How to freeze the asparagus beans for the winter, while retaining useful properties and attractive appearance?

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Experienced housewives know how not only to harvest a wonderful crop, but also to save it for winter. Favorite recipes of pickles, inherited from grandmothers, do not lose their popularity, but the methods of freezing are becoming more and more relevant, allowing to preserve the beneficial qualities of the products as much as possible. Volumetric freezers, which have become available to the average man, help to please home in the winter cold with off-season vegetables and fruits. Almost all products, including the recently popular asparagus beans, are subject to freezing. But in order not to get a disastrous result, having spent in vain money, time and place in the freezer, you should know how to freeze the asparagus beans for the winter.

Preparatory stage

To get tasty and usable blanks you need to choose the right product.

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If the asparagus beans are grown independently in a garden garden, it is necessary to harvest it on time. The most delicious beans - dairy, not had time to outgrow too. Over-ripe pods are tough and unsuitable for freezing.

If green beans are purchased on the market, do not hesitate to try poking the pod with a nail. It's a shame in the winter to get rid of tasteless blanks.

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At the preparatory stage, sort out all the pods, get rid of the spoiled ones. On the rest, cut off the tips on both sides, they are unfit for consumption and can spoil the taste of ready-made dishes.

No matter the conditions in which the asparagus beans were grown and stored, there is not a small number of microbes on it. There is an opinion that low temperatures can destroy various bacteria, but still “shock freezing” is not available at home, so freezing asparagus beans for the winter does not completely eliminate unwanted harmful microorganisms. To clean the product, wash the beans several times in running water.

If you have doubts about the origin and quality of the beans, it is better to freeze them by boiling the product.

Depending on the purpose for which the beans are frozen, it can be left intact or cut into small pieces.

Freeze raw beans for the winter

It would seem, what could be simpler? Scattered in packets, put them in the freezer and wait for winter to enjoy fresh beans. But here there are tricks.

If vegetables are not pre-dried well, they will freeze in the freezer and form a solid chunk of ice. In winter, you will have to try to break off several pods from this lump, or spend the entire package at a time.

Excess moisture in frozen preserves not only takes up sufficient space, but also makes dishes prepared from them watery and tasteless.

Take your time, leave the beans before laying in the packets to dry. To do this, you can decompose it on a rag or paper towels. Alternatively, if the volume of the prepared product is small, leave in a colander.

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After drying, the beans are folded into bags and, carefully removing all the air from it, is tied.

If you want to be sure of the integrity of each pod, place them on chopping boards and send them for freezing. Then frozen pods are packed in bags.

Freezing boiled beans

In order to properly boil the green beans, retaining its taste and healthy qualities, and not to lose its bright attractive color, follow the following recommendations:

  • dip prepared beans into boiling water;
  • boil no more than 3 minutes, otherwise the beans will become too soft and unsuitable for further storage;
  • Finished pods or sticks neatly with a skimmer;
  • instantly place in a container with ice water, which will not only cool the beans, but also keep its bright color;
  • keep in ice water for at least three minutes;
  • put the finished product on a towel to dry;
  • Spread the beans into small packets;
  • get rid of all the air, for which gently press on the package;
  • packed beans sent to storage in the freezer.

Indicate on packages the name of the product, the weight and date of packaging. This technique will make it much easier in the winter to find the necessary bag.

One of the options for freezing asparagus beans at home is to prepare a vegetable mixture, which it will contain.

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beets Store frozen asparagus beans at -18 degrees. It needs to be spent within a year, this product is no longer stored.

And any hostess will find the use of frozen beans. It is good with soups, salads, vegetable stews, and as an independent side dish, it is not inferior to other vegetables. Properly frozen beans will enrich the winter diet with vitamins and will delight you with its fresh bright flavor.

How to frost asparagus beans - video

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