Which model of can seamers is best

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Each owner needs a machine for rolling cans. Which is the best of all existing models, try to find out together.
A wide selection of canned vegetables and fruits on the shelves of stores do not limit the number of lovers of homemade treats. However, all the housewives who have decided to take up the blanks and buy a key for seaming the cans are faced with the task of choosing a model of adaptation. Device options enough. Who does not want to buy the best model that matches its price?

The main models of keys for canning

According to the types of mechanisms, the following types of machines for cans can be distinguished:

  • screw;
  • semiautomatic;
  • automatic;
  • snail.

Each option is good in its own way. Any model has its advantages and disadvantages. Every woman should decide for herself which machine for seaming cans is better and corresponds to her.

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Screw mechanism

A manual key, or with a screw mechanism, can be found in every home. This model is one of the first. However, many continue to use it, because of its durability.
Such a mechanism performs its function as follows - the roller with each circle tightens the edges of the lid to the can. When preserving with a manual key, a lot of effort is needed. With one hand tightly, with all the force, press the device to the bank, with the other - turn the key. To achieve the goal you need to make a minimum of 9 or 10 revolutions around the neck.

During conservation, the entire process must be independently controlled. It is necessary to correctly calculate how tight the key is around the neck of the jar. If the screw is too tight, the jar can crack. If the key is not pressed tightly enough, it will not be possible to close the can hermetically.

Features of the model - the price of a manual seamer is the lowest among all models. It is the most durable.

Many people use this key, since it has been in every home for a long time, but you should not buy this model. There are other advanced models that close the bank faster, do not require much effort.

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Semiautomatic device

The seamer for rolling cans resembles a screw mechanism, but is an improved version of it. To close the bank you need to complete about 8 laps. On achieving the goal will tell a special click. This device, like the previous version, you need to press to the bank. Self-tightening the screw is not necessary, the key itself regulates this process. The price of such a machine for seaming cans is higher than the previous model, however, it is quite affordable.

The disadvantage of this model is the duration of the assignment. To remove the key from a closed jar, you need to unscrew it in the opposite direction. It turns out that you need exactly as much time as the preservation of one can.


The automatic machine is the last word in this field. Preserve this device quickly and easily. It is enough to lower the lever and everything is ready.

If the key is an automatic system, the covers should be selected from relatively thin steel. Hard caps may not fully adhere to the can. If the lid is hard, you need to make a lot of effort for conservation.

The only drawback of this model is the high price of the machine for seaming the cans.

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The system of this model is simple and intuitive. On its surface are grooves, which slides a special probe. For seaming you need to hold the probe to the center, then in the opposite direction remove the key. Such a mechanism eliminates doubts about the need to perform additional rotations. The downside can be considered a waste of time on removing the typewriter from the can.

What kind of machine for seaming the cans is best decided by each hostess herself. All models have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Choosing a seamer - video

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