Decorate your site with an unusual ipomoea purpurea

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Surely you have seen beautiful gramophone against the background of heart-shaped foliage in your garden or at home in the early warm morning. This ipomoea purpurea is one of the fast-growing annual lianas, unpretentious to care for. You can even say that this is a kind of weed like a convolvulus, the decorative value of which is much higher. There are many varieties of plants, but the most popular is the ipomoea purpurea and tricolor.

Ipomoea purple stars of paradise: photo and description

Ipomoea purpurea( Ipomaea purpurea), also called farbitis( popularly called gramophone, bindweed) belongs to the family of bindweed. It got its name from the Greek ips, which means "worm", and "homoios", in translation - "way."And, truth, the rhizome and stalks of a plant are similar to a long worm. The birthplace of the flower is South and Central America.

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The ipomoea is developing rapidly. Literally overnight, it can twist a small support, and in a short period the stems grow up to 3-4 m in areas where it is warm for a long time, their length can reach 7 m.

You can identify the plant by:

  1. Stem. It has pubescence and very curly.
  2. Foliage. It has a heart-shaped or ovoid-pointed shape, is located on a long petiole and is colored bright green.
  3. Buds. They are gramophone with a diameter of up to 6 cm, arranged on a short peduncle and painted in different colors, for example, violet, blue, blue, lilac, purple. Besides color can be both monophonic, and motley. Terry and striped varieties have a great decorative value.
  4. Abundant blooms, occurs in the last days of June and lasts until frost. The peculiarity of the plant is the lifespan of the bud itself - only one day from early morning to 14-17.00 days.

The plant is poisonous!

Photo Ipomoea purpurea, planting and care

Ipomoea is unpretentious. However, you need to take care of it.

Read also: Chic gramophones at the cottage - Ipomoea kvamoklit

Lighting and location

The plant loves light, so it should be planted in places with good lighting during the day. It is not recommended to plant a flower in partial shade or shade, because the lack of light affects its decorative effect: the buds lose their brightness, the flowering is not so abundant. The ideal location is on the south-east south or south-west windows.

Temperature Regime

Ipomoea purpurea prefers warmth rather than cold. And frosts are disastrous for her.


But this indicator is not of particular importance. Yes, the plant feels better in a more humid atmosphere than in a dry one. With a lack of moisture, you can simply spray the plants from the spray.

Spraying is done carefully so that the drops do not fall on the buds and do not burn.


Ipomoea purpurea does not tolerate stagnant water. Therefore, watering it requires moderate. Overflow is destructive - root rots and the plant dies. At the same time, in hot weather, the earthen clod should not be allowed to dry - this will also lead to death. With the arrival of autumn - watered only when the ground is well dried out. As soon as you see that the plant “hangs” the leaves - you need to water it.


Substrate for farbitis should be both nutritious and loose. These indicators significantly affect the development of the plant. The substrate must have a pH of 6-7.At the same time it should not be a lot of nitrogen. Otherwise, it will be well to increase the leaf mass, and abundant flowering is not expected. If you plant a plant in pots( for example, for seedlings), give preference to a universal ground mix sod and deciduous soil and sand.

Top dressing

They are carried out during the period of active growth with preparations for succulents or decorative growing plants. After the first feeding, after 2-3 weeks they do it again.

Nuances of planting and care Ipomoea purpurea heavenly stars:

  1. Flower plants live only one day. As a rule, he falls down on his own. But if this does not happen, it should be cut, after collecting the seeds.
  2. With the onset of the first frost, it is necessary to cut and dispose of puffy stems.
  3. 3-4 weeks after landing, the Ipomoea is set to support.
  4. If the plant has an unsightly look, you should pinch the tops of the stem. This provokes the emergence of lateral shoots.
  5. In the spring, if the bush is thick, prune some branches, leaving 1-3 stalks on each specimen.

Reducing the temperature to 5⁰C is detrimental to the plant. Therefore, the landing should be carried out strictly taking into account the climate of your region.

Propagation of

The process is carried out by the seminal method by two methods.

Read also: Resuscitate a dying anthurium plant


The seeds of the Ipomea of ​​the Purple are heavenly stars, so they are stratified before planting. Planting is carried out in plastic cups filled with a substrate( coconut fiber, vermiculite, ground sheet, peat in a ratio of 1: 1: 2: 1), previously disinfected.

Seeds are treated with a fungicide or permanganate, washed and soaked in water for a day.2-3 seeds are planted in each cup, to a depth of 2.5-3 cm. Watering is covered with glass or film. For germination need a temperature of 18-20—C and daily ventilation.

After 10-14 days sprouts appear. After the second pair of leaves grow, they dive and roll over into a large container. After the retreat of the frosts, the plant is transplanted to a permanent place in the ground, keeping 20-25 cm between specimens.

Directly to the groundFrom above, the substrate is loosened and planted in grooves( 1.5-2 cm deep), 2-3 seeds, previously scarified. Between the seeds should observe a distance of 20-25 cm.

After all, plenty of water. When the shoots grow up to 10-15 cm in height, pinch the top to achieve branching. Next, carry out the care, as usual.

Pests and Diseases

Ipomoea purple flower is very weak in health. As soon as agrotechnical rules are violated, the plant will fall ill. Most commonly observed:

  1. White rust. You can detect it by the appearance of round spots of small size with a white coating, due to the presence of fungus. To eliminate the disease, the affected areas should be cut off and phytosporin should be treated.
  2. Soft Rot. Reveals the appearance of softness on the stems. The only way out is to uproot the plant and burn it.
  3. Anthracnose. It manifests itself, as a rule, due to the enhanced development of the fungus with improper watering or in a long rain period. Problems can be identified by the presence of small brown spots with a yellow border. Over time, they increase in size, interfere with the processes of photosynthesis, after which the sheet dies. To cope with the disease by removing the affected parts and stems and further processing fungicidal preparations lashes and soil.
  4. Rot and stem rot. Occur under the action of the fungus fusarium. The disease is detected by the occurrence of affected areas of dark brown color with a sharp boundary of healthy tissue. To cure the plant is no longer possible. It is only removed from the roots and burned.
  5. Rot black. With such a disease, depressed dark-colored patches appear on the plant with pink secretions from them. They fight by removing the affected parts, and then by spraying fungicides.

Growing ipomeyu need to remember that there are viruses that infect the plant, but can not be treated. Moreover, they are transmitted to a young plant grown vegetatively

Pests are not afraid of the plant because of its poisonousness. Only spider mites and aphids can appear. Get rid of them with insecticides or infusion of garlic, soapy water.

Read also: Two ways of planting Ipomoea yam and flower care basics

In the world of design

Ipomoea will decorate any garden with its presence. As a rule, it is planted along the hedge, near the arches, arbors for a beautiful view. Special chic is obtained by landing a mixture of colors Ipomoea purpurea heavenly stars.

They like to plant a plant near the walls of the houses in order to improve the microclimate in the house, shading the southern windows.

When planting near trees, a plant twines around its trunk and branches. If, instead, there is a dried snag, the result will be similar to topiary. But the use of trellis with gramfonchik will allow profitable and beautiful to separate the seating area.

Decorating your garden with a morning glory, and showing imagination, you can give individuality to your home and the landscape around it.

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