What should I do if the TV does not turn on

What should I do if the TV does not turn on


Since the time when television has become widely available to every family, it is difficult to name the more popular way of carrying out family leisure (and even the Internet can not change it). But what if the television stopped turning on? The first, and the most important advice - do not panic. If your new LCD TV or an equally expensive plasma version is not included for some reason, this does not mean that you need to call specialists. Today, there are different repair teams, and you can rest assured that unscrupulous representatives of this profession will certainly take money from you, even if the technique was absolutely serviceable.

The TV can be defective and not turn on due to a faulty remote. What to do in this case can be found in the article: https://tehznatok.com/qa/pochemu-televizor-ne-rabotaet-ot-pulta.html

Therefore, it is first necessary to conduct an initial examination on its own. With most of the problems you can cope with and without special skills, using the instructions from experienced people. It is possible that the problem lies in such trivial matters as incorrectly selected mode, accidentally pressed button or wiring problems. To begin with it is necessary to specify, that to different types of TVs the approach differs a little. The most common are:

instagram viewer

  • Liquid crystal (LCD);
  • Plasma;
  • Kinescope.

But since you do not need to carry out direct repair of equipment, the difference will be insignificant. And the advice, thanks to which you can fix LCD TV, it is suitable for other technologies.


  • 1Connection problems
  • 2Incorrectly selected mode
  • 3Problems of a technical nature

Connection problems

If you purchased a new TV, and it does not turn on from the first minutes of being in your home, the source of the problems should not be looked for in the device itself. The probability of marriage is very low, since all reputable manufacturers carefully check all their equipment before being sent to distributors. Most likely, it's a matter of incorrect connection, a malfunction of the remote control or an error in control.

Problems with turning on the BBK TV: https://tehznatok.com/qa/ne-vklyuchaetsya-s-pervogo-raza-televizor-marki-bbk.html

Read the instructions carefully and try again. For example, the problem may be a power button that can be turned off. If the power indicator is on and does not blink, then the power is OK. If the indicator does not indicate any signs of life, the problem may be the power button or wiring. Carefully examine the cord and the socket, and you can also check the voltage with a screwdriver, in which the indicator is integrated. If the light blinks intermittently, it is possible that the contacts are moving away. In some cases, the indicator blinks when the light bulb is out of order - you can temporarily disregard such a malfunction. If a problem is not found and the TV still does not turn on, the problem is different.

Incorrectly selected mode


If the TV does not turn on, but the indicator is lit, power problems can be eliminated. The problem may be in the wrong mode. Each modern LCD TV is equipped with a variety of modes:

  • Duty;
  • DVD;
  • Game console.

And many others. Read the instructions and carefully study each mode. It is possible that your TV is in the sleeping mode. Determine this is pretty easy - the screen in this state goes out, and the indicator lights red or green.

Then check the other modes. Some LCD models have a special button that allows you to determine the current status. If you have selected the mode of a DVD player or game console, you will only see an extinct screen and a lighted indicator. Check the jacks into which the plugs of the set-top box or player are inserted - if the mode is selected and the devices are not connected, the screen automatically goes out.

Problems of a technical nature

The source of troubles can also hide in the failure of the remote control (remote control). Press the power button - if the indicator blinks, then in the serviceability of the console, you can not doubt. If the indicator does not blink and does not react at all, it's worth checking your remote control. It is probably enough to replace the remote control batteries. If there is an identical remote near you, you can check it. If the TV still does not turn on with the remote, try to turn it on with the button on the dashboard.


Sometimes, when a breakdown occurs, the speaker emits a characteristic sound signal - it squeals, snaps, etc. If the speaker squeaks when you press the remote control button - then the remote control is working, and the problem is different. Sometimes there can be a modern LCD TV that squeaks when the mode is not correctly selected and there is no connection to the player or the console.


If the image does not turn on even with a button on the dashboard, most likely, the problems are inside the device. Modern LCD devices are very sophisticated technologies, and trying to fix them on their own is undesirable. Listen - if something snaps in the depth of the case, it can be a built-in locking module. Very often it is he who causes all problems. This module always clicks when activated, and if you hear a similar click, you'll have to call a specialist.

In cases with old kinescope devices, the "root of evil" usually lurked in a fuse, and with certain skills it could be replaced by yourself. But modern LCD products are created by a different technology, so you should contact the service center. This is a fairly expensive sample of household appliances, and it is not worth risking such big money.

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