Secrets of agricultural technology - how to plant a small garden, with a darkening and poor drainage system

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In order to determine the vegetable crops that can be planted in the garden, it is necessary to answer several general questions:

  • How much time can you spend on caring for the garden?
  • What kind of vegetables and berries does your family eat?
  • How many vegetables (at least approximately) do you need?
  • Is there a place to store the crop?
  • Can you provide sufficient watering for moisture-loving plants?
  • How knowledgeable are you in the agrarian sector?

In addition to these issues, there are also no less important criteria for deciding which crops to plant on the site.

  • The direction and location of the available site, as well as its illumination.
  • The presence or absence of high fences around the garden and shaded areas.
  • The quality of the soil and the properties of its drainage.
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  • Climatic features of the region, i.e., what is the length of summer and the number of sunny days.

Of course, this list can be significantly expanded, but we will dwell better on concrete examples and the most frequent problems.

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Illumination or what to plant in the garden with shading

Important! Almost all vegetable plants are not so whimsical to light as, for example, fruit trees. For many of them, there is plenty of sunlight from noon to sunset.

Than to plant a kitchen garden with numerous shaded sites?- The question is not simple, but solvable. And preference should be given to unpretentious and shade-loving plants, they include: sorrel, spinach, leaf lettuce, spicy herbs (dill, parsley), rhubarb, radish, peas.

Not too thick, scattered shadow well tolerated cucumbers, beans, carrots, garlic, beets. Excellent feel in such conditions, some flowers and ornamental plants: various ferns, violet, peony (Caucasian, Wittmann), kupena, lily of the valley.

The most sun-loving vegetables are tomatoes, eggplant, melon, pepper, watermelon, potatoes.

Size matters

Advice! To maximize the benefit of using the area of ​​a small plot, beds with perennial onion and greens can be organized on circumferential circles next to the young trees. For this, the garden fences around the tree and is filled with prepared soil.

If the area of ​​the garden is sufficient (8-12 m² or more), you can put anything on the site, checking only with the climate, your desire and possibilities.

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And what if the site is small?Owners of small vegetable gardens should pay attention to the technology of mixed plantings.


The principle of this method is simple: one crop grows several crops at once, one of which is basic, while the rest can be said to be satellites. Mixed landing, provides a more rational use of the area, in which less is depleted soil, and accompanying and basic plants, beneficially affect and protect against diseases and parasites each friend.

When using this method compact, low, fast growing and ripening plants (seals) are planted between the rows of the main crop. By the time the main culture needs more space, the vegetative period will already be over for the satellite plants, and nothing will interfere with the further development of the remaining vegetable.

As seals, you can plant on the site: oregano, basil, dill, garlic, parsley, horseradish, tarragon.


  • potatoes, beans, beets and tomatoes combine well with spinach and basil;
  • Cucumbers and cabbage plant next to the dill;
  • almost all vegetables are beneficially influenced by a radish planted nearby.

Which plants can not be planted near?

  • Peas and onions;
  • carrots and tomatoes with dill;
  • sage and onion;
  • cabbage and garlic;
  • potatoes and cucumbers.
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What to plant in the garden with a poor drainage system?

Advice! If possible, try not to arrange a garden in places with poor drainage. Overabundance of moisture leads to the appearance of phytophthora, rot, and also significantly lowers yields.

If the soil is very wet, it is best to install a deep, storm or vertical drainage system. No opportunity? Then we select the plants.

It is worth noting that there are no garden crops that love very moist soil throughout the vegetative period. There are plants that tolerate moderately increased moisture (standing between the beds of water does not fit anyone), but provided good sunlight with a length of at least 10 hours a day, they include cucumbers and zucchini. And yet, in such areas it is better to arrange a flower garden, for a landing, the Volzhanka, the bathing-house, the forget-me-not, the zubianka, the balan, the marsh gladiolus, the primrose.

So that you do not decide to plant on the site, and whatever the conditions, know, patience, proper agrotechnics and perseverance will always help to get excellent harvests.

How to equip a garden in the country (video)

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