The linden tree is unique in its qualities.

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Planting and forming a crownMaples, birches and poplars. It is appreciated for its unpretentiousness, exceptional longevity, dense silky crown. The whole plant, from flowers to wood, is of great benefit. Inflorescences, bark, buds and bracts are valuable medicinal raw materials, not a single Russian steam room can do without a lime broom; eco-friendly dishes, baskets and burlap are made of durable bast.

By right among the trees, this green beauty is considered a real treasure. Besides, it is easy to grow it yourself. In a word, linden itself asks under our windows. It remains to learn the subtleties of planting and caring for this amazing plant.

In the old press were made of metal, which was expensive and difficult to process. The craftsmen began to forge them, cutting blanks from a soft and pliable linden tree. Since then, the fake label has been firmly attached to all the fakes.

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Description of the tree

In Russia, linden is found throughout, with the exception of the northernmost regions. Some of its varieties have mastered the Far East and South Siberia. Lipa looks wonderful both in single landings, and in hedges, alleys, green tunnels.

Lipa is a woody plant of the Malvaceae family. Young leaves have stipules that quickly fall off. Open leaves are heart-shaped or oval, with serrated edges. The flowers are collected in inflorescences, umbrellas, which depart from the bract leaves, unlike any other. After flowering, the nut-fruit ripens with seeds.

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In the open, a linden tree is formed as a sprawling single-barreled or multi-stem tree. In shading more like a tall shrub. Life expectancy reaches 600 years.

Types of Linden

The genus of Lipa tree describes about 45 species. In Eastern Europe, several varieties are common - linden heart-shaped( small-leaved or winter).It differs bluish seam of leaves, which have bunches of light brown hairs.

The second variety is large-leaved linden( flat leaf or summer).She wakes up earlier in spring, has larger leaves without bluish bloom.

Linden felt or silver is also found in the Caucasus, the Crimea and in the central European part of Russia. Its strongly pubescent leaves to the touch resemble felt. This species reaches 35 m in height and has a wide pyramidal crown.

Caucasian linden is distinguished by an even greater height, spherical spreading crown and shoots of reddish-brown color.

Manchurian Linden - a low tree with good winter hardiness. Often happens multilateral. Widely distributed in the south of the Far East.

Lipu is easy to propagate root shoots, stem layers, seeds and seedlings.

How to grow linden from

seeds Seed multiplication is the longest way to grow. From the moment the seedlings turn into a sapling, at least 10 years will pass.

For good germination, linden seeds must be stratified. They are placed in a container with a wet substrate and put in a cool dark place for 5-6 months, occasionally moistening.

In spring, stratified seeds are sown in open ground. Shoots shelter from wind and heavy rain, thin out. At the beginning of summer, the seedlings are fed with fertilizers with nitrogen content, in the second half of summer they switch to phosphorus-potassium mixtures.

For the winter, young sprouts need shelter. The following year, the plants are planted in a permanent place, which is desirable to fence.

Reproduction by layering

In order to obtain stem cutting in the spring, before the foliage appears, lower branches should be bent to the ground, laid in shallow grooves and prikopat. In approximately the same way, slips of currants and gooseberries are obtained. After 1-2 years the branches will take root, and a new plant will appear above the ground. It is cut off from the maternal root with a sharp shovel and transplanted to a permanent place.

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Reproduction of lime by root layering is even easier. Adult plants give abundant growth, which is carefully separated from the parent tree and transplanted to a new place.

Lipu is recommended to grow on sites near apiaries, as it is an excellent honey plant. Thanks to her, the productivity of bees and the quality of honey increase significantly.

How to plant a linden sapling

Linden soil is undemanding to soil, but prefers light sandy loam with a high content of humus. Does not tolerate the high location of groundwater.

When planting linden seedlings to create a hedge, you should be aware that they will be fully developed only by 25–40 years.

Linden saplings can easily tolerate minor damage to the roots, but care should be taken when planting, leaving the earth clod intact. When buying a sapling in a nursery, it is advisable to choose instances with a closed root system.

The landing pit for a standard linden seedling should be at least half a meter in diameter and in depth. A layer of drainage is poured at the bottom - pebbles, rubble, expanded clay or broken bricks. A layer of mature compost mixed with superphosphate at a rate of 50–60 g per seedling is laid on top of the drainage. Then a sapling is placed in a pit and covered with soil with the following composition:

  • 1 part of sod land;
  • 2 pieces of humus;
  • 2 pieces of sand.
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To strengthen the seedlings you will need stakes. At the edges of the landing pit, 2-3 pegs are driven in and tied to the barrel with soft loops.

Root neck is located at ground level. If the soil in the pit will slightly settle and the neck will be slightly lower, for linden it is not scary.

After planting, care for the linden tree is abundant watering. Feed up trees twice a year. In the spring, add a bucket of water:

  • 1 kg of manure;
  • 20 g of urea;
  • 25 g of ammonium nitrate.

Everything is mixed and poured into a tree-circle after watering with pure water. In the autumn, 20 g of NPK are added to a bucket of water.

Care and crown formation

Only young plants need regular moistening. Adult specimens suffer drought without problems. They are watered only in the driest period at the rate of 20 liters of water per 1 square meter.m pristvolny circle.

Limeing the soil under a linden tree is carried out several times per season, at the same time removing weeds. Before winter, seedlings are mulched with leaf litter, sawdust, wood chips or peat 10–12 cm thick.

They cut linden twice a year. Spring sanitary pruning is carried out before bud break. The tree is carefully inspected and cut dry, broken and sore branches. In the autumn formative pruning, crowns growing inwards and thickening branches are removed.

At the very first pruning, branches are shortened by no more than 1/3 of the length.

With such careful care, the linden tree will quickly turn into a luxurious, sprawling beauty. Rest in her shadow will be undisturbed, and the fragrance of flowers in July noon will refresh and bring the best memories.

Planting linden at the dacha - video

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