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So that the beans cooked faster, it should be soaked before the preservation( for the night).
Traditional Bean Salad
To prepare 5 l of lettuce:
- Tomatoes( 2.5 kg) should be dipped in boiling water for a couple of minutes, peeled and cut into cubes.
- Carrot in the amount of 1 kg to grate on a coarse grater.
- Pepper( 1 kg of sweet) cut into strips.
- Crumble three or four onions into half rings.
- Put the chopped vegetables into a large cauldron and pour pre-soaked beans( 1 kg) to them. Add 500 ml of oil, a tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of vinegar. Salt and pepper - to taste.
- Bring the billet to a boil, screw on the fire and simmer for 2 hours. Stir periodically.
- Prepare hot salad with beans for the winter in half-liter jars, close and wrap.
Salad readiness is determined by the condition of the legumes: if the beans are soft, you can turn them off.
Beans with vegetables
Preparing a salad will not take too long, if you first boil a kilogram of beans.
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While the beans are boiling, you can do vegetables:
- Wash one kilogram of carrots, onions and sweet pepper. Peel and grate carrots.
- Cut onions into large cubes.
- Pepper cut into strips of medium thickness.
- Pour some oil in a cauldron, put chopped vegetables, pour 3 liters of tomato juice and simmer for 20 minutes, stirring from time to time.
- When time is up, add boiled beans and 500 ml of oil to the billet. Pour 2 tablespoons of salt and 3 sugar, simmer for a quarter of an hour.
- Pour 100 ml of vinegar and let the salad with beans and vegetables boil. Now you can put it in jars and spin.
Beans in tomato sauce
This salad is very similar to the shop beans, which hostesses often buy for borscht. However, due to the fact that instead of tomato juice tomatoes are used with pulp, the sauce turns out to be thicker.
To make 4.5 liters of canned salad with beans, you should:
- Boil a kilo of beans.
- Peel three kilograms of tomato from the skin, pre-doused with boiling water, and grind using a meat grinder.
- Pour the tomato mass into a large saucepan. Add salt( 1 tbsp. L.) And two times more sugar, 1 tsp.allspice and black pepper and 4 bay leaves. Cook for 30 minutes.
- After half an hour, put the finished beans in the cauldron and stir it all together for 10 minutes.
- Pour the salad into jars and roll up.
Greek salad with beans
Traditionally, for the preparation of this snack, red beans and chili are used in the amount necessary to make the salad spicy. For those who do not like hot dishes, chili can be put quite a bit, for taste. Greek salad for the winter with beans turns out very tasty, and fruits and vegetables of red color make it also festively beautiful.
First of all, you need to prepare the beans:
- red beans in the amount of 1 kg soak in water for 12 hours( during this time, the water should be changed 3 times):
- pour the swollen beans into the pan, add new water and boil;
- change the water and cook for 30-40 minutes, until the beans are half cooked;
- fold the beans into a colander to glass all the liquid.
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Now start preparing vegetables:
- Cut a kilogram of Bulgarian pepper into large pieces.
- Wash two pounds of tomato with dense pulp, cut a hard core and twist through a meat grinder.
- Pound the carrots of carrots clean and cut into straws.
- Pound onions finely chop with a knife.
- Peel two large heads of garlic and also chop with a meat grinder or pass through a garlic dish.
- Cut two chilli peppers into small pieces.
- Chop parsley( 50 g).
And now you can start cooking directly canned salad with red beans:
- Pour a little oil into a deep frying pan and fry the carrots with onions until golden brown. Put the sweet pepper in the frying, add more oil if necessary, and simmer the billet for 5 minutes.
- Put fried vegetables and half-cooked beans in a cauldron, add tomatoes, garlic, chili, herbs and salt( 3 tbsp.).Pour a glass of oil and a teaspoon of vinegar.
Simmer for half an hour, then roll up.
Bean Salad with Beetroot
A jar of such a snack will serve not only as a tasty side dish for mashed potatoes, but will also help out during the preparation of first courses. Beet salad with beans for the winter can be added instead of fresh vegetables in borscht. From the specified number of ingredients should get about 6.5 liters of the finished product.
Stepwise preparation:
- Boil 3 tbsp.beans. You can take sugar beans - they are not very large, but they prepare quickly.
- Beets( 2 kg) are well washed and cooked.
- When it cools, peel and grate on a coarse grater.
- Two kilograms of raw carrots to grate on the same grater that was used for beets.
- Cut two kilograms of onion into half rings.
- Tomatoes( 2 kg), together with the skin, coarsely chopped.
- Fry onions, carrots and tomatoes in a pan.
- Fold all the ingredients in a large cauldron, add 500 g of oil and boiled water and 150 g of vinegar. Pour a glass of sugar and salt( 100 g).
- Mix the billet with a wooden spatula, let it boil and simmer for half an hour.
- Put in a glass container and preserve.
Read also: Cooking fragrant melon jam for the winter according to popular recipes
Bean salad with zucchini
Beans are good but a bit heavy for the stomach. To make the appetizer easier, you can add young zucchini or zucchini and make a winter salad with beans and zucchini.
For the salad will be required:
- 2 tbsp.sugar beans;
- 1 liter of tomato juice;
- 3 kg zucchini;
- 200 g of oil;
- 500 g Bulgarian pepper;
- glass of sugar;
- to taste - salt and pepper;
- 1 tbsp.lvinegar.
Soak beans for the night, and the next day, boil until cooked.
Zucchini cut into large cubes, so that in the process of cooking, they remain whole. Peel can not be cut if the vegetables are young.
Pepper cut into not very thick sticks.
Place chopped vegetables in a large cauldron, pour tomato juice on top and boil for 40 minutes( over medium heat).During this time, the juice that squash will be allowed to evaporate. Next, fasten the hob and boil down the salad for 20 minutes.
When the billet becomes thicker, add the finished beans, butter and sugar( salt, pepper - to taste).Boil another 10 minutes and pour vinegar. After 2 minutes, turn off the hob, spread the salad over the cans and roll up.
Salad with beans for the winter is not only a nourishing snack, but also an excellent preparation for first courses, which will help to cook them quickly. Experiment, add other vegetables to the beans, and enjoy your meal!