How to choose and plant a rose out of the box

Content of the article:

video A large variety of roses is coming to the supermarkets since January, starting from January, a wide variety of roses are coming from the box -

.Local( not southern) or Dutch varieties are best adapted to our conditions.

Hybrid tea plants are more demanding for care and growing conditions.

How to choose the right roses in the box:

  1. Pay attention to the quality of seedlings. The root neck should not be tightly wrapped on top( vaccination in this case may be sub-heating).The trunk should be thick, healthy bark, uniform.
  2. Kidneys should be dormant, but alive, dense, green( not brown, not black).
  3. Paraffin, which treated plants helps to preserve moisture and the rapid growth of the kidneys.
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Some people choose plants with buds that sprouted in January. They will not be enough light, shoots will be weak. Such a seedling may die.

If it is not possible to store the rose at a temperature of less than 4-5 degrees( in the refrigerator or cellar), the plant is soaked and planted in the ground.

Grafted roses grow faster and more magnificently bloom. Seedlings should have several mature and stiff green stems with healthy bark.

Soil preparation

The optimum soil composition for planting roses from the boxes:

  • 2 parts of the upper fertile layer of garden soil;
  • 1 part of humus;
  • 1 part fine sand;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part of fine weathered clay.

If the soil on the site is heavy, clay will need a drainage device.

When the sapling was brought home

When you early purchase a rose in a box, you need to save the sapling correctly so that it will not die after the planting.

Read also: Spring mineral dressing of roses as a pledge of lush flowering

After they brought the seedling home, they inspect it. Remove the film, the soil under it should be wet, and the roots alive.

There are two options:

  • leave a rose for storage in the refrigerator or cellar;
  • land in the ground.

Initial actions:

  1. Inspect the roots, rotted parts cut.
  2. They remove the film, take moistened sphagnum moss( synthetic winterizer, sawdust), cover the roots, then wrap it in a film. Thanks to this, the roots breathe. Moss has a bactericidal effect and helps to moisten the soil.
  3. Clean the rose in a cold place.

At +5 degrees, the plant begins to wake up. If you notice that the buds germinate, you need to straighten the roots, lower the seedling into the water for 7 hours, then plant it in the ground.

Watering fungicides helps protect plants from fungal infections.

How to plant roses bought in an

box Planted roses from the box in open ground in April or May. If the buds woke up earlier, you can plant roses out of the box in a bucket or other container and put it on a balcony or terrace.

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Dwarf and hybrid tea varieties are buried 3 cm in the soil. Park, ground cover and climbing roses are 5 cm deep.

Before you put the rose plant, you need to look at the fabric and the climbing roses, 5 cm.grow.

Requirement for the site:

  • sufficient illumination and air intake;
  • windproof;
  • acidity with a pH level of 6-6.5;
  • optimal side: south, southeast, southwest;
  • soil fertility, fertilizer.

Roses grow poorly on sands and sandy forests.

Instructions on how to plant roses bought in a store:

  1. The seedling is fully dipped in cold water for 6-7 hours. According to the instructions add growth stimulants.
  2. Prepare a pit with a width and depth of 50 cm. Arrange the drainage layer.
  3. Add complex mineral fertilizers, humus. They pour a layer of prepared soil, plant roses out of the box, fill all the free space with soil.
  4. Plentifully watered.
  5. Cover with a mulch of humus, sawdust or bark from trees.

The first time the plant is shaded from the sun. It is necessary to water and fertilize roses regularly, timely remove weeds and treat with protective compounds against diseases and pests.

Sapling is better rooted in cool and wet weather. The plant can not be sharply endured to sunlight. It should be gradually hardened, bringing it out into the street for a short time in the morning.

Planting roses out of the box on the balcony

If it is not possible to store the seedlings at a temperature of less than +5 degrees, the buds will begin to germinate. In this case, planted roses in a container and put on a glassed-in balcony in the shade.

Read also: Canadian roses - undemanding beauties of the garden

The pot volume is calculated so that the root system completely fills the pot until the planting in the ground.

At a temperature below 0 degrees, the plant is brought into the room.

Before planting roses bought in a box in the open soil, they are quenched. Starting from April, the windows open briefly every day, gradually increasing the time of access to the plant of fresh air. Then leave the window wide open, not closing even for the night.

Inexperienced gardeners sometimes lose roses, bought in a box and planted in open ground. This is due to the fact that they do not know how to choose the seedling, store and plant it. If you follow the recommendations, the flower over the years will delight with its beauty and aroma.

Recommendations for planting roses out of the box - video

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