one of the first plants whose value was recognized and glorified by people. The sweet, quickly quenching hunger fig, the beneficial properties of which did not leave indifferent the healers of Greece, Rome, the Middle East and Asia, was repeatedly described in the greatest literary sources, depicted on canvases and sculptures by masters of antiquity and Renaissance. And today, when the biochemical composition of fresh and dried fruits is fully studied, figs have not lost their popularity. Over the past four hundred years, fig trees have significantly expanded their growing area. Figs are cultivated not only in their historic homeland, in the Middle East and North Africa, but also in the Americas. Heat-loving culture has taken root on the Black Sea coast of Russia. But because of the short storage of fresh fruits around the world are mainly subjected to drying and processing.
The caloric content of
figs And only the picked tasting berries, and dried ones are tasty, nutritious and contain a lot of bioactive substances. However, the calorie content of figs and its nutritional value in this case are different.
100 grams of fresh figs contain:
- 1,5% proteins;
- 0.4% vegetable fat;
- 4.9% carbohydrate;
- 12.5% ash;
- 1,4% moisture.
Fruits rich in fiber, as they mature, accumulate a significant amount of sugars, which determines the dessert taste and high nutritional value. Several fresh berries perfectly satisfy hunger, but at the same time there are only 74 kcal per 100 grams of fruit.
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fig jam As a result of drying, the beneficial properties of figs are fully preserved and even multiplied. But along with the loss of moisture, the concentration of carbohydrates increases.
Dried fruits, containing up to 37% of sugars, bring in the body 254 kcal per 100 grams. This should be taken into account if a person is prescribed a diet food, or strict weight control is necessary.
How is
fig useful? Like other products of plant origin, fig fruits contain vitamins and mineral salts, sugars and organic acids, fiber, and other compounds that can affect human well-being. Therefore, the benefits and harm of figs for the body is determined by its biochemical composition. In the composition of fresh and especially dried fruits are many:
- vital vitamins of group B;
- micro and macro elements, among which magnesium and iron, potassium and calcium;
- indispensable for the active digestion of fiber.
Although figs cannot be called a source of ascorbic acid, the rutin contained in its pulp aids in the absorption of this vitamin. The same component in cooperation with flavonoids and natural antioxidants strengthens blood vessels, is responsible for regeneration and cellular rejuvenation.
Rough fiber, leaving most of the fig fruit, perfectly cleans the intestines and activates its work, fights the accumulation of toxins and resists the development of pathogenic microflora.
Useful properties of figs
The main areas of therapeutic use of the properties of figs are gastroenterology, cardiology and neurology. Vegetable raw materials are used for the manufacture of laxatives, strengthen capillaries and cosmetic preparations.
What is useful figs for self-use? The introduction of its fruits in the diet will be the most beneficial:
- Fresh fruits are used in the treatment of vascular diseases, including hypertension, thrombophlebitis, and varicose veins.
- Figs - a great laxative. It quickly and gently cleanses the intestines, stimulating its work and removing accumulated slags and toxins from the body. Along the way, a disinfectant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect of the fruit is manifested.
- With its diaphoretic properties, fig fruits help remove heat.
- When used externally, the pulp softens and nourishes the skin. The beneficial properties of figs can remove redness and irritation.
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Today physicians are studying the effect of fruits on cancer cells, as well as the ability to use fig in inflammatory diseases of the liver.
With a hangover, after domestic poisoning or other intoxications, figs, with good and without harm to the body, alleviate the condition and speed up recovery.
Figs for cough milk: a recipe and features of the use of
Soft, fibrous pulp of figs in traditional medicine has long been used as a phlegm-thinner, expectorant. To do this, prepare a decoction of dried fruits in milk. Warm medicine effectively soothes irritated throat, reduces pain and speeds recovery. And the sweet taste of broth is very popular with both adults and children.
The recipe for figs with cough milk is very simple. For a glass of drinking milk, take 2–3 figs, which are thoroughly washed with hot water. The components are put on a small fire and, stirring, boil until two-thirds of the original volume remains in the container.
In order for the cough remedy to be as useful as possible, it should be wrapped up and left to infuse for several hours. The broth is taken warm three times a day, 100-150 ml at a time. So the beneficial properties of figs will open in full force.
Figs during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Figs are abundant in dietary fiber, vitamins and trace elements that will be useful for a woman who is expecting a baby or already breastfeeding a baby.
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turn yellow on the windowsill of Kalanchoe? During pregnancy, the growing fetus puts pressure on the digestive organs. As a result, constipation is not excluded. A small amount of fresh, dried fruit as a dessert or a light snack will help to cope with them and prevent new disorders.
It should be remembered that it is not worthwhile to get involved in figs during pregnancy because of the high sugar content. To include fruit in the menu can only make sure that it does not cause allergic or other negative reactions.
Contraindications to the use of figs
Like many other products of plant origin, figs have both beneficial properties and contraindications to use. With particular care should be attributed to the fruit of those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage. Do not include a fig in the diet, if there is a tendency to diarrhea.
Diabetics and allergies will not give up eating figs because of their individual intolerance to exotic fruits. The latter risk category includes pregnant and lactating women. Figs when breastfeeding is introduced into the menu very carefully, watching not only the reaction of the mother, but also the child.
A high concentration of organic acids in fresh fruit can cause exacerbation of gout, pancreatitis and urolithiasis. Only if the rules of personal safety are observed, tasty sweet fruits will give a lot of pleasure and will not harm health.
Video about the benefits of figs for the body