Male and female hearts conqueror - carp baked in the oven

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At least one fish dish should be on the holiday table. Carp baked in the oven is beautiful, fast and divinely delicious. Lemon slices laid in cuts will remind guests of the majestic mountain ranges of the Caucasus. Crisp with tender and juicy fillet will be the peak of bliss for gourmets, but the bones will bring them back to reality. After such a meal, everyone will be satisfied. As a result, many recognize that there is no dish tastier than carp baked in the oven. To get such a full house, you should make a lot of effort. At first it is necessary to decide which side dish and sauce / marinade will be appropriate, and only then proceed with the task. So, the hostess will need to spend a half to two hours of time on its preparation.

Fins, gills and eyes must be carefully removed. If the fish is held in boiling water for 30 seconds and then rinsed under running water, the scales can be easily removed with a spoon or knife.

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Antique sculpture

The larger the dish, the more presentable it looks on the table. It is served on long oval plates, decorating with sprigs of parsley, tomatoes or carrots. The technology of how to bake carp in the oven entirely, every woman should know. Men are crazy about fishing, but even more they love wives who know how to cook their prey properly. Without step-by-step instructions in this matter is not enough. The spouse needs:

  • to heat the oven to 200 degrees;
  • take two onions, herbs, carcass 1.5 kg, oil, garlic, tomato paste, a glass of water and spices;
  • clean the fish, rub it with salt inside and outside, and then let it stand for half an hour;
  • grease it with vegetable oil, make deep cuts, and then put it on a baking sheet covered with foil;
  • put onion sliced ​​onions together with chopped garlic;
  • make tomato sauce: dilute 30 g of pasta with water( 2-3 tablespoons);
  • put the marinade on the vegetables, add the peas with bay leaves and send them to bake;
  • for one hour, pour the dish with juice, which is collected in the pot;
  • garnish / torn parsley leaves to decorate carp baked in the oven.
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Before the presentation, remove the bay leaf, as well as garlic pieces. Cooked, they are not tasty, because all their juices are given to the rest of the products. The smell of tina is removed with greenery, which is stuffed with the belly. White ground pepper in combination with such products gives the treat a unique taste and aroma.

These royal dishes should be served boiled vegetables, as well as slices of white, but not black bread. It has a pronounced taste, so it will dominate the "king" of the dinner. Crumbly rice cooked with grated carrots has always been considered an amazing side dish. Such a relief “cushion” of cereals will be an amazing background for the dish.

In another recipe for carp baked in the oven, the hostess is offered to put lemon slices in the cuts. In an acidic environment, any meat becomes softer and juicier. Other chefs like to use a sleeve instead of foil. To form a golden crust, it must be broken 20 minutes before readiness.

Gas ovens have a different design, so the products often burn. If you put a bowl of water under the pan, this can be avoided.

Cream Sachet

Dairy products are used as a marinade in order to create a pleasant taste background. Although the main task is to fill the dish with delicate sauce, many people pay special attention to the stuffing of carp baked in sour cream. Fresh mushrooms will complement this composition of tastes in an original way, and solid melted cheese will not leave indifferent even picky gourmets. Some pre-fry the carcass to form a golden brown. And during this time, the hostess should have time:

  • to dissolve 2 teaspoons of soy sauce in two tbsp.lsour cream;
  • fill the paste with salt, pepper and a pinch of coriander;
  • plentifully grease the fish by making a layer of 0.5 cm inside;
  • chop up large rings, chop the onion, Bulgarian pepper, tomatoes( cherry tomatoes), grate celery root, and sprinkle the ingredients with spices, which are mentioned above;
  • to stuff a belly with vegetables, adding a few bay leaves;
  • make 3-5 cuts, put a lemon in them, cover the bottom of the pan with foil and pour the remaining products there;
  • decorate with parsley, slightly covering the dish;
  • send for 30-40 the oven, and for 5-10 minutes until ready to turn on the grill.

Spices give aroma in the event that to rub them a little hands. Bay leaves just break open into small pieces.

The optimum temperature for such fish is from 190 to 200 ° C.The sequence of technologically advanced cooking processes is not an ironic rule. Therefore, some cooks first stuff fish, and then lubricate it, others do in the reverse order. The result will be the same. Carp, baked in the oven and in foil, will make a lasting impression on guests. At the same time, red wine or brandy is delightfully drunk with such treats.

Doctors do not recommend to use the head, fins, as well as the tail of river fish. They accumulate a lot of microbes and bacteria, and even radiation in the gills.

Antoshka, prepare a spoon for dinner

A rosy and golden-haired boy did not want to help choose potatoes. But now it's lunch time. In a split second, he took his big spoon from his pocket. Such a reaction should be expected from guests when they see golden carp baked in the oven with potatoes. For cooking, you can use whole roots. Some like to cut them into slices or slices( in a rustic).And the process itself includes simple steps:

  • washed and dried fish salt;
  • bulb crushed in such a way as to obtain half rings or feathers;
  • mixed cutting with spices( coriander, oregano) and spices;
  • potatoes cut into halves / quarters;
  • stuff the carcass with seasoned onions, and root crops are spread around it and salted;
  • bake everything at t = 200 ° for 45-55 minutes.
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Each recipe for baked carp in the oven comes with a photo. It depicts a fish with a golden crust. To achieve this result allows a special sauce, which is necessary to lubricate the surface of all products. In one case, sour cream with a high percentage of fat is used, and in the other - mayonnaise. Vegetables are recommended to be watered with vegetable oil mixed with basil. When serving with them, it is important to serve cream sauce. Mass is mixed with onion and dill feathers. With this paste, the taste of the potato becomes more pronounced.

An alternative to onions is lemon, which is used as a filling. Garnish is best to diversify with tomatoes, peppers and eggplants.

Sweet stuffing

The combination of two different taste ranges always leads to a positive result. It may seem strange to many, if cooked in the oven carp, baked and stuffed with apples. Unexpected turn of events? After removing the first sample, the surprise will be even greater. Juicy, soft and with a soft taste of sweetness on the lips, such a fillet falls in love at first sight. You can only expect this result if:

  • peeled garlic( 2-3 cloves), rub each part of fish;
  • make cross-cuts along the spine on a salted and seasoned carcass;
  • put lemon pieces into the holes;
  • peel apples( 4-5 pcs.) And cut into thin slices;
  • on a greased foil lay out the fruit on the diagonal;
  • put the fish on the "fragrant" basis;
  • tightly filled with the remaining pieces of its inside;
  • lubricate all the ingredients with vegetable oil;
  • bake at 180 ° until crispy.

Apples are better to choose with sourness. This recipe uses the Antonovka variety, the rest prefer the Highlander.

The dish is decorated with greenery. Around the fish alternately razladuyut dill and parsley. Along the perimeter of the plate is decorated with the fruits of dogwood. Now the contrast is sustained not only in taste, but also in the color palette. Onion feathers and hot peppers diversify this unusual presentation. Many are discouraged by the unsightly look of empty eye sockets. Lingonberries or cranberries can be put in these holes.

Read also: How to safely and tasty pickle aspen mushrooms for the winter

After these recipes, each mother will want to please her loved ones with carp baked in the oven. The simple and fast process of cooking dishes will appeal to many housewives, and taste to all family members.

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