such evergreen living decorations are suitable for creating landscape rock gardens or mixborders. In any case, the pine can become the hallmark of the summer cottage.

Her Majesty - Thuja

An evergreen tree of this type is almost always used for the decoration of city parks and green areas. Recently, this plant is widely used to decorate homestead territories. It is valued by gardeners for the ability to withstand severe winter frosts, drought and high humidity.

The thuja tree is distinguished by its lush branches, on which scaly leaves of dark green color are located. Each year, the plant is covered with miniature cones, which resemble scattered beads on a green cloth. In addition to traditional forms, thujas are:

  • dwarf;
  • weeping;
  • creeping.

Thuja seedlings called “Occidentalis” are most commonly used for the design of the backyard plot. The tree is able to grow up to 7 m in height, and create a crown of about 2 m. Another view - “Сloth of Gold” - has a golden hue of needles. It survives well in shady places of the garden.

Mid-grade variety - “Columna” amazes with its needles of dark green coloring with a glossy sheen. It does not disappear even in winter, for which it is very much appreciated by lovers of greenery.“Columna”

The compact look of a thuja tree - “Holmstrup” has a conical shape, despite its height - 3 m. It miraculously tolerates cold winters, is prone to cutting and is used as a hedge. Another giant - “Smaragd” - grows to approximately 4 m. The diameter of an adult tree is up to 1.5 m. The needles are juicy, dark green in color with a brilliant hue. Such a beautiful woman will certainly decorate the country landscape of green lovers.

A closer acquaintance with the majestic conifers, it is easy to choose the right option. And let the country site turn into a green oasis of joy, where persistent coniferous trees grow.

Conifers in Landscape Design - Video

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