Characteristics and features of the plant Which species are suitable for cultivation in open ground? Plant Reproduction and Planting in the Open GroundThis is a perennial shrub with unusual leaves and bright large inflorescences of different shades. Variety weigela has a huge number of varieties, among which you should choose the most suitable for growing conditions. In order for the bushes to grow large and sprawling, it is necessary to responsibly treat plant care, starting with choosing a place to plant and ending with crown formation. Characteristics and features of the plant Weigela is a large variety of species, but they all have several similar characteristics. In favorable conditions, the bush can reach 3 m in height, forming a rare spreading crown. The leaves are pinnate, can have different colors from light to dark green. Flowers are white, beige, red or yellow, depending on the variety.
Before planting weigela in open ground and caring for it, you need to be aware of some of its features:
is a heat-loving plant, it naturally grows in eastern regions; bush does not feel well under a strong wind, shoots and flowers may fade; weigela actively grows when exposed to sunlight; is a remontant variety - it blooms twice per season; plant is able to multiply by seed, but to save all the qualities of the parent bush is better to use cuttings. With proper planting of weigela in open ground and caring for it, the shrub is able to bloom twice a year. The second bloom is less intense, but falls on the autumn period, when steel plants are already beginning to fade by winter.
Which species are suitable for cultivation in open ground? There are 15 main varieties of weigela, and about 10 more decorative hybrids were bred by breeding. They differ not only in appearance, but also in the degree of resistance to environmental factors. For example, planting and caring for weigela in the Moscow region is a difficult task due to the sharp temperature drop in winter, but the plant grows well in warmer regions.
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country gardenwhite flowers( types of Gustav Mole, Eva Ratke, Debussy, Candida and others);
Weigela blooming is a natural variety that can grow up to 3 m under natural conditions, but low hybrids have been artificially bred to create flowerbeds and fences; Middendorf - differs in a small size( up to 150 cm in height), abundant flowering and bright yellow coloring of petals, needs a lot of moisture. Despite the fact that this variety belongs to the heat-loving, there is a photo of planting weigela in Siberia and caring for it. The main thing - to choose a suitable variety and securely cover it from frost. Of course, not all plants can survive in cold climates, but it is possible to grow a full-fledged bush.
Breeding and planting in open ground There are several ways to breed weigels. Under natural conditions, it forms seed boxes, but they have a low germination rate and do not take root in any climate. For planting in the open ground, it is better to use purchased seedlings that have reached 3–3.5 years of age. They already have their own root system and are able to survive temperature fluctuations in winter.
Choosing a landing site is a prerequisite for the rapid growth of the shrub. The plant feels best in the lighted areas, preferably on the south side of the house. The building will additionally protect the weigela from the cold northerly winds.
Planting of seedlings is carried out in early spring, so that the plant has managed to root well for the winter period:
dig a hole about 40 cm deep, drainage is poured to the bottom; plant should be immediately fertilized with humus, humus, add sand, lime or flour from dolomite; seedling placed in such a way that the root of the neck was on the same level with the ground; cover the soil layer to protect the rhizome from chemical burn with fertilizers; plentifully watered the plant. With proper fit and care of the weigela, the photo looks bright and spectacular. In order for the crown to be lush and sprawling, it is necessary to maintain a distance of about 1–2 m between neighboring bushes.
Plant care rules Shrub care includes timely watering, fertilization, and crown trimming and wintering. Whether it is necessary to shelter a weigela for the winter depends on the region and climatic conditions. If the temperature drops below zero degrees, the plant must be covered by a special technology. Some bushes can not tolerate severe frosts even under cover, especially seedlings in the first winter.
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In the warm season, weigela care is not difficult:
water the plant during the drought period, make up at least 10-15 liters of water for each bush; periodically fertilize the soil with mineral and organic supplements( nitrogen, potash and phosphate fertilizers during different periods of vegetation); shoots are also treated for parasites, infections and pathogens of fungal diseases. Shrubs prefer to grow in conditions of large amounts of oxygen, so the soil must be loosened. The procedure is carried out during the watering of the plant or fertilizer. It is important to ensure that the rhizome is not damaged.
Wintering Plants Particularly important is the care of weigela in the fall and preparation for winter. Even the most resistant varieties must be sheltered from frost, otherwise they will not be able to restore the vital processes after a sharp temperature drop. If they spend this period under cover, the plants will not suffer from frost.
There are two main ways to cover the weigela for the winter:
in the late fall, put sawdust or soil under the bush, tilt the branches and wrap them with a special material( Spunbond), tying the branches with a rope; to build a cover of metal or wood frame and insulating material on the walls and roof. The first option is used to shelter varieties with an average degree of winter hardiness, as well as in temperate climates, where there are no heavy frosts. Cold air will still penetrate, but nonwoven materials retain heat well and protect the plant. The construction of greenhouses from improvised means is a more reliable method, it is recommended when caring for the more sensitive to cold varieties of weigel.
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Weigela shelter for the winter in the Moscow region and other regions with a cold climate is a prerequisite. However, even if some of the shoots are frozen, the plant has a high capacity for regeneration. When the temperature rises in spring and the activation of the vegetation processes, it is worthwhile to establish abundant watering of the bush and apply fertilizer to the soil so that it regains its strength after winter.
Pruning crown When growing weigels, we recommend pruning the crown annually. This allows you to save the shrubs from damaged shoots, create a beautiful shape and give new branches the opportunity to grow and develop. Depending on the purpose of pruning, there are two types of pruning:
sanitary - held in the spring to get rid of those branches that have deteriorated under the action of cold; forming - pruning weigels in the fall in order to give the crown the correct shape. It is recommended to carry out both types of pruning. In the spring, damaged and old shoots are removed so that new branches can accelerate in growth. However, autumn pruning is more important for the plant - after it the bush has time to recover and better tolerates cold. There are several rules on how to cut weigela in the fall: the
procedure is carried out immediately after the end of the autumn flowering shrub; prune all damaged shoots 5 mm above the extreme healthy buds; for rejuvenation is recommended to cut at least one third of the secondary shoots; remove branches that grow inside the shrub. Weigela is a bright ornamental shrub. It looks spectacular when decorating the garden, house plots, parks and recreation areas. However, not all varieties are equally resistant to frost and tolerate winter well. In conditions of significant air temperature drop, even artificially bred frost-resistant varieties need protection from the cold. Preparing weigel for winter is her shelter under a shed or with the help of scrap materials. During the rest of the year, the plant is unpretentious in its care and pleases with flowering twice per season.
Weigel Trimming Guidelines - Video