Warm energy of Lencoran acacia

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The charm of an unusual tropical plant is manifested in the colors of the original form. Lankaran acacia is popular due to the inflorescence in the form of pink broom from long stamen filaments. The plant is called Crimean mimosa, albic silk, acacia of Constantinople. The tree is worth a visit once, to remember forever the tender crown with fluffy coronals.


In Europe, learned an unusual tree thanks to the Italian Filippo del Albizzi, who brought a bush from Constantinople. Acacia silk Lankoran widely spread in many regions:

  • East Asia - China, South Korea, Japan;
  • Front Asia - Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijan;
  • countries of the Indian subcontinent.

Many consider the town of Lankaran in Azerbaijan to be the birthplace of albicy. A hot climate, dried deserts, wet soils, stony slopes - everywhere unpretentious beauty settles down.

The main condition for growth is a warm climate, the soil features are not so significant.

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The heat-loving plant adorns parks, parks, open spaces of streets. The lush crown is decorated with urban areas, cultivated in recreation areas in nature. Of the Lencoran acacias in the Crimea, Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine create whole alleys.


Deciduous tree with flowering period from June to October. There are two main varieties of plants:

  1. Tree. In the open ground, albicism grows with a mighty trunk up to 9-15 m in height and an umbrella crown whose width 5-7 m. The development requires a large space, so in greenhouses or closed patio acacia is not you will meet.
  2. Bush. Hybrid shapes of a smaller size retain the decorative appearance of a natural analog. Cultivate in rooms, at home.

Lankaran acacia gives allergenic pollen in the flowering period. This factor should be taken into account in room dilution.

The bizarre leaves of the tree consist of many parts, which gives the crown an open-work appearance. The upper part of the petals is dark green, the lower part is of a whitish shade. In the night or strong heat, the leaves are folded and drooping.

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A bright seasonal period from May to October is the flowering of the Lencoran acacia. Fluffy panicles of gentle shades, from creamy to lilac, in thousands cover the lush crowns of plants. For these wonderful flowers made of silk threads, the delicate aroma of gardeners is so fond of albication. Fruits of the plant - bean pods, filled with seeds of 7-9 pieces.

The frost resistance of the Lencoran acacia is low due to the surface root system. Small frosts can ruin planting. In a warm climate, silk albication lives up to 100 years. Natural changes gradually shorten the life period, after 30 years, the tree is aging.

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Planting and care

A suitable place for seeding is a well-lit area on the street. Lankaran acacia does not tolerate a shadow. Planting in spring is carried out in fertile soil with an admixture of lime. A tree near the house or in the garden will fill the site with warm energy.

Plant albitsy recommended in warmed soil, at a distance, -2 m from neighboring plants.

For the Lencoran acacia, planting and care is desirable in conditions of medium humidity.

Reproduction is carried out

  • seeds,
  • root shoots,
  • cuttings.

The seed method is the most affordable. Before planting the seeds are poured with warm water for several hours. Then planted without strong penetration into the ground. Sometimes the seeds, wrapped in wet moss, are kept before planting for 2 months in the refrigerator.


The root shoots are cut and rooted separately. But not all plants reproduce in this way.

Cuttings are suitable for both outdoor plants and domestic. There should be at least 3 kidneys on the shoot. Even without soaking, the cuttings take root.

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Fertilizing is done only during the growth period for the second year. Water should be abundantly warm water, do not allow drying of the soil. In winter, the moistening of the Lencoran acacia is almost unnecessary. Content in the pot requires good drainage. Spraying may be sparse. Pruning of old and diseased branches is carried out before or after flowering.

The plant is resistant to diseases and many pests. In the room, because of the air dryness, a spider mite can appear, when a draft appears, the leaves are spotted. Removing the causes helps cure the ailment.


Silk acacia - a medicinal plant, listed in the reference books of pharmacists. Filling with minerals, essential oils allows the use of natural resources for the treatment of radiculitis, varicose veins, inflammatory diseases. It is widely used in the field of cosmetology in the fight against withering of the skin.

The Lencoran acacia is useful not only to people, but also to other plants. The soil on which albication grows is saturated with nitrogen, which ennobles the soil.

The external attractiveness, unpretentiousness and vitality of blossoming albition open the hearts of gardeners and ordinary people who appreciate silken alleys in urban buildings.

Acquaintance with Lakornanskaya acacia - video

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