Useful properties of ginger and contraindications

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ginger on the healing effects of ginger root for the first time noticed the ancient Hindus, tellingabout the plant in treatises on healing. Although more than three thousand years have passed, ginger, the beneficial properties and contraindications of its horned roots are still valued by traditional healers, doctors and ordinary people.

It was from the north of the Indian Peninsula with itinerant merchants that the miraculous root came first to the Middle East, Persia, Egypt, and then to the states on the shores of the Mediterranean. For the Phoenicians, ginger was so valuable that they used the roots to pay for goods as an analog of coins.

Today, fresh and crushed, after drying, ginger roots can be easily purchased in a store or on the market. And some enthusiasts grow this crop on home window sills. Ginger has become more accessible, but has not ceased to be a true source of useful properties.

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How is ginger useful, and what substances in the composition determine its healing effects?

Composition of ginger root

Useful properties and contraindications of ginger root are determined by the presence of certain biologically active substances and their concentration.

About 100 mg of carbohydrates, 6 mg of fiber, a little less than 10 mg of proteins and half of the fat per 100 grams of pulp of purified fresh root. There are quite a lot of vitamins in ginger. These are ascorbic acid, B1, B2, B3, A. Among the macro- and microelements are magnesium and phosphorus, sodium and calcium, potassium, zinc and iron. Rich juicy dense flesh and essential amino acids.

The aroma of fresh ginger is due to a high concentration of essential oils, and its hot, pungent taste is gingerol, which has been used in the fight against obesity and the treatment of diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

Therapeutic effect of ginger on the human body

In appearance, the modest light-beige thickened root has an amazing set of qualities recognized by folk and official medicine. The beneficial properties of ginger for women and men of different ages are in demand for various disorders of the digestive system.

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Drinks, culinary dishes and preparations based on plant raw materials help:

  • salivation;
  • increased production of amylase needed to support digestion;
  • pathogen suppression;
  • destruction and removal of intestinal parasites from the body;
  • relief and reduction of gas formation;
  • for the speedy healing of wounds and erosions on the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and stomach;
  • relieving spasms and pain relief;
  • elimination of food toxins.

Not less wide and effective impact of the root on the circulatory system and heart. With a small number of contraindications, the beneficial properties of ginger are very valuable:

  • for stimulating blood circulation, including the cerebral;
  • to remove excess cholesterol from the body and cleanse the walls of blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques that have already formed;
  • with increased pressure and signs of hypertension;
  • in the prevention and treatment of thrombosis and varicose veins.

Ginger root can gently but effectively regulate the state of the heart muscle, maintain the overall tone of the body, and also regulate the state of sugar in the blood. In terms of the variety and effectiveness of its effects, ginger can only be compared with ginseng or garlic. But at the same time the range of diseases, the course of which can ease this plant many times wider.

It has long been known that ginger is useful for colds and seasonal viral diseases. And here it is important to note that the plant helps to cope simultaneously with several unpleasant symptoms.

Root has the ability:

  • to intensify perspiration;
  • has anti-inflammatory antimicrobial or bactericidal action;
  • to disinfect and refresh the oral cavity;
  • to tone up and maintain a supply of strength, even under severe loads for the body, such as flu and cold;
  • gently relieve headaches and joint pains;
  • stimulate the discharge and thinning of sputum.

Ginger Infusion is one of the popular folk remedies for sinusitis, congestion, or difficulty breathing for respiratory ailments. Based on the study of the beneficial properties and contraindications of ginger, doctors have concluded that the plant is promising in the treatment of such complex diseases as hepatitis, bronchial asthma, dysbacteriosis, diabetes and even oncological diseases.

See also: The benefits and contraindications of pickled ginger

Ginger tea and medicines made using the root of this plant have a pronounced diuretic property. In combination with the ability to enhance digestion and metabolic processes, this is extremely important if ginger is used for weight loss.

Ginger with antioxidant properties is included in the course of cleansing and rejuvenation of the body. It is an excellent tool for maintaining youth, strengthening immunity and getting rid of slags accumulated in the digestive tract.

With the help of the diuretic action of ginger, you can forget about edema for a long time, and the anti-inflammatory properties of the root are needed if a person suffers from problems with the joints.

Useful properties and contraindications of ginger for men and women

Rejuvenating, toning and other useful properties of ginger for women over the age of 45 years and men over 50 years old are necessary to maintain good health, high performance and activity. The plant product stimulates cerebral circulation, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and, if used properly, is an excellent prevention of stroke and heart attack.

But this is not all the benefits for men's and women's health. Fresh ginger root has established itself as a fast-acting remedy for the treatment of urogenital diseases and sexual disorders. These properties of ginger are especially useful for men suffering from erectile dysfunction, as well as inflammatory problems and prostatitis.

Ginger is highly effective as a means of preventing nausea, vomiting, and discomfort during rocking.

This ginger, useful for the body of the woman, is used by future mothers suffering from toxemia in the first half of pregnancy. In addition, the plant helps to better digest food, relieves frequent edema in pregnant women, maintains overall tone. Women of childbearing age, experiencing spasmodic pain during menstruation, can also use ginger to alleviate their condition and, at the same time, prevent inflammatory diseases of the urogenital area.

See also: Health benefits and harm of peaches

Ginger root can be used not only as an ingredient for cooking and drinking. The root is effective for solving external problems, for example, in inflammatory processes on the skin, cellulite, seborrhea of ​​the scalp.

If there are no contraindications, the useful properties of ginger for men can bring a solution to the problem of baldness. The local irritation of the pulp of fresh root stimulates blood circulation and activates dormant hair follicles.

Using the healing properties of ginger, you need to remember that this plant can enhance the effects of other herbs and fruits used with it.

Contraindications to the use of ginger root

Ginger root - a real storehouse of bioactive compounds. It predetermines a huge number of useful properties, but ginger has contraindications. And they are explained by the presence of the same active substances. Why does the good and harm of ginger go near?

Deal in a high concentration of essential oils, acids, bitters and other active compounds. To abandon ginger will have to give up in the presence of:

  • any exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • allergic reactions to plants and herbs;
  • inflammation of the skin;
  • heat;
  • internal and external bleeding.

Do not get involved in ginger in the second half of pregnancy. Since vegetable raw materials increase the tone of the uterus, it is worth refusing from ginger tea, pickled root or preparations, where there is ginger. It is permissible to add chopped root to culinary dishes and pastries.

The risk factors for consuming large quantities of ginger are:

  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gallstone disease;
  • exacerbation of skin diseases of different nature;
  • taking individual medicines, whose action is intensified in combination with ginger.

Therefore, deciding to experience the miraculous effects of ginger root, it is useful to turn to professionals. The doctor will evaluate all the positive and possible negative aspects of taking ginger and give recommendations on the dosage and duration of the course.

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