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Diseases of yucca and their treatment, photos of which can be seen below, most of all appear with the wrong content. This flower is very thermophilic, it can easily tolerate hot weather and drought. With proper care can grow to the largest size. However, sometimes it can succumb to various diseases and pests. Because each gardener needs to know what dangers exist, and how to deal with them.
What problems can be encountered when growing a flower
The main rule when caring for a yucca is to avoid overmoistening of the soil. If you water too often or a lot, rotting of the root system or other diseases will begin. It is better to fill a flower than to pour it, because it tolerates a drought better than an abundant amount of moisture.
Many do not know what to do when the yucca lowered the leaves. But this fact, most often indicates a waterlogging.
The most common problems that occur when growing this plant:
- absence of flowering;
- a bacterial burn;
- formation on the leaves of brown spots;
- the yucca turns yellow;
- The edges and tips of the leaves acquire a brown tinge;
- the appearance of gray spots on the leaves;
- The presence of rot on the trunk and root system.
In addition to diseases, yucca can also be affected by a variety of pests. Most often, it is a whitefly, a false fence, a slug, a spider mite and a mealybug. How to deal with the above problems, we consider in this article.
What to do if the yucca does not bloom
The yucca blooms with a variety of beautiful flowers, painted in various shades. And buds should appear every summer, if you adhere to all the rules of care, creating conditions that are close to natural. However, unfortunately, not everyone, even experienced gardeners, manages to achieve this. A prerequisite for the cultivation of yucca is the presence of a long light day, as she is very fond of light, and also the right temperature. When growing in pots, you will have to settle for only its smart leaves.
Often the owners of such a specimen do not understand why the young plant does not bloom. For the appearance of the first buds, the right care is needed for four to five years.
Bacterial burn
Such a disease is observed infrequently. However, if it affects the plant, then completely and completely. In such cases, gardeners are wondering why the yucca turns yellow to save the plant. If you notice spots that eventually acquire a dark black shade, then you are confronted with a bacterial burn.
This trouble happens, in most cases, due to improper growing conditions. Most likely, there is a high air temperature and humidity.
The treatment of this yucca disease (pictured) is very complicated. Therefore, in order to avoid such a problem, we recommend using only new yukkas specially treated pots and soil purchased in the store, which is intended for this species plants. Thus, you can increase the endurance and stability of the flower to this type of burns. In addition, yucca can get infected from other diseased plants that are near it. Or the carrier can be insects that damage the leaves or roots of the flower.
It is important to note the bacterial burn in the first days of its appearance, because if you do not take any measures in time, it will be impossible to cope with this disease. And you'll just have to throw out your favorite yucca. In the event that you saw on the leaves a few spots of yellow-black color, immediately remove damaged plates, and additionally treat the plant with a Bordeaux liquid, or any antibiotic.
Brown spot
A similar disease is caused by fungi Coniothyrium concentricum. The peculiarity of this ailment is that it first appears on the lower leaves. It is the plates that are located and the very basis, microorganisms affect first. First, on the leaves, you can see colorless areas that turn yellow over time. After a few weeks, these spots turn brown.
To remedy the situation, immediately perform treatment with fungicides, for example, such as:
- Vitaros;
- By oxych;
- Alirin-b.
Such preparations should be diluted in the proportions indicated on the packages and sprayed with a spray. Repeat the treatment every ten days. Leaves that could not be saved are best cut off completely.
To prevent brown spots, try to maintain the necessary humidity and temperature conditions. Watch the frequency of watering. Not allowed as abundant irrigation, and its complete absence.
What to do with the brown edges of the leaves
A similar problem is observed when growing a flower in a room environment. Often, the tips of the yucca leaves wither during the winter season, when the heating season comes. Due to the operation of heating devices, the air in the room becomes very dry, which can not but affect the condition of the plants. In most cases, the flower copes with such trouble. But sometimes the tips of the leaves can still begin to dry out.
To avoid such a disease of indoor yucca, you need to achieve an increase in humidity in the room. This can be done in two ways: by means of special humidifiers, or by frequent spraying from the spray gun.
Another reason for the formation of brown edges on the leaves may be permanent drafts. Try to change the location of the plant.
Gray Spots
One of the reasons why the yucca turns yellow and dries is the gray patchiness. This disease develops gradually. First, small spots of grayish shade with brown edges are formed on the leaves, or the color of the leaf acquires this color. Young shoots of this disease are rarely exposed. As a rule, it affects the lower old sheets.
To treat this yucca disease (pictured), fungicides are used. Remove the leaves that are already severely damaged, and spray the plant with this preparation. For the prevention of the disease, use a medical solution periodically.
Rot on roots and stems
Unfortunately, for yucca these ailments are fatal. Such diseases develop very rapidly. Root rot affects the entire underground system, which makes salvation of the plant simply impossible. The presence of this disease, in the first place, is indicated by dark spots on the leaves. Also, if you check the roots of the flower, you can see that they became watery, wet, and got an unpleasant smell. Since it is almost impossible to save yucca when rotting, it is necessary to take the responsibility of the conditions of its maintenance with all responsibility.
When stem rot is also observed similar to the manifestation, but already on the stem. And the lower part of it is primarily affected. Also, there may be peculiar red sores. The cause of this disease is the frequent changes in the place of growth of yucca. Since to treat yucca in this case is very difficult, it is recommended to take all measures to prevent the occurrence of such problems.
To do this, you must adhere to the basic rules of care:
- When planting the plant, use only sterile pots and soil.
- Spend periodic moderate watering, not allowing both waterlogging the soil, and its drying out.
- When growing in a room do not forget about the holes in the pot and the presence of a layer of drainage.
Many people are looking for ways to save the yucca from the soft trunk, since they do not know that it is impossible to do this. Therefore, in order not to lose the plant, it is necessary to keep it properly.
Pest Control
In addition to diseases, various insects can also cause significant damage to yucca. More often this flower is struck by a whitefly. It sucks the juice from the leaves of the plant, because of which the areas are badly damaged, the yucca wilts. To get rid of it, use insecticides diluted in the appropriate proportion.
Also, yucca can be affected by false fences. To combat these pests, apply treatment with alcohol, water-oil emulsions. Also replace the top soil in a pot of yucca.
A spider mite is a fairly frequent "guest" on this flower. It is one of the reasons why yucca twists leaves into a tube. If you get a spider mite, you can use the improvised means. This insect is afraid of water, so as it should wash the plant under a cold stream. Then treat the plant with an acaricide.
Another mistake, which is often allowed in the cultivation of this plant, - the flower growers cut off the lower, faded leaves. We recommend not to do this, as this is not the case in a natural environment where the flower feels comfortable and calm. Otherwise, there may be no budding.
As you can see, yucca, like any other plant, can be exposed to various diseases and pests. However, knowing the basic rules of care and prevention, these problems can easily be avoided.