Recommendations for growing a willow meadow

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One of the most popular ornamental trees on the territory of Russia is a willow winding one. This is a beautiful tree that is suitable for almost all landscapes and does not require special care. It looks great as a tapeworm and in group plantings, suitable for landscaping garden and garden areas. Brings harmony and tranquility to any place for recreation.

Description of winding willow

The general description of the willow winding includes an important distinctive feature - a curved trunk, branches and twisted narrow leaves. Decorative form of branches promotes wide use of a variety for creation of garden bonsai and original landscape compositions. Willow perfectly tolerates the haircut, which allows you to adjust the shape and thickness of the crown. Now we will consider the most common decorative varieties, which are widely used in landscape design.

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Very popular among gardeners is the willow meandering Matsudana. It is a medium-sized tree or shrub growing up to 4 - 13 m in height and up to 7 m in width. Its crown can be formed during growth, it reacts well to the haircut. Leaves are narrow oblong, 5-10 cm long, green on top, blue or white below, wrapped in incomplete spirals. Flowering period is in March-April. Well tolerates almost all garden soils, but it grows better on moderately wet, sandy-clay soils. Yves Matsudana requires mandatory corrective pruning, otherwise the crown becomes too thick.

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The plant is very unpretentious, but for its good development requires a lot of moisture and light. It should not be landed in a draft, especially the cold north wind affects it.

Winter hardiness of the species is satisfactory: in severe frosts, freezing of areas that are not protected by snow cover is possible. Many gardeners are advised in winter to further insulate this plant.

For our climate is better suited Sverdlovskaya tortuous Ural breeding. The tree has a height of 2 - 4 m. The crone is oval or broadly oval, sometimes consists of several thin trunks, medium density, a little weeping. Its spiral shoots are greenish-olive or red-brown in the sun and become glossy-brown. Leaves are light green, slightly pubescent from above, and from below - bluish, moderately pubescent.

To the fertility of the soil the willow of the Ural meandering is relatively undemanding. Likes light, so planting is recommended in open sunny areas with moist soil. The plant is characterized by high frost resistance and easily withstands severe winters. It is slightly affected by pests and fungal diseases, perfectly tolerates pruning.

Willow twisty in landscape design

No one will be left indifferent by a variety of pictures of winding willows in the landscape design of garden plots. These trees look great all year round, even in winter, so they will be an excellent decoration of any garden.

Yves Matsudana has a thick meandering trunk and thin brittle branches. This is due to the uneven thickening of branches and trunk during growth. Young shoots slightly pubescent, olive-colored, over time they become bare and brown. The saturated reddish-brown color of the branches is especially noticeable in winter, when the plant is at rest. Decorative Sverdlovskaya willow is a wide oval crown, which consists of several thin trunks with winding, slightly weepy shoots and twirled leaves.

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The tree looks great both alone and in a group. Used to create decorative permanent and seasonal compositions. The willow is beautiful looking twisty near the pond. The dense crown is a wonderful shelter from the sun's rays and a beautiful background for the design of lawns.

The willow is very well developed root system, so these trees are often used to strengthen the sandy soil and shores of artificial reservoirs.

Planting and caring for a winding willow

That from the young seedlings the effective tree has grown, it is necessary to look after it properly. Planting and caring for a twisty willow is not difficult. The main requirement for the location of the willow is a place where there will be a lot of sunlight. Virtually all types of willows require moisture, so it is better to plant them near water bodies.

This plant reproduces by cuttings. Let's look at how to plant it correctly.

  1. First you need to cut the cuttings, dig them in the ground and keep it moist.
  2. The root system of the willow is formed very quickly. And after its formation it is possible to transplant the stalk to a permanent place.
  3. Starting the landing, you must dig a pit and fertilize the soil with compost, peat or manure. In heavy soil it is desirable to add sand.
  4. Plant the stalk to a depth of 10-15 cm. In the earth, he quickly releases the subordinate roots.
  5. The plant should be thoroughly watered until it forms a complete root system.

Almost all kinds of willows grow well and take root. But it must be borne in mind that biennial plants suffer a much worse transplant. Therefore, only young seedlings should be transplanted.

Care for a curling willow is quite simple. As a rule, these trees are unpretentious, do not get sick and are not affected by pests.

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The main rule is that water needs moisture. In particular, this applies to newly transplanted plants, with an unformed full root system.

Pruning is the most interesting point of care for winding willows. Without it, the tree is very thickened. Therefore, you need at least corrective haircut. With the help of pruning, you can easily adjust the shape and thickness of the crown to make the willow twist a real masterpiece.

It should be taken into account that in the frosty winters the willow of Matsudana can freeze to the level of the soil, therefore in winter the tree should be sheltered. The Ural meandering is much more resistant to severe frosts, so it is more suitable for a harsh climate.

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