Choose one of the types and varieties of spathiphyllum from photos and descriptions. Individual members of the species grow in Asia Minor and the Caucasus. Moreover, under favorable conditions, hesperis is a perennial herbaceous plant, found in the wild almost everywhere, from the roadsides to forest edges and the banks of reservoirs. In the culture of night violet is grown as a biennial, which allows for the most luxuriant and even flowering plants.
Hesperis stems covered with simple lanceolate leaves reach a height of 90 cm. The foliage is trimmed with small sparse hairs and is attached to the shoots on short, strong petioles. The lower to the ground, the greater the size of the leaf plates, with the largest leaves in length can exceed 12 cm, and reach 4 cm in width.
The inflorescences are rather dense, have the form of a brush or a cap. Flowers of all varieties of violets, as in the photo, open from the periphery to the center. In some cases, the length of the brush reaches 20-30 cm. The flowers themselves are small, symmetrical. The diameter of the corolla from 1 to 2 cm.
The first buds open in May, and then the hesperis blooms almost without interruption until mid-July. In place of flowers, narrow oblong pods appear, in which small brown or brown seeds ripen. If you do not cut flower stalks, the seeds ripen out of sleep and are able to give young growth the following year.
Despite the nightly opening of the corollas and the fragrance of the flowers of the night violet, this is a light-loving plant. But the direct rays of the sun are harmful to hesperis, it is much better to plant branches in partial shade.
How to properly care for violets, so that the girl enjoyed the flowering and intoxicating scent? The plant needs light drained soil that provides good nutrition to the crop. The best flowering is observed on slightly alkaline or neutral ground. During the period of growth and a set of flowers, the night violet provides good watering, but at the same time they do not forget that the stagnation of moisture does not have the best effect on the plant. But even in the absence of water it is not necessary to wait for abundant flowering.
Still, the cultivation of hesperis is very affordable and burdensome. For tall varieties of violets, as in the photo, provide backwaters. And for re-flowering, you only need to timely cut away the forces that fade flower stalks from the plants.
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Growing violets is akin to the farming techniques of other biennials. Propagated by seed plants, which are sown on seedlings at home, and then transplanted into the ground. Sowing in film greenhouses right on the site is also possible; this will allow the seedlings to take root faster and painlessly.
Shoots appear in 20-30 days, when the ground warms up to 18 degrees. Plants that have formed three true leaves, dive, and at the end of the summer are planted in a permanent place. By this time, the sockets are fully formed and will easily transfer the wintering. Between the plants of the night violet is better to leave an interval of 25-30 cm.
Wintering curtains, if there is not enough snow in the area, cover with non-woven material or sprinkle with needles.
Mattiola: how to grow and properly care for a violet
Like evening woman, Mattiola belongs to the cruciferous family and also spreads its scent in the evenings above the garden. The genus was first discovered and described in the 16th century in honor of the famous Italian doctor and botanist Pietro Mattioli.
Today, botanists have identified about five dozen species of this night violet, in the photo, growing in the Mediterranean region, in North Africa and in Asia, in the countries of Central Europe and even in Russia.
As part of the species, there are annual and perennial cultures of various shapes and sizes. Gardeners mattiola or night violet is familiar by a different name - Levkoy, an unusually popular ornamental plant a few decades ago. But it turns out that it is possible to meet gay men not only in flowerbeds, but also in the wild.
For example, in Pridonye, in the Voronezh Region and in the vicinity of Rostov-on-Don, an aromatic left-wing plant grows, a rare perennial plant included in the Red Book. In appearance, this sort of violet, as in the photo, does not seem decorative. Stems up to 40 cm high are strongly pubescent, on the ground there is a noticeable rosette of narrow, bluish leaves, and the flowers are very small and dull.
But the garden left or mattiola gray from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, southern France and the Canary Islands is a real decoration of the garden, especially if the florist grows terry-type violets.
In nature, mattiols are content with very little. They are unpretentious and easy to care for when they enter the garden.
In the middle lane, the night violets of this species are cultivated as annual plants, forming stems from 20 to 80 cm in height for the season. Usually the shoots are densely covered with narrow, dense leaves, which, depending on the variety and type, can be smooth or hairy, green or silver-gray.
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Especially decorative and attractive for gardeners are terry varieties of violets, as in the photo. Such plants, like matthiola with simple flowers, smell great, suitable for cutting and use for landscaping the site.
In one inflorescence, from 15 to 40 buds are sometimes combined. If a simple corolla consists of four petals, then in a terry violet pompon of the night violet, in the photo, they can be counted up to seven dozen. The brush continues to be decorative for up to three weeks. After the flowers wither, narrow, pods of hesperis appear in their place, within which many small seeds ripen.
In addition to the leftists, on the Russian flower gardens you can see the matriole two-horned, originally from the Adriatic coast and Asia Minor.
This night violet has been cultivated since the 16th century, and during this time, breeders have received many varieties that give flower growers fragrant inflorescences of lilac, burgundy, pink, white and yellowish hue. Mattiola has upright, smooth or, depending on the variety, covered with felt, stems. Their height is from 20 to 50 cm. The leaves, like those of related species, are oblong, often solid, increasing to the base of the rosette.
The cultivation of violet begins in May, when it is time to sow the small seeds of this one-year crop. The first shoots become noticeable after 8-14 days, and flowering begins in another two or three months.
To bring the desired appearance of the buds closer, the night violet is planted with seedlings, sowing seeds in the second half of April. The development of sprouts best of all takes place in a light substrate at a temperature of from 17 ° C to 20 ° C.Grown up plants are planted in the soil, observing the interval of 10–15 cm.
Proper care of the violet consists in regular abundant watering, monthly feeding of growing curtains, weeding and pruning of dried peduncles.
Weeding is especially important at the initial stage, until the mattioli sockets grow. When watering can not be allowed and overflowing flower beds, and a long overdrying. Fertilizers can be taken complex, for ornamental crops.
The greatest effect of a plant can be achieved by using mattiol in group plantings or by mixing several varieties of night violet in one flowerbed. In this case, such a corner of the garden will be especially attractive not only for night insects, but also for people.
Video about Hesperis