.If you choose the right variety, grow healthy seedlings and carefully care for it, the colorful bushes in the garden will generously thank their owner. Growing a rich crop of Bulgarian pepper in the garden is not as easy as it seems at first glance. The main problem faced by gardeners when growing this vegetable is the bitterness of the fruit. It's a shame when you mess around with planting seedlings, water and feed plants regularly, protect them from pests and diseases, and end up with beautiful, juicy, but inedible fruits. Quite often, instead of the expected variety, small twisted stumps grow on the bush.
How to deal with similar phenomena? It’s very simple: buy Bulgarian pepper seeds from a firm with good recommendations and grow your own seedlings.
Bulgarian pepper seedlings on the windowsill of
High-quality Bulgarian pepper seedlings are a guarantee of a rich harvest in the future. To make it healthy and strong, you need to take care of quality seeds. It is best to purchase them in specialized stores or on the website of the manufacturer. Do not buy seeds by weight, it is better to take a few bags of favorite varieties that are suitable for growing in your area. It is important that the packaging is hermetically sealed and provides complete information about the manufacturer, the number of seeds, the percentage of similarity and the date of suitability.
In time and properly sown seeds will give friendly and strong shoots. To seedlings pleased their owners, you must remember a few rules:
- The best time for planting is the beginning of February. Pepper seedlings have a good time to get stronger before planting in the open field and build up a powerful root system.
- Before sowing, seeds should be soaked in a strong solution of potassium permanganate, allowed to stand for 15 minutes, rinse under running water and process for 12 hours with a growth stimulator.
- After stimulant treatment, it is advisable to put the seeds on a damp cloth and place in a mini-hothouse.
- After swelling, you can clearly see the quality, suitable for planting seeds.
- Sowing must be done in sterile soil. Do not rely on purchased soil. It can also be infected by infectious bacteria. The best proportion of soil for planting Bulgarian pepper is a mixture of peat, garden soil and sand 1: 1.The land mixture is also worth pouring a strong solution of potassium permanganate.
- Sowing is done in a moist soil into small furrows no deeper than 1.5 cm. The soil is compacted with a spatula or palm. The container is placed in a mini greenhouse or covered with foil.
- Pepper is a very thermophilic and for germination seeds need high temperature and humidity. Until the ground in the tank warms up to +25 degrees, shoots will not appear. It is important to know if swollen seeds are planted, which at a lower temperature can rot in the soil. If the temperature is lower, then the first shoots can wait a very long time or not wait at all.
- After the first sprouts appear, the greenhouse must be ventilated every day for half an hour and the temperature should be reduced to +22 degrees so that the plants do not stretch out. Watering the seedlings at this time is not recommended. It is better to spray them with warm water from the sprayer. Water procedures can be carried out on cloudy days, or the container with seedlings can be removed from the light in order not to burn tender shoots.
- At temperatures below +20 degrees, the seedlings stop growing. On cloudy days it is advisable to place the plants under the lamp.
- After the appearance of the second true sheet, you can begin a picking. The plants are watered abundantly two hours before the start of the procedure. This technique reduces injuries to the root system. Ideal - transplanting with a small lump of earth. Such seedlings quickly take root and start to grow. If the plant has long roots, it is desirable to shorten them, but only the part that is not covered with soil. After the picks. Seedlings watered no earlier than five days.
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Taking care of Bulgarian pepper
The process of growing bell pepper in the open field is no less important than working with seedlings. If you treat it responsibly, in the fall small bushes will delight you with a rich multi-colored crop. Caring for bell peppers includes regular watering, weeding, loosening the soil, feeding and picking fruits to the extent of their ripeness. Peppers are planted according to the 40 cm by 40 cm scheme. Such thickened plantings are characteristic of this plant and have a beneficial effect on its growth.
Pepper is not only a thermophilic plant, but a great lover of drink. Water the plant should be warm water in the evening. On hot days, daily watering will not be redundant.
Once a week, after abundant watering, the plants are fed with organic fertilizers. Trace elements can be made no more than once every two weeks.
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Growing sweet bell peppers in a greenhouse is no different from its cultivation on the street. The only difference is that tall varieties are suitable for greenhouses, which require a garter or support. In the greenhouse, pepper feels more comfortable, because it loves heat and moisture.
The best varieties of Bulgarian pepper
Today it is quite difficult to determine the best varieties of Bulgarian pepper among the wide range of products that domestic and foreign manufacturers offer to gardeners.
Among the long-proven varieties should be noted:
- "California Miracle",
- "Gift of Moldova",
- "Orange Miracle".
These varieties feel great in the open and the ground and film shelters.
Among the modern varieties have proved themselves worthy:
- "Chardash",
- "Shorokshary"( improved California Miracle),
- "Cornet",
- "Triton",
- "Marinkin tongue",
- "Ivanhoe",
- "Fat Baron" 1998
Red pepper in modern breeding has received many relatives who can boast a yellow, orange, black, white, purple color and will help to create a multicolored carnival on the garden bed.
Diseases and pests of the bell pepper
A common disease of the seedlings of the Bulgarian pepper is the black leg. It appears when thickened plantings and non-compliance with agricultural technology:
- frequent overflow of soil;
- lack of daily ventilation;
- low room temperature.
When infecting with a black leg, 80% of seedlings die, therefore it is better to follow the rules of disease prevention:
- process seeds before planting in solution of potassium permanganate;
- destroy problem seedlings;
- to disinfect the soil.
At the first signs of the disease, the soil is watered with a solution of copper sulfate( 3%).
Vertex rot affects young bushes that lack calcium. The reason may also be an excess of nitrogen in the soil, irregular irrigation, sudden changes in humidity in the air. The disease manifests itself in the form of watery spots on fruits, which dry up after a few days. Infection can be quickly and effectively overcome. It is necessary to spray or feed the pepper bushes with calcium nitrate or calcium chloride, as the plants quickly return to normal and continue to develop. To prevent disease, it is necessary to control the amount of nitrogen in the soil and watering.
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When the plant withers, leaves turn yellow and curl, these are true signs of fusarium wilt. If you do not take action, then in a few days the bush will die. The peak of the disease falls on the time of fruit set. There are no ways to treat this infection. The only way out is to remove the diseased plant and destroy it. To prevent the disease from visiting the vegetable beds, they must be kept clean from the weeds, regularly loosening the soil.
Septoria is manifested as white spots on the leaves of the plant and can destroy half the crop in a few days. To cope with the problem will help "Trichodermin", "Fitosporin."
The most dangerous pest of the Bulgarian pepper is the whitefly. You can get rid of it only with the help of chemicals. Biological agents are only effective if the plants are grown outside.
Diseases and pests of Bulgarian pepper can be overcome if you follow the rules of growing plants and observe the growing season of green pets. Daily observations will help to quickly detect the problem and remove it. But how to grow bell pepper in the country? City dwellers do not have the opportunity to often walk in the beds and in order not to lose most of the harvest, it is necessary to adhere to preventive measures starting from sowing seeds. Well, if you have the opportunity to grow peppers under a film cover. This will help to avoid many problems during the absence of owners and protects plants from hail, hot sunshine, overcooling and strong wind.
When is it best to sow peppers for seedlings?- read our article!
Tips for Growing Sweet Pepper