Landscape design will decorate the wonderful Juda tree

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Judeino tree is a plant of the legume family. It grows in the Mediterranean and the Middle East. In Russia in the natural environment is found in the Caucasus and the Crimea. Planted in hedges and multi-level flowerbeds. Used in landscape design compositions.

Description of the Judah tree

The Judah tree, or Cersis european - shrub or tree, reaches 6-16 m in height. Thick crown has the shape of a ball. The twisted trunk is covered with black wrinkled bark. The light green leaves are round, heart-shaped, with a diameter of 6-12 cm. The bottom of the leaf plate is covered with dark feeding conductors. Thin leaf petioles reach a length of 4 cm.

Pink and purple flowers are collected in inflorescences of 3-6 pieces. Buds appear on the branches, in the axils of the leaves and on the trunk. Fruits are flat beans 6-11 cm long. In each pod 9-15 round brown seeds ripen. Flowering plant from mid-April to May. Fruiting begins in early September.

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European Cersis grows on rocky hills and slopes, prefers calcareous acidified soils. The plant is drought resistant and light-requiring. In the shade a tree slows in growth, it hurts and dies

Iudino tree is thermophilic. Maintains short decrease in air temperature to -13 ° C.Cersis grows slowly, reaches a height of 1.3-1.6 m in 5-6 years. Century trees grow up to 13 m with a trunk diameter of 55-65 cm.

Read also: Judah wood is used for joinery and construction work. From young buds prepare spicy seasoning for oriental spicy dishes. Flowers decorate the interior. The plant is a productive honey plant. Planted near apiaries.

The Legend of the Judah Tree

Many people wonder why the Judah tree is so called. Legend has it that in ancient times, the inflorescences of the plant were snow-white in color and exuded a gentle seductive scent. Magnificent bloom admired people, weddings were played around the tree, celebrated holidays and celebrated celebrations. This continued until Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus Christ, chose Cersis to commit suicide: he hung himself on a strong bough of a tree.

All people who treated a traitor with contempt, stopped honoring the plant for the beauty and fragrance of the inflorescences. No one else gathered in the shadow of Cersis to hold lavish festivities and holidays. People called the plant "Judah tree" and avoided it. The very same shrub, saddened and dishonored by the touch of Judas, changed the color of flowers from snow-white to pink. Since then, the color of Judah Tree reminds now living of betrayal, lust for power and hypocrisy.

Scientists believe that the name of the plant caused confusion in translations. Perhaps Cersis was called not a Judah, but a Judean tree, thus denoting the place of growth - ancient Judea. This explains the fact why the Judah tree received such a name.

Reproduction of Cersis

Iudino tree propagates by seed and grafting. Stratify seed 3–3.5 months before planting. To do this, place the seeds in the refrigerator, cellar, basement or on the balcony.

Immediately before planting, soak the seeds for 24 hours in a container with hot water. The shell will soften, which will increase the number of shoots.

Freshly harvested material can be planted before winter in high beds with loose rocky soil. A large percentage of germination of seeds stored in pods on the tree all winter.

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In June - July, cut cuttings from the tree with 2-4 living buds. Plant spikes in a mixture of humus and sand, daily moisturize the soil. Do not replant the plant within 0.5-1 years, a weak root system can deform and die.

If you do not cut the center conductor, the tree will be formed into one trunk. In case of its removal, lateral shoots are formed, forming a spherical spherical crown.

Caring for a Juda Tree

Iudino tree or Cersis is a whimsical, capricious plant. It does not grow in places of stagnant moisture and accumulation of groundwater. With poor soil drainage, the number of inflorescences decreases.

Care requirements:

  1. Water Cersis only in hot weather. Ensure that the earth is not too wet.
  2. In the spring and autumn, apply organic fertilizer to the soil: mullein, horse manure, bird droppings and urea. Feed Cersis annually with mineral solutions.
  3. Loosen the root layer of soil, removing weeds. In the summer months, mulch the ground with freshly cut grass, chopped straw or dry sawdust.
  4. Cut off old, diseased and deformed branches and twigs. If necessary, form a crown, trimming young shoots.
  5. Late in the fall, warm the plant by wrapping the trunk with rags or hay. Pour the basal soil with dry foliage or a layer of peat. This will save young saplings from freezing.
  6. The branches of Cersis are cracked by sudden gusts of wind. Tie a young plant to a wooden or plastic support. Substitute stable props under the branches and thick branches of an adult plant.
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The tree is resistant to diseases and pests. Does not affect powdery mildew and cherries. In the spring on the leaves can live aphid ordinary, which disappears after processing wood with chemicals.

Photo of Judah tree can be found in the landscape design reference book. Planted in single and group plantings, in harmony with deciduous and coniferous plants. With an alley landing, maintain an interval of 4–5 m so that the rhizomes of Cersis do not touch.

The root system of the tree is pivotal; it is not recommended to replant the plant over 3 years old.

Novice gardeners ask questions about what a Judah tree is and whether it is possible to plant a plant in decorative compositions. A whimsical shrub adorns the gardens and parks, delighting guests with lush flowering in the middle of spring. Caring for Cersis is simple, just follow the recommendations for proper watering and preparing the plant for winter. Do not plant a Judah tree in the northern regions with a changeable climate.

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