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The role of home houseplants in human life is great. Each living entity has its own biofield. This has already been proven by scientists. By interacting, the fields make a person stronger or take his energy, reducing vitality. It has long been scientifically proven mutual dependence of plants and humans. At the level of intuition choose for themselves pets. Aspidistra room has unique properties unique to it.
Features of the flower of aspidistra
Evergreen is a native inhabitant of the forests of Southeast Asia, and is called snake grass. Its rhizomes, protruding to the surface, are scaly and resemble a serpentine body. The leaves are so thick that even the reptile does not crawl so that the sheets do not hesitate and do not respond with a metal rustle. Therefore, swinging the leaves in calm weather shows a snake lurking nearby.
In a different way, the plant is called the "friendly family" for the dense standing of leaves that leave the ground in protective scales that remain on the rhizome, creating a "snake skin".
Of the many plant species, only aspidistra is high in culture, and as a form, with a fixed genetic disorder, variegated.
The centenary of this flower was a constant attribute of the masterly houses and greenhouses. Over the years, other flowers have appeared, fashion and plants exist. However, with the return of wicker chairs and antique styling, aspidistra returned.
Aspidistra indoor is a unpretentious plant that at times tolerates insufficient care, but does not like undue care. You can briefly share information with her, but the independent plant does not like long empty conversations and aimless stroking of leaves. Maybe that's why the leaves are characterized by stiffness and metallic luster. Who wants to check their secrets to cold metal!
With the advent of aspidistra in the house with its useful properties, an old dream is ensured to bring soothing greens into uncomfortable shaded corners, populate northern windows. Shade-tolerant plant feels great without sunlight, sometimes being satisfied with artificial lighting.
From an energy point of view, indoor is harmful to have stagnant zones, where the negative accumulates. The aspidistra is located in such corners. Its wide leaves break the stagnation zone into small ones. Therefore, the energy of the apidistra carries a positive. Grassy plant, able to fight for their lives, the British are called "cast-iron plant."There is another subtext here. The plant is an example of an undefeated warrior. In exoteric interpretations, the energy of aspidistra affects the sober assessment of its capabilities, frees from doubt and throwing, instills confidence.
Aspidistra room, its place in the house
If you approach the plant from the point of view of care, it belongs to the group of capricorn, and this means that it is unpretentious to the conditions of detention.
- A shade-tolerant plant with large evergreen leaves can live in shading, but with artificial light. The sun's rays are harmful to him, but in the dark the leaf begins to lighten and loses its decorative effect. For varieties with variegated leaves you need bright lighting, but without touching the leaves with rays.
- A wide and not very deep pot will be an ideal place to grow rhizomes and leaves.
- The plant needs to be rotated little by little so that the arrows of the leaves do not bend. The support is necessary, the ground cools on the floor, the roots develop poorly, the growth is weak.
- Consistency in care will create comfort for the plant. He should not change his place of residence, when transplanting the pot choose the same shape, only the larger one. Care must be at the same time.
- Do not change neighbors. Music include calm. Talk calmly and with short phrases, but don’t bother with care, especially with irrigation and fertilizer.
- Do not touch the leaves without need, do not pay attention again.
This plant wrestler does not like unnecessary irritants. To live alone, freely spreading the foliage, comfortable for him. In the seemingly spacious dishes, it is not necessary to plant other plants, there is not enough power.
Useful properties of aspidistra for home
Room aspidistra in the home interior carries confidence. But it also cleans the room from tobacco smoke and the smell of burning, which is sometimes present in the kitchen. She puts up with drafts, absorbs phenolic contamination. Since the plant needs frequent watering, the evaporation from the leaves moistens the air. The aspidistra room, like a vacuum cleaner, collects dust on its plates and destroys harmful bacteria, absorbs excessive noise.
Daily temperature fluctuations within a reasonable plant are not terrible. Therefore, aspidistra is often used in landscape landscaping. It withstands cooling to 0.Of course, where there is winter, the flower is transferred to a warm room for the winter.
For many hosts, the decisive condition for the cultivation of indoor garden is the harmlessness of plants for animals and children. How to get energy from communicating with houseplants, and not to settle in the house of vampires. There are reference books of plants recommended or guarded from the neighborhood. The myth that aspidistra is poisonous to cats is not confirmed. This plant does not affect the health of pets. Therefore, it is possible to locate it in the zone of availability for animalsAnother thing, will it be useful for the plant? It must be remembered that with good care in the year grows 5-6 sheets, and the damaged leaf will be a pity to delete.
The leaves can lose their decorative effect, crack if they are overfed, start to rot when immoderately watering, dry out from sharp ends during overdrying, fade from lack of lighting.
Aboriginal people have long used all parts of the plant for medicinal purposes. There are also medicinal fees in which the healing properties of the apidistra are used. With the help of this plant they cure:
- infectious diseases of the digestive tract;
- cystitis;
- appendages;
- tuberculosis;
- sore throat;
- amenorrhea;
- heals wounds, heals periodontal disease, stops blood.
The plant is toxic, contains substances that can lead to mutations, so use drugs for treatment can only under the supervision of a physician.
Use as a folk remedy is the chewing of the leaves and the rubbing of the juice into the gums when they are bleeding. In addition, without consulting a doctor, clean leaves can be applied to the place of a deep cut. It will stop the blood, disinfect, reduce the swelling or bruise.
In other cases, the medicine may be prescribed by a doctor, the recipe for making decoctions and tinctures is traditional and the treatment is long. A full study of the chemical composition of aspidistra juice in open sources is not published. It is only known that the plant contains tsikazin, which can cause mutations in the development of the organism.
Aspidistra in
design Leathery leaves of aspidistra for a long time do not lose their attractiveness in the cut form. Therefore, leaves are used by florists in bouquet arrangements, and designers, when decorating halls for ceremonial receptions. There is even a special textile tape that resembles the texture of an aspidistra sheet used for imitation.
We learned about the main beneficial properties of room aspidistra. Whether to use its useful properties in apartment design is your choice.