Growing crocosmia in the open field is easy and simple.

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video Crocosmia or monitarily for a day after flowering -

crocmia aftermatingIn spite of the fact that the crocosmia is a capricious plant, planting and care in the open ground are possible in our latitudes. The main thing is to know a few secrets of growing this African guest.

There are two ways to grow crocosmia - seeds and corms. Seeds are undesirable to be planted immediately in the ground, as they most likely will not germinate. But corms are more resistant to temperature extremes and pests, so they can be easily placed immediately in the soil.

How to grow crocosmia from

seeds Crocosmia planting and caring for it in the open ground in spring begin with seedling harvesting - as has been said, direct sowing may not give results. In late winter or early spring, seeds are poured into a bowl and filled with water. After that, they need to leave for a day. A mixture of garden soil, peat, sand and compost is poured into pots or boxes - this is the most suitable soil for crocosmia.

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After sowing, containers with future seedlings need to be covered with foil and placed in a sunny place( artificial lighting will do).As soon as 2-3 leaves appear on sprouts, you can plant individual plants in larger pots. Before you plant crocosmia and care for it in the open field in Siberia, where the climate is too harsh, take the flower pots to fresh air. Every day, increase the time that the plant spends on the street - so it quickly adapts to changing weather conditions.

Planting and care of crocosmia in open ground

Crocosmia is best planted in well-lit areas, in the shade you will get elongated pale plants. It is desirable that the flower bed was on the dais - so the corm will not flood after the rains. Strong drafts can also damage flowers.

The time for landing Crocosmia in open ground - mid-May, when the threat of late frosts disappears. In temperate climates, you can plant flowers by the end of April.

A site for planting should be chosen in advance in order to break through the soil in the fall and add sand( so that the water does not stagnate in the roots after watering) and mineral fertilizers.

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Before planting, it is necessary to water well and loosen the soil in a flower bed. Ready for transplanting corms should be seated so that the distance between adult plants remains at least 10 centimeters. Planting depth is about 8 cm.

Crocosmia planting and caring for it in the open ground in the Urals is possible only if the garden can be covered for the time of cold weather. A good result will give growing in sunlit glazed greenhouses.

In order to avoid over-pollination, crocosmias of different varieties are better planted in different beds, with sufficient distance from each other.

Proper care for young crocosmia

The most important thing for Crocosmia is timely watering. Perennials should be watered every week, but the weather should be monitored so that the bulbs do not rot on the rainy days. In hot weather, the abundance of watering should increase.

Before the appearance of the first inflorescences, as soon as the leaves develop, it is necessary to introduce the first dressing. As a fertilizer suitable solution of mullein, mineral mixtures with potassium and special formulations for bulbous plants.

You do not need to tie crocosmia - it keeps its shape on its own, so you do not have to worry about the safety of flower stalks.

Care after flowering

As soon as crocosmia blooms, it is advisable to cut the peduncles - this way more plant strength will be spent on the conservation of the tubercles.

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If cold winter is expected, in the fall the bulbs are dug out, neatly cleaned from the ground and stored in a cool room. However, if it is possible to do without digging, it is better to leave the corms in the ground. So the flowers will better develop the root system and the following year will delight you with lush flowering.

The small-flowered montbretias transfer the overwintering without digging out of the open ground, but it is better to be safe, having covered the flowerbed with a 20-centimeter layer of sawdust and leaves.

To summarize:

  1. Preparing for planting and caring for crocosmia in open ground begins in the fall — a suitable place is selected, the soil is loosened and fertilized.
  2. Plants grow well on sunny hills, in soil rich in humus and peat.
  3. Sowing seeds directly into the open ground for crocosmia is undesirable, it is best to prepare seedlings in advance.
  4. The easiest crocosmia care is weekly watering.
  5. Before wintering, the ground part of the plant is cut off, and the ground above the tubers is covered with a layer of sawdust and leaves. Any other organic coating will do.

Wintering Crocosmia - Video

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