Cooking healthy vegetable dish - caviar from zucchini and eggplant

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Sometimes you want to eat something tender and savory. Caviar and eggplant caviar are exactly what you need. It consists of not only zucchini and eggplant, but also carrots, onions, tomatoes, garlic, in general, the entire set of vitamins, which are so necessary in the winter. Delicate squash-eggplant food supplement is eaten immediately after cooking, and canned in glass jars for the winter.

This vegetable mix is ​​filled with useful microelements and vitamins. In a zucchini, for example, is calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, which our liver, heart, brain and muscles so need. Eggplant, with its hard to absorb fiber and pectin, helps to remove cholesterol from the body. Vitamin A in carrots has a positive effect on vision, growth and skin. It is also useful for people with anemia, vitamin deficiency, kidney disease, stomach and polyarthritis. Caviar from zucchini and eggplant, which has an onion in its composition, makes it possible to consider this dish as healing. Onions, endowed with a huge list of phytonutrients, it is customary to refer to active products that treat many ailments. Low-calorie tomatoes supplement caviar not only with its pleasant taste, but also with an abundance of antioxidants and purines, so they are recommended for people with impaired metabolism. Sweet pepper nourishes the body with vitamins P, C, B1, B2, B9, alkaloids, mineral salts and other beneficial substances.

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If you are allergic to any ingredient of caviar, you can simply exclude it from the composition. Stages and cooking process will not change, and the result will differ slightly in taste.

Caviar and eggplant caviar without long-term storage

This recipe of zucchini and eggplant caviar provides for the preparation of food without canning for the winter. After provoking the ingredients you can safely smear on bread and eat. As an option, place it in sterilized jars, cork cap with a lid and place in a refrigerator.

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preparation stages:

  1. Prepare ingredients, having washed and finely chop them into cubes 3 zucchini, 2 pieces of eggplant, onions and sweet peppers, 3 tomatoes, 5 cloves of garlic and a sprig of parsley and dill.
  2. Grate 2 pieces of carrots on a coarse grater.
  3. Pour 20 grams of vegetable oil into the frying pan and fry the onion until light golden brown.
  4. Place carrots with onions and cook for another 5 minutes. Stir regularly so as not to burn.
  5. Add eggplants, close tightly with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes. When the eggplant has allocated a certain amount of liquid, the whole mixture can be moved to an enamel basin or pan, because the volume of ingredients in the pan will no longer fit.
  6. Pour zucchini cubes into roasted vegetables. Now the quenching time is increased to 30 minutes.
  7. After, add the pepper and boil for 10 minutes.
  8. Next, add the remaining ingredients: tomato, garlic, and greens into the vegetable platter. Sprinkle to taste with pepper, salt, ground bay leaf, sugar.
  9. Stew eggs with zucchini with eggplants and pepper, until ready, when all liquid has evaporated. All ingredients must be mashed. This consistency can be achieved with a meat grinder or blender.
  10. Caviar ready.
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Caviar for long-term storage for the winter

Caviar for the winter with zucchini and eggplant, a recipe with a photo will help prepare and preserve a delicious vegetable mix.

Canning steps:

  1. Cut 1.5 kilograms of eggplants into rings, place in a bowl or deep bowl. Salt is plentiful above and wait 6 hours until they release all the bitterness to the bottom of the pelvis.
  2. Wash and clean 3 pieces of carrots, 4 pieces of onions, 1 kilogram of sweet bell pepper, remove the core. Peeled ingredients grind.
  3. Peeled garlic( quantity to taste) pass through the press.
  4. Remove peel from 1.5 kg zucchini, remove bones, and grind.
  5. After 6 hours, remove the eggplants from the pelvis and grind with a meat grinder.
  6. 1 kg of tomato wash and put in a meat grinder.
  7. Mix all prepared ingredients in a 5-liter saucepan and boil for about two hours.
  8. Grind cooked vegetables on a blender, add salt and pepper, add herbs and spices. Place in clean sterilized jars.
  9. Send jars with caviar for sterilization, which will last 15 minutes. Take out the container, tighten the caps. Wrap provisions to cool.
  10. Caviar and eggplant roe is ready for winter. Enjoy your meal!

The time for quenching all ingredients depends on their juiciness - the more juice, the longer the boil.

Squash caviar with eggplants in a crock-pot

So that we do without small kitchen tricks that facilitate cooking. Multicooker helps to save time and effort. Caviar squash with eggplants in a slow cooker is cooked quickly and turns out delicious.

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Cooking steps:

  1. Peel two onions, chop finely. Wash 2 pieces of sweet pepper, core them and turn them into pieces. Put chopped vegetables into the multicooker bowl, add vegetable oil. Select the item in the menu "Frying" and set the timer to 10 minutes.
  2. Peel one eggplant, remove bones and cut into cubes.
  3. The same procedure is done with one zucchini.
  4. Add sliced ​​eggplants and zucchini to roasted vegetables. Add salt to taste. Select the mode "Quenching" for 30 minutes.
  5. Wash 4 pieces of tomato, grind in a blender.
  6. At the 15th minute of extinguishing, open the lid and add tomato puree.
  7. At the end of the previous step, add three cloves of garlic to the mass of crushed.
  8. squash caviar with eggplants ready!

If you wish to conserve eggplant squash caviar after cooking in a slow cooker, it must be placed in jars and sterilized for 20 minutes.

Preparation of this dish is considered to be a voluminous work, only because of the large number of ingredients that should be prepared for stewing. Despite these small nuances, caviar turns out to be an incredibly sweet-sour taste. Thus, the stages of canning caviar from zucchini and eggplant take only a few hours.

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