The subtleties of cooking Bulgur

. Asdsoup with bulgur

  • Bulgur with dried fruits
  • Video recipe for pilaf from Bulgur

  • Today we will talk about how to boil bulgur and find out all the details of cooking. During their travels, the Maghreb merchants brought to Europe not only fabrics and utensils, but also some products, among which bulgur took pride of place. This is one of the favorite dishes of the Caucasus, the Balkans, Northern India, the Middle East, Pakistan and southern Russia. It is very tasty, nutritious and good in both hot and cold.

    What is Bulgur?

    Bulgur is nothing more than cereal, obtained from durum wheat, heat treated with water and further dried. After that, the outer shell is removed from the grains by the method of grinding( this gives the croup an amber tint), and then crushed into three fractions:

    1. Thin. Such cereals are used in the preparation of pastries, bread and biscuits. Thanks to a bulgur, baking acquires a crunch and nutty taste.
    2. Medium. It cooks various culinary dishes, starting with salads and appetizers, and ending with side dishes and soups.
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    3. Rough. This cereal is used instead of rice in the pilaf, which significantly affects the calorie content of the dish( it decreases).

    How to boil bulgur

    According to the rules, the middle fraction is not cooked, but steamed, filled with hot water at a ratio of 1: 2 in a food thermos( you can use a saucepan that needs to be wrapped well).After 40-50 minutes, bulgur will swell, and it can be used to make cutlets with potatoes and “kysyr” salad.

    When preparing soups, you need to take into account an increase in the volume of cereals by about 2.5 times.

    But how to cook coarse-ground bulgur? First, it is washed and fried for 5-10 minutes in oil, and then boiled, filled with water at a ratio of 1: 2, on low heat for 20 minutes while stirring. The finished porridge is covered with a lid and allowed to infuse for 10 minutes.

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    Oddly enough, bulgur has contraindications:

    • frequent bloating;
    • increased acidity;
    • frequent diarrhea;
    • gluten intolerance;
    • inflammation in the esophagus and stomach;
    • persistent overeating.

    If you experience any discomfort or symptoms, you should exclude the product from the diet and consult a specialist.

    How to cook bulgur for garnish: cooking secrets

    From the bulgur not only the first and second courses, but also delicious desserts are prepared. To prepare a tasty dish, you must follow some rules:

    1. The croup does not need to be soaked or washed.
    2. First, the bulgur is fried in butter, and then just boiled. This procedure gives a nutty flavor and charming flavor.
    3. Cooked in a bowl with a thick bottom. It can be a pot, a cauldron or a wok.
    4. During cooking, the volume of cereal is tripled. So do not forget to take a suitable pan.
    5. Krupa and water are taken in a 1: 2 ratio, respectively.
    6. When cooking in a slow cooker, the buckwheat mode is used.

    Bulgur goes well with spices and various oils. So, you can safely add when cooking: marjoram, cinnamon, thyme, rosemary, ground cardamom.

    Tarragon should not be used, because it "suppresses" the nutty taste of cereals and gives it bitterness.

    When cooking bulgur, please note that it is not recommended to combine it in a dish with eggs, raw potatoes, cabbage( white or colored), beetroot. Dried fruits should be added carefully, because in combination with Bulgar it can provoke the occurrence of fermentation in the intestines.

    Do not use cereal for people who are allergic to cereal or gluten.

    How to cook bulgur: recipes with photos

    Now we suggest visually familiarize yourself with the preparation of various variations of bulgur.

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    Bulgur with vegetables

    Prepare a delicious bulgur with vegetables - a delicate and hearty meal. The dish will not leave anyone indifferent due to the taste and charming aroma. Its plus is that without adding meat, the dish turns into a dietary one.

    For cooking two glasses of cereal, you will need 2 onions and bell peppers, 3 cloves of garlic. And what is the oriental dish without spices? Therefore, in the course are: 1 tsp.sweet paprika and chili pepper, 2 tbsp.llemon juice, a bunch of your favorite greens, salt. For refueling - sunflower oil.


    1. All vegetables are thoroughly washed, cleaned, cut into cubes and spread on a baking sheet, previously covered with paper for baking. Spices are poured on vegetables, lemon juice is poured, with vegetable oil. Send in the oven until the peppers soften, and the onion does not acquire a golden hue.
    2. While vegetables are languishing in the oven, boil bulgur according to package instructions. Before crumbly condition and lack of water in the pan.
    3. Ready vegetables are added to bulgur, mixed well, tasted with salt and spices, sprinkled with chopped greens. Placed on plates and served to the table.

    In order not to suffer from spices, you can separately prepare the dressing, mixing them with juice and oil.

    Recipe: Bulgur "Chicken" in a multicooker

    Cooked in a multicooker bulgur with the addition of chicken meat is not only a tasty dish, but also healthy. In addition, it is not difficult to prepare it, since all you need to do is prepare the products. The rest will be done by the technician.

    For 0.5 kg of chicken( fillet) should be taken 0.2 kg of cereals, one bulb, carrots and sweet peppers. In addition, you will need spices( at your discretion), 30 g of sunflower oil and tomato paste.

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    1. Chicken meat is thoroughly washed, cut into small cubes and fried in a bowl of multicooker with the addition of sunflower oil.
    2. As soon as the chicken is fried, it is removed and the vegetables are fried in the remaining oil.
    3. Bulgur is poured into lightly roasted vegetables and covered with a lid. Next on the unit is set to "Porridge".
    4. Bulgur should be slightly undercooked. To it add the fried fillet, tomato paste, pour in some water and stew on, until the bulgur is ready.

    The finished dish is laid out on plates, decorated with greens if desired, and served to the table.

    Video recipe for making soup with bulgur

    Bulgur with dried fruit

    You can cook Bulgur with almost any product, getting tasty and nutritious dishes. We offer to cook bulgur with dried fruits. And fast and useful.

    For a glass( 0.25 kg) of boiled cereal, take 50 g of raisins, dried apricots, cranberries and ½ lemon. Additionally required 2 tsp.honey and butter to taste.


    1. Boil grits in a suitable way.
    2. Rinse dried fruits thoroughly under water, add hot water and leave to infuse until they become soft.
    3. Squeeze out the lemon juice and mix with honey( preferably it is liquid).Fry the chopped dried fruit in butter.
    4. After 3-4 minutes, add boiled bulgur, mix and then 1-2 minutes. Remove from heat, close the lid and leave for half an hour. Sprinkle with nuts before serving.

    Video-recipe for pilaf from bulgur

    Now, knowing the recipes and the subtleties of making bulgur as a garnish, you can easily treat your guests to an exquisite dish, giving it some kind of eastern aura.

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