How to choose a lawnmower to give?

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Doyou have no desire to work in the summer in the garden, so the entire summer cottage was simply planted with grass. Here you come to rest after a difficult urban day. To make your country lawn look beautiful, you also need care. Mowing grass by hand all over the plot is difficult and time consuming. Specialized stores sell various models of electric and gasoline lawn mowers, which can become your loyal assistants in the country. It is necessary to choose the mower model suitable for your site.

History of the invention of the lawn mower

In the small town of Stroud in England in 1830, Edwin Beard Bading invented the lawn mower. Being a foreman at a local textile factory and observing the work of equipment for trimming fringe on fabric, he took as a basis the principle of operation of the mechanism and for the first time a cylindrical lawn mower appeared. It was a very heavy cast iron mechanism, but it became much easier to care for English lawns than mowing large lawns with a regular scythe. The company Ransom became the owner of the patent for the invention and began to produce small units for gentlemen and large lawn mowers for working in large areas. The history of the lawn mower began its development.

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Scotsman Alexander Shanks became the successor of inventions and was the first to create a self-propelled model that a horse dragged instead of a man. The unit became wider and lighter thanks to Thomas Green in 1853 after replacing heavy cast-iron gears with a chain drive. The Amarius Hill made the lawn mower even easier and more practical. The next step in the story was the creation of a mechanical lawnmower Elwood McGuire from America.

Steam and gasoline mowers appeared in the 1890s. At the beginning of the 20th century, Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies became the main producer of lawn mowers on gasoline. Europe began to use lawn mowers en masse only after the Second World War. The main manufacturer is a German company. In Australia, a rotary mower was born. In the early 60s, Flymo introduced the model of an air cushion to the world. Let's take a closer look at all types of lawn mowers.

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Types of lawn mowers

Today there are three types of lawn mowers in production.

Manual models can be with a gasoline or electric motor. The cutting mechanism is attached to the bottom of the holding bar, and the engine itself is attached to the upper end. There are special handles on the rod, with the help of which the operator controls the unit. The main advantage of manual models in the ability to do mowing in the most difficult places with maximum proximity to trees, bushes, fences. The operator puts a belt on his shoulders and hands the mower to the right place. To protect useful plants from accidental cuts, mowers are equipped with a casing.

The wheel models are designed to treat lawns on flat and large areas. The operator does not need to carry a mower in his hands. Now he just pushes her in front of him. That's just such a model is not suitable for the careful cutting of grass near fences, trees and walls. There are models equipped with the function of mulching mowed grass or a special basket for its collection.

Raiders are notable for their power and ability to handle huge areas without much effort. This is a mini tractor with a comfortable seat for the operator. In addition to mowing, the raider mulches grass or collects it in a box mounted behind the chair.

Depending on the power source used, lawn mowers can be petrol or electric. To use the electric lawn mower on the site need a long power cord. Gasoline lawn mowers are in great demand because of their excellent application in any place. The gasoline engine is much more powerful and mows down tall and thick grass without much effort.

Criteria for selecting lawn mowers for giving

The right choice in a lawn mower type shop for your plot is influenced by three main criteria:

  1. The type of grass growing on the plot. Power of the acquired device depends on it. For mowing soft grass does not need a trimmer with a powerful motor. For mowing high grasses with strong weeds, it is better to purchase a gasoline model with a powerful engine.
  2. Terrain. The site, located on steep slopes, with a large number of depressions and hillocks is best treated with a hand lawn mower. The same can be said about the mowing in the orchard. Flat areas of lawns quickly and efficiently handle raiders and wheel units.
  3. Dimensions of lawns. Small suburban areas do not require the purchase of powerful mowers. Prefer low power trimmers or hand braids. If the cultivated area is more than 3 acres, the wheel model will do. To quickly and accurately mow the grass over a large area you need a powerful trimmer.
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Given the main criteria for choosing the right model of lawn mower for the garden, we should not forget about the technical features of mowers. If you intend to use mowed grass for feeding livestock, you need a unit with a special box for collecting mowing. The use of mowed grass as a fertilizer for the site involves the purchase of a model with a special drum for grinding plants.

Buy models of mowers only in specialized stores to get a guarantee of service and replacement of low-quality equipment.

Review of famous models of lawn mowers

Today, many different companies are engaged in the production of lawn mowers, but we will review the lawn mowers to give only a small number of the most popular models.

Lawnmower Bosch Rotak 32

Excellent modern model with innovative guides that allow mowing the grass as close as possible to the edge. Working with such a lawnmower is a pleasure. It is lightweight with a powerful motor, a comfortable handle, a grass catcher with a capacity of 31 liters, and an adjustable cutting height. In a single pass, a 32 cm wide strip of grass is mowed. The Bosch Rotak 32 lawnmower engine is protected from restarting.


lawn mower Maintain an area near the house in a well-groomed form easily and simply with the non-self-propelled model of the electric lawn mower Makita ELM3311.The mowing width is 33 cm, the minimum cutting height of the lawn is 20 mm, and the maximum - 55 mm. For the manufacture of the body mowers use polypropylene.

Leaving numerous reviews of Makita electric lawn mowers on the forums, consumers say that the unit has a good flowability and capacity of a grass collector with a filling indicator. To ensure the possibility of mowing grass at the walls or borders, the manufacturer moved the wheels inside the case.

Lawnmowers Husqvarna

The company produces from manual models to universal raiders. Model 128R is equipped with a blade blade and reel with fishing line. The mower operation provides a 2-stroke gasoline engine.

The model of the Husqvarna WC48SE lawn mower attracts attention with its appearance, mowing width of 48 cm, three-level adjustment of grass mowing, driving on the front wheels and full technical equipment. Mowed grass can be mulched and scattered around the lawn or collected in the collection box.

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Rider Husqvarna LT154 runs on gasoline. In a single pass, mows a 97 cm wide strip. Cut grass is dropped to the side. Excellent mini-tractor for handling large areas. Its only drawback is the lack of a collector.

Self-propelled electric lawnmower company Husqvarna popularly called the robot. For its operation around the perimeter of the site digs wire limiter. When you first start the robot on the site, it carefully examines the entire area and enters the circuit into the memory card. Navigation system is activated. Now your assistant independently checks the site every day and mows the grown grass. You just have to enjoy the beauty of well-groomed lawns.

Tips for choosing lawn mowers for giving

  • Before choosing a model, consider how you will use mowed grass. To fertilize the site need a mower with mulching function.
  • Preferring grass trimmer trimmer, pay attention to its capacity. It is desirable that he collected the slope from around the site. Collector will protect your lawn from sowing weed seeds.
  • All parts of the mower of your choice should be made only from durable quality materials. The best in this case, plastic or metal elements.
  • If you have back problems, refuse to purchase a hand-held lawn mower.
  • Most models of raiders and wheel mowers have the ability to adjust the height of mowing, which is important for areas with mounds.
  • A unit with large wheels runs easier on the lawn.
  • Refuse to buy mowers with a mowing element of wood or cables. After them, mowing does not look too attractive. The best option is sharp knives.
  • The larger the cutting width, the fewer passes you will need to process the area.

Now you know in which country the lawn mower was invented, the main criteria for choosing the right model for your summer cottage. You can visit a specialty store and buy what you need, and in the spring try out new equipment on your site. If you already have a mower, tell us how you bought it and whether it met your expectations.

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